From measurements of proton-proton elastic scattering at very small momentum transfers where the nuclear and Coulomb amplitudes interfere, we have deduced values of ρ, the ratio of the real to the imaginary forward nuclear amplitude, for energies from 50 to 400 GeV. We find that ρ increases from -0.157 ± 0.012 at 51.5 GeV to +0.039 ± 0.012 at 393 GeV, crossing zero at 280 ± 60 GeV.
The slope b(s) of the forward diffraction peak of p−p elastic scattering has been measured in the momentum-transfer-squared range 0.005≲|t|≲0.09 (GeV/c)2 and at incident proton energies from 8 to 400 GeV. We find that b(s) increases with s, and in the interval 100≲s≲750 (GeV)2 it can be fitted by the form b(s)=b0+2α′lns with b0=8.23±0.27, α′=0.278±0.024 (GeV/c)−2.
We have measured the differential cross section for small angle p−p scattering from 25 to 200 GeV incident energy and in the momentum transfer range 0.015<|t|<0.080 (GeVc)2. We find that the slope of the forward diffraction peak, b(s), increases with energy and can be fitted by the form b(s)=b0+2α′ lns, where b0=8.3±1.3 and α′=0.28±0.13 (GeVc)−2. Such dependence is compatible with the data existing both at higher and lower energies. We have also obtained the energy dependence of the p−p total cross section in the energy range from 48 to 196 GeV. Within our errors which are ± 1.1 mb the total cross section remains constant.
New measurements are reported of total cross sections for π ± , K ± , p and p on protons and deuterons at 11 momenta between 23 and 280 GeV/ c .
Total cross sections of π± and K± on protons and deuterons have been measured at 50, 100, 150, and 200 GeV/c. All of the cross sections rise with increasing momentum.
Proton and antiproton total cross sections on protons and deuterons have been measured at 50, 100, 150, and 200 GeV/c. The proton cross sections rise with increasing momentum. Antiproton cross sections fall with increasing momentum, but the rate of fall decreases between 50 and 150 GeV/c, and from 150 to 200 GeV/c there is little change in cross section.
Total cross sections of π ± , K ± , p and p on protons and deuterons have been measured at 6 momenta between 200 and 370 GeV/ c .
Measurements of the energy and t dependence of diffractive Jψ photoproduction are presented. A significant rise in the cross section over the energy range 60-300 GeV is observed. It is found that (30±4)% of the events are inelastic.
We report measurements from elastic photoproduction of ω's on hydrogen for photon energies between 60 and 225 GeV, elastic φ photoproduction on hydrogen between 35 and 165 GeV and on deuterium between 45 and 85 GeV, elastic photoproduction on deuterium of an enhancement at 1.72 GeV/c2 decaying into K+K−, and elastic and inelastic photoproduction on deuterium of pp¯ pairs.