Results are reported based on a study of 3114 π−p events at 205 GeV/c in the National Accelerator Laboratory 30-in. bubble chamber. The measured π−p total and elastic cross sections are 24.0 ± 0.5 and 3.0 ± 0.3 mb, respectively. The elastic differential cross section has a slope of 9.0 ± 0.7 GeV−2 for 0.03≤−t≤0.6 GeV2. The average charged-particle multiplicity for the inelastic events is 8.02 ± 0.12.
The inclusive ϱ ° production cross section has been measured in the reaction π − p → π + π − X at 205 GeV/ c . We find σ ( ϱ ° ) = 13.5 ± 3.4 mb, with most of the production occuring in the central region. Assuming σ ( ϱ + ) ≈ σ ( ϱ − ) ≈ σ ( ϱ ° ), it is concluded that approximately one-third of the pions at this energy come from ϱ -decay.
A study of 205-GeV/c π−p interactions has been made with a 48 800-picture exposure in the bare Fermilab 30-inch hydrogen bubble chamber. The average number of charged particles produced per inelastic interaction is 7.99±0.06. The elastic cross section is 3.18±0.13 mb and the total cross section is 24.19±0.44 mb. The inclusive cross sections for neutral-particle production are: σ(γ)=171.3±15.3 mb, σ(KS0)=3.64±0.61 mb (x<0.3), σ(Λ)=1.71±0.34 mb (x<0.3), and σ(Λ¯)=0.59±0.23 mb (x<0.1). The average number of π0's produced per inelastic collision is consistent with a linear rise with the number of charged particles, and about equal to the number of produced π− or π+. The average number of K0's, Λ's, and Λ¯'s is consistent with very little dependence on the number of charged particles. General characteristics of neutral-particle production are presented and compared with other experiments. For each topology the produced neutral energy is ∼13 of the incident energy.
In 205 GeV / c π − p inelastic interactions, negative particles with transverse momentum greater than 1.0 GeV / c moving forward in the center of mass outnumber similar positive particles by a factor of 3.7 to 1, greatly in excess of the corresponding ratio for small transverse momentum. The asymmetry is reversed in the backward direction. The forward asymmetry is most prominent in 2-, 4-, and 6-prong interactions, but both forward and backward asymmetries are also substantial for higher multiplicity interactions.
In a 48 000-picture exposure of the Fermilab 30-inch hydrogen bubble chamber to a 205 GeV/ c π − beam, we have measured 169 events of the reaction, π − p → π − π + π − p, with a cross section of 635 ± 61 μ b. This reaction proceeds almost entirely via low mass π − → 3 π and p → p ππ dissociation. Factorization is satisfied for p → pππ dissociation in πp and pp interactions.
We have examined the inclusive production of nonstrange particle resonances in νp interactions using the Fermilab 15-ft bubble chamber. A sample of 2437 charged-current events with visible longitudinal momentum greater than 10 GeV/c was obtained. The ρ0 and Δ++(1232) are seen. An overall rate of 0.21±0.04 ρ0 per event is found. For five-prong events, the rate is 0.44±0.08 ρ0 per event. The ρ0Z distribution falls rapidly for Z greater than 0.4. The production of Δ++ is seen clearly in events with an identified proton. No evidence is seen for Δ0 production. An upper limit of 0.34 is placed on the ratio of ηπ0 (90% confidence level).
In a 35 000-picture exposure of the Fermilab 30-in. hydrogen bubble chamber to a 300-GeV/c proton beam 1863 neutral V0's were measured. The inclusive cross sections for γ, Ks0, Λ0Σ0, and Λ¯0Σ¯0 are 257 ± 18 mb, 7.3 ± 0.6 mb, 3.6 ± 0.4 mb, and 1.0 ± 0.3 mb, respectively. The correlation with charged particles and other inclusive features are studied.
The charged-particle multiplicity distribution from 250-GeV/c π−p interactions in the Fermilab 15-ft bubble chamber is presented. The corrections to the raw data are described. Fits to these data along with other high-energy bubble-chamber data show that cluster models with two components—a low-multiplicity, diffractive component and a high-multiplicity, nondiffractive component—describe the data fairly well. The charged multiplicity of each cluster is found to be ∼2, while the number of clusters for each component grows linearly with ln(s). The multiplicity moments are consistent with other experiments. We find 〈nc〉=8.427±0.059, f2cc=8.66±0.11, 〈nc〉D=2.038±0.023. The total inelastic cross section is σI=21.42±0.50 mb.
In a 35 000-picture exposure of the 30-in. hydrogen bubble chamber to a 300-GeV/c proton beam at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, 10054 interactions have been observed. The measured total cross section is $40.68 \pm 0.55$ mb, the elastic cross section is $7.89 \pm 0.52$ mb, and the average charged-particle multiplicity for inelastic events is $8.S0 \pm 0.12$.
We present results for the reactions νp→μ−π+p and νp→μ−K+p at energies above 5 GeV. The average cross section for the first reaction between 15 and 40 GeV is (0.80±0.12) × 10−38 cm2 and for events with Mπ+p<1.4 GeV is (0.55±0.08) × 10−38 cm2. The ratio of the cross section for the second reaction to that for the first is 0.017±0.010.