The production of the Jψ resonance in 125-GeV/c p¯ and φ− interactions with Be, Cu, and W targets has been measured. The cross section per nucleon for Jψ production is suppressed in W interactions relative to the lighter targets, especially at large values of Feynman x, which is opposite to the expectation from the various explanations of the European Muon Collaboration effect. Models incorporating modifications of the gluon structure functions in heavy targets show qualitative agreement with the data.
Momentum spectra for forward Σ− and Ξ− production by protons on beryllium are presented. Σ− production data for two primary proton momenta are compared to test scaling of the invariant cross section. In addition, the observed single-particle momentum distributions are compared with single-particle spectra from other inclusive reactions initiated by protons.
We present results from a measurement of the differential cross sections for Σ−p, Ξ−p, and π−p elastic scattering at 23 GeV/c. We have collected samples of 6200 Σ−p events, 67 Ξ−p events, and 30 000 π−p events in the interval 0.10<|t|<0.23 (GeV/c)2.
Momentum spectra for forward Σ− production on beryllium by protons of momentum 25.8 and 29.4 GeVc are presented. Data for the two primary proton momenta are compared for scaling behavior in the invariant cross section. In addition, the observed single-particle momentum distributions are compared with single-particle spectra from other inclusive reactions initiated by protons.
The cross section for the reaction p¯N→μ+μ−X with muon pairs in the mass range 4<M<9 GeV/c2 and xF>0 was measured to be σ=0.104±0.005±0.008 nb/nucleon. The distributions dσdxF and M3dσdM were compared to the QCD-improved Drell-Yan model and to calculations including first-order QCD corrections, with use of deep-inelastic structure functions. Excellent agreement with the data was obtained if the calculations were multiplied by factors of 2.45 and 1.41, respectively.
We have studied muon pairs with an invariant mass between 4 and 9 GeV/c2 produced in p¯N and π−N interactions at an incident momentum of 125 GeV/c. The experiment was performed at Fermilab using a tungsten target and a special beam enriched to contain 18% antiprotons. We compare differential distributions as functions of the dimuon invariant mass, Feynman x, transverse momentum, and decay angles of the dimuon to the predictions of the Drell-Yan model including QCD corrections. Quark structure functions for the p¯ and π− are extracted. Comparisons of the antiproton data to the Drell-Yan model are significant because the cross sections depend principally on the valence-quark structure functions which are accurately determined by deep-inelastic scattering measurements. The measured absolute cross section (integrated over positive Feynman x and all transverse momenta) is 0.106±0.005±0.008 nb/nucleon for the p¯N interaction and 0.107±0.003±0.009 nb/nucleon for the π−N interaction, where the quoted errors are statistical and systematic, respectively. Normalization (K) factors that are required to bring the naive Drell-Yan and first-order QCD predictions into agreement with the measurements are extracted, and the uncertainties involved in such comparisons are examined.
We present results for the reactions νp→μ−π+p and νp→μ−K+p at energies above 5 GeV. The average cross section for the first reaction between 15 and 40 GeV is (0.80±0.12) × 10−38 cm2 and for events with Mπ+p<1.4 GeV is (0.55±0.08) × 10−38 cm2. The ratio of the cross section for the second reaction to that for the first is 0.017±0.010.
We have studied transverse momenta of charged hadrons in the current fragmentation region of charged current antineutrino- nucleon interactions observed in the Fermilab 15 ft bubble chamber. The measured momentum squared transverse to the v μ + plane (p out 2 ) of the negative hadrons varies as a function of Q 2 , W 2 and x as expected from t he leading order perturbative QCD calculations. Positively charged hadrons show a different transverse momentum behaviour as a function of Q 2 .
We have examined the inclusive production of nonstrange particle resonances in νp interactions using the Fermilab 15-ft bubble chamber. A sample of 2437 charged-current events with visible longitudinal momentum greater than 10 GeV/c was obtained. The ρ0 and Δ++(1232) are seen. An overall rate of 0.21±0.04 ρ0 per event is found. For five-prong events, the rate is 0.44±0.08 ρ0 per event. The ρ0Z distribution falls rapidly for Z greater than 0.4. The production of Δ++ is seen clearly in events with an identified proton. No evidence is seen for Δ0 production. An upper limit of 0.34 is placed on the ratio of ηπ0 (90% confidence level).
We have used the ratio between the production rates of $K^0$'s and $π^−$'s in antineutrino-nucleon interactions in the Fermilab 15 ft bubble chamber to measure the size of the SU (3) symmetry violation in the production of quark-antiquark pairs to be 0.27 ± 0.04. This value is significantly larger than the value obtained from a recent ep experiment. There is no apparent dependence of the $K^0$/$π^−$ ratio with $W^2 , Q ^2 , x_b$ or $p_T^2$ .