Nucleon structure functions obtained from neutrino and anti-neutrino scattering on iron nuclei at high energies (Ev=30 to 250 GeV) are presented. These results are compared with the results of other lepton-nucleon scattering experiments. The structure functions are used to test the validity of the Gross-Llewellyn-smith sum rule, which measures the number of valence quarks in the nucleons, and to obtain leading and second order QCD fits.
We present results for the reactions νp→μ−π+p and νp→μ−K+p at energies above 5 GeV. The average cross section for the first reaction between 15 and 40 GeV is (0.80±0.12) × 10−38 cm2 and for events with Mπ+p<1.4 GeV is (0.55±0.08) × 10−38 cm2. The ratio of the cross section for the second reaction to that for the first is 0.017±0.010.
We report an improved measurement of the inverse muon decay process, ν μ +e→ μ − + ν e , at the Fermilab Tevatron. The rate of this reaction with respect to the ν μ -N charged current interaction is measured to be (0.1245±0.0057(stat.)±0.0031 (sys.)) × 10 −2 . The measurement confirms the standard model predictions for the Lorentz structure of the weak current, the helicity of the neutrino, and the energy dependence of the cross section.
The NuTeV experiment at Fermilab has used a sign-selected neutrino beam to perform a search for the lepton number violating process $\bar{\nu}_mu e^- \to \mu^- \bar{\nu}_e$, and to measure the cross-section of the Standard Model inverse muon decay process $\nu_{\mu} e^- \to \mu^- \nu_e$. NuTeV measures the inverse muon decay asymptotic cross-section $\sigma/E$ to be 13.8 $\pm$ 1.2 $\pm$ 1.4 x $10^{-42} cm^2$/GeV. The experiment also observes no evidence for lepton number violation and places one of the most restrictive limits on the LNV/IMD cross-section ratio at $\sigma (\bar{\nu}_{\mu} e^- \to \mu^- \bar{\nu}_e) /\sigma (\nu_{\mu}e^- \to \mu^- \nu_e$) $\le$ 1.7% at 90% C.L. for V-A couplings and $\le$ 0.6% for scalar couplings.
A new measurement of the elastic scattering of 250-GeV/c negative pions by electrons provides form-factor results from 0.0368<q2<0.0940 (GeV/c)2. These measurements determine the mean square pion radius to be 〈rπ2〉=0.439±0.030 fm2 or 〈rπ2〉12=0.663±0.023 fm. Comparisons are made with previous elastic-scattering experiments as well as with results obtained from electroproduction experiments, e+e− annihilation experiments, and phenomenological analyses.
We present data on inclusive negative-hadron production from charged-current antineutrino interactions in a 21% Ne-H mixture. Inclusive single-particle distributions are presented and are shown to be insensitive to the momentum transferred to the hadron vertex. Comparisons made to inclusive data from π−p and π−n interactions indicate a close similarity between the hadrons resulting from π-nucleon and ν¯-nucleus interactions. The general features of the ν¯-nucleus data are found to be similar to those seen in ν¯p interactions. This last observation implies that ν¯p and ν¯n interactions are similar and that nuclear effects are small.
An experiment to measure the electromagnetic form factor of the negative π meson has been carried out at Fermilab by elastically scattering 100-GeV/c pions from the atomic electrons in a liquid-hydrogen target. We find that the elastic differential scattering cross section is characterized by a root-mean-square pion charge radius of 0.56±0.04 fm. This paper described our experimental design, measurement resolutions, event triggering logic, event reconstruction, experimental corrections, and form-factor results.
The polarization and Q2 dependence of muoproduced ψ→μ+μ− have been analyzed in a magnetized-steel calorimeter at Fermilab. The reaction γVN→ψN is found to be helicity conserving. Even after allowance for possible Q2 dependence of the decay angular distribution, the ψ muoproduction cross section falls more steeply in Q2 than predicted by ψ dominance.
We have measured the electromagnetic form factor of the charged pion by direct scattering of 100-GeV/c π− from stationary electrons in a liquid-hydrogen target at Fermilab. The deviations from the pointlike pion-scattering cross section may be characterized by a root-mean-square charge radius for the pion of 〈rπ2〉12=0.56±0.04 F.
This paper presents the final results on charged-current neutrino and antineutrino interactions with nuclei from experiment E-310 at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. The data sample, consisting of 21 578 neutrino-induced and 7358 antineutrino-induced events within the fiducial region in the energy range 20<E<325 GeV, is exhibited first to demonstrate the basic properties and kinematic regions represented. The dependence of the nucleon structure functions on the dimensionless variable x and on neutrino energy is then described. Lastly, the variations of the structure functions with x and Q2 are presented. The emphasis throughout has been to understand the effects on the final results of uncertainties in the systematic corrections required by the data. Comparisons with the results of other neutrino experiments are made.