We report a measurement of the p p ̄ total cross section at s =1.8 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider, using the luminosity independent method. Our result is σ T =71.71±2.02 mb. We also obtained values of the total elastic and total inelastic cross sections.
The inclusive ϱ ° production cross section has been measured in the reaction π − p → π + π − X at 205 GeV/ c . We find σ ( ϱ ° ) = 13.5 ± 3.4 mb, with most of the production occuring in the central region. Assuming σ ( ϱ + ) ≈ σ ( ϱ − ) ≈ σ ( ϱ ° ), it is concluded that approximately one-third of the pions at this energy come from ϱ -decay.
Inclusive and semi-inclusive ρ 0 production are studied in 205 GeV/ c pp interactions. The number of ρ 0 per inelastic event is 0.33 ± 0.06, so that (13 ± 2)% of the π − are products of ϱ 0 decay. The ρ 0 are found to be produced mainly near y = 0 and tend to have larger average transverse momentum than do pions.
The NuTeV experiment at Fermilab has used a sign-selected neutrino beam to perform a search for the lepton number violating process $\bar{\nu}_mu e^- \to \mu^- \bar{\nu}_e$, and to measure the cross-section of the Standard Model inverse muon decay process $\nu_{\mu} e^- \to \mu^- \nu_e$. NuTeV measures the inverse muon decay asymptotic cross-section $\sigma/E$ to be 13.8 $\pm$ 1.2 $\pm$ 1.4 x $10^{-42} cm^2$/GeV. The experiment also observes no evidence for lepton number violation and places one of the most restrictive limits on the LNV/IMD cross-section ratio at $\sigma (\bar{\nu}_{\mu} e^- \to \mu^- \bar{\nu}_e) /\sigma (\nu_{\mu}e^- \to \mu^- \nu_e$) $\le$ 1.7% at 90% C.L. for V-A couplings and $\le$ 0.6% for scalar couplings.
We report on measurements of the ϒ(1S), ϒ(2S), and ϒ(3S) differential, (d2σdPtdy)y=0, and integrated cross sections in pp¯ collisions at s=1.8 TeV using a sample of 16.6 ± 0.6 pb−1 collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab. The three resonances were reconstructed through the decay ϒ→μ+μ−. Comparison is made to a leading order QCD prediction.
We report evidence for the Cabibbo-suppressed decay of the charm baryon Λ c + into the final state pK − K + . The analysis is performed on data collected by high energy photoproduction experiment E687 during the 1990–1991 Fermilab fixed target run. The branching ratio of the decay Λ c + → pK − K + relative to the non-suppressed Λ c + → pK − π + is measured to be BR( pK − K + / pK − π + ) = 0.096 ± 0.029 ± 0.010. The upper limit of the decay into pø relative to the inclusive pK − K + decay is measured to be BR( pø / pK − K + < 58% at the 90% confidence level.
We report on a measurement of the branching fraction of the Cabibbo-suppressed decay Bu+→J/ψπ+, where J/ψ→μ+μ−. The data were collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab during 1992–1995 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 110pb−1 in p¯p collisions at s=1.8TeV. A signal of 28−9+10 events is observed and we determine the ratio of branching fractions B(Bu+→J/ψπ+)/B(Bu+→J/ψK+) to be [5.0−1.7+1.9(stat)±0.1(syst)]%. Using the world average value for B(Bu+→J/ψK+), we calculate the branching fraction B(Bu+→J/ψπ+) to be (5.0−1.9+2.1)×10−5. We also search for the decay Bc+→J/ψπ+ and report a 95% confidence level limit on σ(Bc+)B(Bc+→J/ψπ+)/σ(Bu+)B(Bu+→J/ψK+) as a function of the Bc+ lifetime.
Limits on $\nu_\mu (\overline{\nu}_\mu) \to \nu_e (\overline{\nu}_e)$ oscillations based on a statistical separation of $\nu_e N$ charged current interactions in the CCFR detector at Fermilab are presented. $\nu_e$ interactions are identified by the difference in the longitudinal shower energy deposition pattern of $\nu_e N \rightarrow eX$ versus $\nu_\mu N \to \nu_\mu X$ interactions. Neutrino energies range from 30 to 600 GeV with a mean of 140 GeV, and $\nu_\mu$ flight lengths vary from 0.9 km to 1.4 km. The lowest 90% confidence upper limit in $sin^2 2\alpha$ of $1.1 \times 10^{-3}$ is obtained at $\Delta m^2 \sim 300 eV^2$. For $sin^2 2\alpha = 1$, $\Delta m^2 > 1.6 eV^2$ is excluded, and for $\Delta m^2 \gg 1000 eV^2$, $sin^2 2\alpha > 1.8 \times 10^{-3}$ is excluded. This result is the most stringent limit to date for $\Delta m^2 > 25 eV^2$ and it excludes the high $\Delta m^2$ oscillation region favoured by the LSND experiment. The $\nu_\mu$-to-$\nu_e$ cross-section ratio was measured as a test of $\nu_\mu (\bar\nu_\mu) \leftrightarrow \nu_e (\bar\nu_e)$ universality to be $1.026 \pm 0.055$.
DO has measured the inclusive production cross section of W and Z bosons in a sample of 13 pb$^{-1}$ of data collected at the Fermilab Tevatron. The cross sections, multiplied by their leptonic branching fractions, for production in pbar-p collisions at sqrt{s}=1.8 TeV are sigma_W*B(W->e nu) = 2.36+-0.02+-0.08+-0.13 nb, sigma_W*B(W->mu nu) = 2.09+-0.06+-0.22+-0.11 nb, sigma_Z*B(Z->e+ e-) = 0.218+-0.008+-0.008+-0.012 nb, and sigma_Z*B(Z->mu+ mu-) = 0.178+-0.022+-0.021+-0.009 nb, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic; the third reflects the uncertainty in the integrated luminosity. For the combined electron and muon analyses, we find sigma_W*B(W->l mu)/sigma_Z*B(Z->l+ l-) = 10.90+-0.52. Assuming standard model couplings, we use this result to determine the width of the W boson, and obtain Gamma(W) = 2.044+-0.097 GeV.
We report measurements of charm particle production asymmetries from the Fermilab photoproduction experiment E687. An asymmetry in the rate of production of charm versus anticharm particles is expected to arise primarily from fragmentation effects. We observe statistically significant asymmetries in the photoproduction of D + , D ∗+ and D 0 mesons and find small (but statistically weak) asymmetries in the production of the D s + meson and the Λ c + baryon. Our inclusive photoproduction asymmetries are compared to predictions from nonperturbative models of charm quark fragmentation.