Data on inclusive jet production in the transverse-momentum (p⊥) range 0-8 GeV/c for 200-GeV/c p, π−, π+, K−, K+, and p¯ incident on a hydrogen target are presented. The jet cross section is fully corrected for losses and biases, and compared with the predictions of a model based on quantum chromodynamics. Both the absolute cross section and the inclusive charged-particle distributions inside and outside the jet are in qualitative agreement with the model.
We present results from an experiment studying the production of single particles and jets (groups of particles) with high p ⊥ (transverse momentum) in 200 GeV/ c interactions on a beryllium target. We give a detailed discussion of the ambiguities in the jet definition. The jet and single-particle cross sections have a similar shape but the jet cross section is over two orders of magnitude larger. The events show evidence for the coplanar structure suggested by constituent models, and the momentum distributions of charged particles give strong support to a simple quark-quark scattering model.
The dijet invariant mass distribution has been measured in the region between 120 and 1000 GeV/c2, in 1.8-TeV pp¯ collisions. The data sample was collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF). Data are compared to leading order (LO) and next-to-leading order (NLO) QCD calculations using two different clustering cone radii R in the jet definition. A quantitative test shows good agreement of data with the LO and NLO QCD predictions for a cone of R=1. The test using a cone of R=0.7 shows less agreement. The NLO calculation shows an improvement compared to LO in reproducing the shape of the spectrum for both radii, and approximately predicts the cone size dependence of the cross section.
Inclusive jet production at s=1.8 TeV has been measured in the CDF detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p¯p Collider. Jets with transverse energies (Et) up to 250 GeV have been observed. The Et dependence of the inclusive jet cross section is consistent with leading-order quantum-chromodynamic calculations, and comparison with lower-energy data shows deviations from scaling consistent with QCD. A lower limit of 700 GeV (95% confidence level) is placed on the quark compositeness scale parameter Λc associated with an effective contact interaction.
We present the dijet invariant-mass distribution in the region between 60 and 500 GeV, measured in 1.8-TeV p¯p collisions in the Collider Detector at Fermilab. Jets are restricted to the pseudorapidity interval |η|<0.7. Data are compared with QCD calculations; axigluons are excluded with 95% confidence in the region 120<MA<210 GeV for axigluon width ΓA=NαsMA6, with N=5.
We present the results of a search in p¯p collisions at s=1.8 TeV for the top quark decaying to a charged Higgs boson (H±). We search for dilepton final states from the decay chain tt¯→HH (or HW, or WW) + bb¯→ll+X. In a sample of 19.3 pb−1 collected during 1992-93 with the Collider Detector at Fermilab, we observe 2 events with a background estimation of 3.0 ± 1.0 events. Limits at 95% C.L. in the (Mtop,MH±) plane are presented. For the case Mtop<MW+Mb, we exclude at 95% C.L. the entire (Mtop,MH±) plane for the branching ratio B(H→τν) larger than 75%. We also interpret the results in terms of the parameter tan β of two-Higgs-doublet models.
The W+jet angular distribution is measured using W→eν events recorded with the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) during the 1988-89 and 1992-93 Tevatron runs. The data agree well with both a leading order and a next-to-leading order theoretical prediction. The shape of the angular distribution is similar to that observed in photon + jet data and significantly different from that observed in dijet data.
We present the first measurement of the jet pseudorapidity distribution in direct photon events from a sample of pp¯ collisions at s=1.8TeV, recorded with the Collider Detector at Fermilab. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) predicts that these events are primarily from hard quark-gluon Compton scattering, qg→qγ, with the final state quark producing the jet of hadrons. The jet pseudorapidity distribution in this model is sensitive to parton momentum fractions between 0.015 and 0.15. We find that the shape of the measured pseudorapidity distribution agrees well with next-to-leading order QCD calculations.
The properties of two-, three-, four-, five-, and six-jet events with multijet masses >600 GeV /c2 are compared with QCD predictions. The shapes of the multijet-mass and leading-jet-angular distributions are approximately independent of jet multiplicity and are well described by the NJETS matrix element calculation and the HERWIG parton shower Monte Carlo predictions. The observed jet transverse momentum distributions for three- and four-jet events discriminate between the matrix element and parton shower predictions, the data favoring the matrix element calculation.
We have used 19 pb**-1 of data collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab to search for new particles decaying to dijets. We exclude at 95% confidence level models containing the following new particles: axigluons with mass between 200 and 870 GeV, excited quarks with mass between 80 and 570 GeV, and color octet technirhos with mass between 320 and 480 GeV.