We have searched for resonance production in the reaction γγ→Ks0Kπ. No signal was found for theηc and an upper limit for the radiative with\(\Gamma _{\gamma \gamma }^{\eta _c } \) keV (95% c.l.) is obtained. For the glueball candidate η(1440) (previouslyi) the upper limit\(\Gamma _{\gamma \gamma }^{\eta (1440)} B(\eta (1440) \to K\bar K\pi )< 1.2keV(95\% c.l.)\) is derived. In the tagged data sample resonance formation of a spin 1 state at 1420 MeV is observed, which is absent in the untagged data. The mass and width of this state are consistent with those of thef1(1420); an analysis of decay angular distributions favours positive parity.
Data read from graph.. Additional overall systematic error decreasing from 25% in the lowest mass bins to 15% for M > 2.0 GeV.
The π−p charge-exchange analyzing power has been measured from 547 to 687 MeV/c in the center-of-mass angular range -0.9≤cosθ̃π≤0.9 using a transversely polarized target. The recoil neutron was detected in coincidence with a photon from π0 decay. The results are compared with the three recent partial-wave analyses (PWA’s); the VPI analysis is most consistent with our measured distributions except at 687 MeV/c where no PWA agrees with our data. The charge-exchange transversity cross sections are evaluated using the differential cross sections of Borcherding et al. These transversity cross sections are used in conjunction with earlier π±p data by our group to test the triangle inequalities which are a model-independent test of isospin invariance. Our data satisfy these inequalities everywhere; in contrast, Abaev et al. have reported a violation of more than 5 standard deviations at 685 MeV/c.
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We present a measurement of the cross section for the reaction e + e − → e + e − π + π − π + π − at SPEAR. This channel is found to be large and dominated by the process γγ → ϱ 0 ϱ 0 → π + π − π + π − . The cross section, which is small just above the four-pion threshold, exhibits a large enhancement near the ϱ 0 ϱ 0 threshold.
We have identified 262 doubly tagged two-photon events. A subset of the data shows an enhancement of 21 events in the inclusive two-photon mass squared distribution between 0.8 and 2.2 GeV 2 . If these events result from spin 2 resonance production then Γ γγ = 9.5 ± 3.9 ± 2.4 keV (statistical and systematic). From another subset of 58 events in which the final state could be classified we determine the two-photon hadron to muon cross section ratio R γγ = 1.1 ± 0.3 ± 0.3.
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The total 1r- -p interaction cross sections (of) were measured with an accuracy of 1.5-2% for about 50 pion energies between 140 and 360 Mev. The pion energy was known to within ± 1%. No anomalies in the energy dependence of Of were found which could indicate the existence of a p0meson with a mass in the range of 270 to 410 Mev/c2• The data are inconsistent with the energy value E2 = 650 Mev for the second maximum of Of found by Frisch et al. 7 but agree with the conclusion drawn by Brisson et al. 8 that it should be located at a lower energy ( E2 :::::: 610 Mev). The data are in agreement with the dispersion relations for 1r- -p scattering. It is thus demonstrated that the PuppiStanghellini problem as such no longer exists and that it arose only as a result of an inaccurate knowledge of the total 1r--p interaction cross section.
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We measured the inclusive electron-proton cross section in the nucleon resonance region (W < 2.5 GeV) at momentum transfers Q**2 below 4.5 (GeV/c)**2 with the CLAS detector. The large acceptance of CLAS allowed for the first time the measurement of the cross section in a large, contiguous two-dimensional range of Q**2 and x, making it possible to perform an integration of the data at fixed Q**2 over the whole significant x-interval. From these data we extracted the structure function F2 and, by including other world data, we studied the Q**2 evolution of its moments, Mn(Q**2), in order to estimate higher twist contributions. The small statistical and systematic uncertainties of the CLAS data allow a precise extraction of the higher twists and demand significant improvements in theoretical predictions for a meaningful comparison with new experimental results.
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We report the first measurement of the neutron electric form factor $G_E^n$ via $\vec{d}(\vec{e},e'n)p$ using a solid polarized target. $G_E^n$ was determined from the beam-target asymmetry in the scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from polarized deuterated ammonia, $^{15}$ND$_3$. The measurement was performed in Hall C at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF) in quasi free kinematics with the target polarization perpendicular to the momentum transfer. The electrons were detected in a magnetic spectrometer in coincidence with neutrons in a large solid angle segmented detector. We find $G_E^n = 0.04632\pm0.00616 (stat.) \pm0.00341 (syst.)$ at $Q^2 = 0.495$ (GeV/c)$^2$.
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