Spin rotation parameters A and R for pi+ p and pi- p elastic scattering from 427-MeV/c to 657-MeV/c

Supek, I. ; Barlow, D.B. ; Briscoe, W.J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 47 (1993) 1762-1775, 1993.
Inspire Record 362062 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.22623

The spin-rotation parameters A and R and the related spin-rotation angle β have been measured for π+p and π−p elastic scattering using protons polarized in the scattering plane. The pion-beam momenta are 427, 471, 547, 625, and 657 MeV/c and the angular range is −0.9≤cosΘc.m.≤0.3. The scattered pion and recoil proton were detected in coincidence, using a scintillator hodoscope for the pions, and the Large Acceptance Spectrometer combined with the JANUS polarimeter for the recoil protons. The results are compared with the four recent πN partial wave analyses (PWA's). Our data show that the major features of these PWA's are correct. The A and R measurements complete our program of pion-nucleon experiments, providing full data sets at three of the above beam momenta. Such sets can be used to test the constraints in the PWA's or to obtain a model-independent set of πN scattering amplitudes.

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BETA is the spin-rotation angle.

BETA is the spin-rotation angle.

BETA is the spin-rotation angle.


Recoil Proton Polarization in $\pi P$ Elastic Scattering at 547-{MeV}/c and 625-{MeV}/c

Seftor, C.J. ; Adrian, S.D. ; Briscoe, W.J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 39 (1989) 2457-2463, 1989.
Inspire Record 282265 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.23234

The polarization of the recoil proton in π+p and π−p elastic scattering using a liquid-hydrogen target has been measured for backward angles at 547 and 625 MeV/c. The scattered pion and recoil proton were detected in coincidence using the large-acceptance spectrometer to detect and analyze the momentum of the pions and the JANUS polarimeter to identify and measure the polarization of the protons. Results from this experiment agree with other measurements of the recoil polarization, with analyzing-power data previously taken by this group, and with predictions of partial-wave analyses.

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No description provided.

No description provided.


Brody, A.D. ; Cashmore, R.J. ; Kernan, A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 3 (1971) 2619, 1971.
Inspire Record 60976 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.4110

Total and differential cross sections for π−p elastic scattering are presented at 35 energies between 1400 and 2000 MeV.

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No description provided.

pi-p Elastic Scattering in the Energy Range 300-700 MeV

Ogden, Philip M. ; Hagge, Donald E. ; Helland, Jerome A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 137 (1965) B1115-B1125, 1965.
Inspire Record 944964 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.537

Differential cross sections for elastic π−p scattering were measured at eight energies for positive pions and seven energies for negative pions. Energies ranged from 310 to 650 MeV. These measurements were made at the 3-GeV proton synchrotron at Saclay, France. A beam of pions from an internal BeO target was directed into a liquid-hydrogen target. Fifty-one scintillation counters and a matrix-coincidence system were used to measure simultaneously elastic events at 21 angles and charged inelastic events at 78 π−p angle pairs. Events were detected by coincidence of pulses indicating the presence of an incident pion, scattered pion, and recoil proton, and the results were stored in the memory of a pulse-height analyzer. Various corrections were applied to the data and a least-squares fit was made to the results at each energy. The form of the fitting function was a power series in the cosine of the center-of-mass angle of the scattered pion. Integration under the fitted curves gave values for the total elastic cross sections (without charge exchange). The importance of certain angular-momentum states is discussed. The π−−p data are consistent with a D13 resonant state at 600 MeV, but do not necessarily require such a resonant state.

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No description provided.

No description provided.

No description provided.
