Multihadron production in e+ e- collisions at high energy

Grilli, M. ; Iarocci, E. ; Spillantini, P. ; et al.
Nuovo Cim.A 13 (1973) 593-644, 1973.
Inspire Record 87243 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.1179

Multihadron production by electron-positron colliding beams has been investigated for total centre-of-mass energies ranging from 1.2 to 2.4 GeV. The total cross-section, σtot ≡ σ(e+e−→π+π−+ + anything), is of the order of σμμ ≡ σ(e+e−→μ+μ−), with a threshold near 1 GeV. Partial cross-sections for the various channels are also derived. The cross-section of the specific channel e+e−→π+π−π+π− exhibits an energy dependence which is suggestive of a heavier vector meson, ρ' (mρ,≈ 1.6 GeV,Гρ, ≈ 350 Mev), having the same quantum numbers as the ρ-meson. An upper limit is given for the coupling constantfρ′ (fρ′/4π<18, wherefρ′=mρ′2e/gγρ′). Final states withG+ parity are found to be much more abundant than those withG− parity. The average multiplicity (charged plus neutral final-state pions) is found to be betweet 4 and 5 over all the energy range explored.

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Alekseeva, E.a. ; Kartamyshev, A.a. ; Makarin, V.k. ; et al.
Sov.Phys.JETP 55 (1982) 591-600, 1982.
Inspire Record 185170 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.2406


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Measurement and Analysis of the Reaction $\gamma \gamma \to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^+ \pi^-$

The PLUTO collaboration Berger, Christoph ; Genzel, H. ; Lackas, W. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 38 (1988) 521, 1988.
Inspire Record 252632 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.1916

We have measured the cross section of four charged pion production in photon-photon interactions in the invariant mass range 1.0≦Wγγ≦3.2 GeV and up toQ2=16 GeV2. For 1.2 GeV≦Wγγ≦1.7 GeV the process is dominated by ρ0ρ0 production with a rapid rise in cross section around 1.2 GeV, well below the nominal ρ0ρ0 threshold. The observed distributions in the two particle masses and in the production and decay angles are well described by an incoherent sum of the phase-space subprocesses γγ →ρ0ρ0, →ρ0π+π−, and →π+π−π+π−. A spin-parity analysis of the ρ0ρ0 system showsJP=2+ to dominate, although 0+ is also possible forWγγ≦1.4 GeV. Negative partity states are excluded.

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Backward photoproduction of neutral pions off hydrogen at photon energies between 0.4 and 2.2 gev

Becks, H. ; Feller, P. ; Menze, D. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 60 (1973) 267-276, 1973.
Inspire Record 83927 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.6749

The differential cross section has been measured for the reaction γ +p→p+ π o at the Bonn 2.5 GeV electron synchrotron in the energy range from 0.4 to 2.2 GeV for a c.m. angle of 150 degrees. The protons were detected in a magnetic spectrometer system. The excitation curve shows a distinct resonance structure. The total corrections to the counting rate are about 3%. The contribution of the process γ +p→p+2 π was separated. The uncertainty of this separation leads to an error of about 4% in the cross section.

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Pion-Nucleon Total Cross Sections from 0.5 to 2.65 GeV/c

Carter, A.A. ; Riley, K.F. ; Tapper, R.J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 168 (1968) 1457-1465, 1968.
Inspire Record 54182 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.250

Total cross sections of π+ and π− mesons on protons and deuterons have been measured in a transmission experiment to relative accuracies of ±0.2% over the laboratory momentum range 0.46-2.67 GeV/c. The systematic error is estimated to be about ±0.5% over most of the range, increasing to about ±2% near both ends. Data have been obtained at momentum intervals of 25-50 MeV/c with a momentum resolution of ±0.6%. No new structure is observed in the π±p total cross sections, but results differ in several details from previous experiments. From 1-2 GeV/c, where systematic erros are the smallest, the total cross section of π− mesons on deuterons is found to be consistently higher than that of π+ mesons by (1.3±0.3)%; about half of this difference may be understood in terms of Coulomb-barrier effects. The πd and πN total cross sections are used to check the validity of the Glauber theory. Substantial disagreements (up to 2 mb) are observed, and the conclusion is drawn that the Glauber theory is inadequate in this momentum range.

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Multihadronic cross-sections from e+ e- annihilation up to 3 gev center-of-mass energy

Bacci, C. ; Penson, G. ; Salvini, G. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 44 (1973) 533-536, 1973.
Inspire Record 84794 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.6496

With an apparatus slightly improved with respect to a previous one we have studied multihadronic production at the Adone e + e − storage ring up to a maximum center of mass energy of 3 GeV.

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Production of Four Prong Final States in Photon-photon Collisions

The TPC/Two Gamma collaboration Aihara, H. ; Alston-Garnjost, M. ; Avery, R.E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 37 (1988) 28, 1988.
Inspire Record 261630 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.3824

Results are presented on the exclusive production of four-prong final states in photon-photon collisions from the TPC/Two-Gamma detector at the SLAC e+e− storage ring PEP. Measurement of dE/dx and momentum in the time-projection chamber (TPC) provides identification of the final states 2π+2π−, K+K−π+π−, and 2K+2K−. For two quasireal incident photons, both the 2π+2π− and K+K−π+π− cross sections show a steep rise from threshold to a peak value, followed by a decrease at higher mass. Cross sections for the production of the final states ρ0ρ0, ρ0π+π−, and φπ+π− are presented, together with upper limits for φρ0, φφ, and K*0K¯ *0. The ρ0ρ0 contribution dominates the four-pion cross section at low masses, but falls to nearly zero above 2 GeV. Such behavior is inconsistent with expectations from vector dominance but can be accommodated by four-quark resonance models or by t-channel factorization. Angular distributions for the part of the data dominated by ρ0ρ0 final states are consistent with the production of JP=2+ or 0+ resonances but also with isotropic (nonresonant) production. When one of the virtual photons has mass (mγ2=-Q2≠0), the four-pion cross section is still dominated by ρ0ρ0 at low final-state masses Wγγ and by 2π+2π− at higher mass. Further, the dependence of the cross section on Q2 becomes increasingly flat as Wγγ increases.

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W**2 and Q**2 dependence of charged hadron and pion multiplicities in neutrino p and anti-neutrino p charged current interactions

The WA21 collaboration Jones, G.T. ; Jones, R.W.L. ; Morrison, Douglas R.O. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 46 (1990) 25-34, 1990.
Inspire Record 305244 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.1699

Using data onvp and\(\bar vp\) charged current interactions from a bubble chamber experiment with BEBC at CERN, the average multiplicities of charged hadrons and pions are determined as functions ofW2 andQ2. The analysis is based on ∼20000 events with incidentv and ∼10000 events with incident\(\bar v\). In addition to the known dependence of the average multiplicity onW2 a weak dependence onQ2 for fixed intervals ofW is observed. ForW>2 GeV andQ2>0.1 GeV2 the average multiplicity of charged hadrons is well described by〈n〉=a1+a2ln(W2/GeV2)+a3ln(Q2/GeV2) witha1=0.465±0.053,a2=1.211±0.021,a3=0.103±0.014 for thevp anda1=−0.372±0.073,a2=1.245±0.028,a3=0.093±0.015 for the\(\bar vp\) reaction.

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Brody, A.D. ; Cashmore, R.J. ; Kernan, A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 3 (1971) 2619, 1971.
Inspire Record 60976 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.4110

Total and differential cross sections for π−p elastic scattering are presented at 35 energies between 1400 and 2000 MeV.

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Rho Production by Virtual Photons

Joos, P. ; Ladage, A. ; Meyer, H. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 113 (1976) 53-92, 1976.
Inspire Record 108749 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.35708

The reaction γ V p → p π + π − was studied in the W , Q 2 region 1.3–2.8 GeV, 0.3–1.4 GeV 2 using the streamer chamber at DESY. A detailed analysis of rho production via γ V p→ ϱ 0 p is presented. Near threshold rho production has peripheral and non-peripheral contributions of comparable magnitude. At higher energies ( W > 2 GeV) the peripheral component is dominant. The Q 2 dependence of σ ( γ V p→ ϱ 0 p) follows that of the rho propagator as predicted by VDM. The slope of d σ /d t at 〈 Q 2 〉 = 0.4 and 0.8 GeV 2 is within errors equal to its value at Q 2 = 0. The overall shape of the ϱ 0 is t dependent as in photoproduction, but is independent of Q 2 . The decay angular distribution shows that longitudinal rhos dominate in the threshold region. At higher energies transverse rhos are dominant. Rho production by transverse photons proceeds almost exclusively by natural parity exchange, σ T N ⩾ (0.83 ± 0.06) σ T for 2.2 < W < 2.8 GeV. The s -channel helicity-flip amplitudes are small compared to non-flip amplitudes. The ratio R = σ L / σ T was determined assuming s -channel helicity conservation. We find R = ξ 2 Q 2 / M ϱ 2 with ξ 2 ≈ 0.4 for 〈 W 〉 = 2.45 GeV. Interference between rho production amplitudes from longitudinal and transverse photons is observed. With increasing energy the phase between the two amplitudes decreases. The observed features of rho electroproduction are consistent with a dominantly diffractive production mechanism for W > 2 GeV.

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