
A Measurement of the Cross-Section for Four Pion Production in gamma gamma Collisions at SPEAR

Burke, D.L. ; Abrams, G.S. ; Alam, M.S. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 103 (1981) 153-156, 1981.
Inspire Record 165016 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.31168

We present a measurement of the cross section for the reaction e + e − → e + e − π + π − π + π − at SPEAR. This channel is found to be large and dominated by the process γγ → ϱ 0 ϱ 0 → π + π − π + π − . The cross section, which is small just above the four-pion threshold, exhibits a large enhancement near the ϱ 0 ϱ 0 threshold.

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A measurement of the electric form-factor of the neutron through d(pol.)(e(pol.),e' n)p at Q**2 = 0.5-(GeV/c)**2.

The E93026 collaboration Zhu, H. ; Ahmidouch, A. ; Anklin, H. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 87 (2001) 081801, 2001.
Inspire Record 556212 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.31418

We report the first measurement of the neutron electric form factor $G_E^n$ via $\vec{d}(\vec{e},e'n)p$ using a solid polarized target. $G_E^n$ was determined from the beam-target asymmetry in the scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons from polarized deuterated ammonia, $^{15}$ND$_3$. The measurement was performed in Hall C at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF) in quasi free kinematics with the target polarization perpendicular to the momentum transfer. The electrons were detected in a magnetic spectrometer in coincidence with neutrons in a large solid angle segmented detector. We find $G_E^n = 0.04632\pm0.00616 (stat.) \pm0.00341 (syst.)$ at $Q^2 = 0.495$ (GeV/c)$^2$.

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No description provided.

High statistics measurement of the cross sections of gamma gamma --> pi+ pi- production.

The Belle collaboration Mori, T. ; Uehara, S. ; Watanabe, Y. ; et al.
J.Phys.Soc.Jap. 76 (2007) 074102, 2007.
Inspire Record 749358 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.51842

We report on a high statistics measurement of the total and differential cross sections of the process gamma gamma -> pi^+ pi^- in the pi^+ pi^- invariant mass range 0.8 GeV/c^2 < W < 1.5 GeV/c^2 with 85.9 fb^{-1} of data collected at sqrt{s}=10.58 GeV and 10.52 GeV with the Belle detector. A clear signal of the f_0(980) resonance is observed in addition to the f_2(1270) resonance. An improved 90% confidence level upper limit Br.(eta'(958) -> pi^+ pi^-) < 2.9 x 10^{-3} is obtained for P- and CP-violating decay of the eta'(958) meson using the most conservative assumption about the interference with the background.

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Total cross section.

High-statistics measurement of neutral pion-pair production in two-photon collisions

The Belle collaboration Uehara, S. ; Watanabe, Y. ; Adachi, I. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 78 (2008) 052004, 2008.
Inspire Record 786406 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.50151

We report a high-statistics measurement of differential cross sections for the process gamma gamma -> pi^0 pi^0 in the kinematic range 0.6 GeV <= W <= 4.0 GeV and |cos theta*| <= 0.8, where W and theta* are the energy and pion scattering angle, respectively, in the gamma gamma center-of-mass system. Differential cross sections are fitted to obtain information on S, D_0, D_2, G_0 and G_2 waves. The G waves are important above W ~= 1.6 GeV. For W <= 1.6 GeV the D_2 wave is dominated by the f_2(1270) resonance while the S wave requires at least one additional resonance besides the f_0(980), which may be the f_0(1370) or f_0(1500). The differential cross sections are fitted with a simple parameterization to determine the parameters (the mass, total width and Gamma_{gamma gamma}B(f_0 -> pi^0 pi^0)) of this scalar meson as well as the f_0(980). The helicity 0 fraction of the f_2(1270) meson, taking into account interference for the first time, is also obtained.

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Differential cross section for W = 1.27, 1.29 and 1.31 GeV.

Differential cross section for W = 1.33, 1.35 and 1.37 GeV.

Differential cross section for W = 1.39, 1.41 and 1.43 GeV.


High-statistics study of ${\boldmath \eta \pi^0}$ production in two-photon collisions

The Belle collaboration Uehara, S. ; Watanabe, Y. ; Nakazawa, H. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 80 (2009) 032001, 2009.
Inspire Record 822474 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.53739

The differential cross section for the process $\gamma \gamma \to \eta \pi^0$ has been measured in the kinematic range $0.84 \GeV < W < 4.0 \GeV$, $|\cos \theta^*|<0.8$, where $W$ and $\theta^*$ are the energy and $\pi^0$ (or $\eta$) scattering angle, respectively, in the $\gamma\gamma$ center-of-mass system. The results are based on a 223 fb$^{-1}$ data sample collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB $e^+ e^-$ collider. Clear peaks due to the $a_0(980)$ and $a_2(1320)$ are visible. The differential cross sections are fitted in the energy region $0.9 \GeV < W < 1.46 \GeV$ to obtain the parameters of the $a_0(980)$. Its mass, width and $\Gamma_{\gamma \gamma} \B (\eta \pi^0)$ are measured to be $982.3 ^{+0.6}_{-0.7} ^{+3.1}_{-4.7} \MeV/c^2$, $75.6 \pm 1.6 ^{+17.4}_{-10.0} \MeV$ and $128 ^{+3}_{-2} ^{+502}_{-43} \eV$, respectively. The energy and angular dependences above 3.1 GeV are compared with those measured in the $\pi^0 \pi^0$ channel. The integrated cross section over $|\cos \theta^*|<0.8$ has a $W^{-n}$ dependence with $n = 10.5 \pm 1.2 \pm 0.5$, which is slightly larger than that for $\pi^0 \pi^0$. The differential cross sections show a $\sin^{-4} \theta^*$ dependence similar to $\gamma \gamma \to \pi^0 \pi^0$. The measured cross section ratio, $\sigma(\eta \pi^0)/\sigma(\pi^0 \pi^0) = 0.48 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.04$, is consistent with a QCD-based prediction.

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The total cross section integrated over ABS(COS(THETA*)) < 0.8.

The differential cross section as a function of angle for W = 1.29 GeV.

The differential cross section as a function of angle for W = 1.31 GeV.



The PLUTO collaboration Berger, Christoph ; Genzel, H. ; Grigull, R. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 99 (1981) 287-291, 1981.
Inspire Record 155594 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.27125

We present new high statistics data on hadron production in photon-photon reactions. The data are analyzed in terms of an electron-photon scattering formalism. The dependence of the total cross section of Q 2 , the four-momentum transfer squared of the scattered electron, and on the mass W of the hadronic system is investigated. The data are compared to predictions from Vector-Meson Dominance and the quark model.

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Inclusive hadron photoproduction from longitudinally polarized protons and deuterons.

The E155 collaboration Anthony, P.L. ; Arnold, R.G. ; Averett, T. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 458 (1999) 536-544, 1999.
Inspire Record 495554 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.28074

We report measurements of the asymmetry A_parallel for inclusive hadron production on longitudinally polarized proton and deuteron targets by circularly polarized photons. The photons were produced via internal and external bremsstrahlung from an electron beam of 48.35 GeV. Asymmetries for both positive and negative signed hadrons, and a subset of identified pions, were measured in the momentum range 10<P<30 GeV at 2.75 and 5.5 degrees. Small non-zero asymmetries are observed for the proton, while the deuteron results are consistent with zero. Recent calculations do not describe the data well.

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The asymmetry for polarized photoproduction of inclusive hadrons from a polarized proton target. The errors are statistical only.

The asymmetry for polarized photoproduction of inclusive identified pions from a polarized proton target. The errors are statistical only.

Measurement of Resonance Productions in the Reactions $\gamma \gamma \to \pi^0 \pi^0$ and $\gamma \gamma \to \pi^0 \eta$

The JADE collaboration Oest, T. ; Olsson, J. ; Allison, J. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 47 (1990) 343-352, 1990.
Inspire Record 295180 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.15242

Resonance production in the γγ reactionse+e−→e+e+e−π0π0 ande+e−π0η has been studied with the JADE detector at PETRA. The decay widths into γγ of thef2(1270),a0(980) anda2(1320) were measured to be\(\Gamma _{\gamma \gamma } (f_2 (1270)) = 3.19 \pm 0.09_{ - 0.38}^{ + 0.22} \) Kev,Γλλ(a0(980))=0.28±0.04±0.10 KeV/BR(a0(980)→π0η) andΓλλ(a2(1320))=1.01±0.14±0.22KeV. For thef0(975) andf4(2050) upper limits of the widths were obtained,Γλλ(f0(975))<0.6 KeV, andΓλλ(f4(2050))<1.1 KeV, both at the 95% C.L. Assuming that the spin 0 background under thef2(1270) is small, thef2(1270) was found to be produced exclusively in a helicity 2 state. The helicity 0 contribution is <15% at the 95% C.L. The cross section forλλ→π0π0 in the mass range 2.0–3.5 GeV/c2 was measured for the first time. Since the cross section forλλ→π+π− is a factor ∼2 larger, ππ production in this range can be interpreted as taking place via isospin 0 production.

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Data read from graph.. Event distributions uncorrected for angular acceptance and the efficiency with energy of the detector RE = GAMMA GAMMA --> PI0 PI0.

Data read from graph.

Data read from graph.. Event distributions uncorrected for angular acceptance and the efficiency with energy of the detector RE = GAMMA GAMMA --> PI0 PI0.

Measurement of the Radiative Width of the A(2) (1320) in Two Photon Interactions

The TASSO collaboration Althoff, M. ; Braunschweig, W. ; Gerhards, R. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 31 (1986) 537, 1986.
Inspire Record 228876 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.15859

The reactione+e−→e+e− A2 (1320) has been observed by detecting the decayA2→π+,π-π0. The two-photon width of theA2 has been measured to be Г(A2→γγ)=(0.09±0.27 (stat)±0.16 (syst)) keV. The cross section σ(γγ→π+,π-π0 has been determined outside theA2 resonance region.

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Data read off a graph.

Measurement of the Two Photon Reaction $\gamma \gamma \to \pi^+ \pi^- \pi^+ \pi^-$ at Large Values of $Q^2$

The TASSO collaboration Braunschweig, W. ; Gerhards, R. ; Kirschfink, F.J. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 41 (1988) 353-357, 1988.
Inspire Record 250570 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.15557

The process γγ→π+π−π+π− has been investigated in reactions of the typee+e−→e+e−π+π−π+π− in the single tag mode. The range of the four momentum squared of one of the virtual photons was 0.28 GeV2/c2≦Q2≦3.6 GeV2/c2, the average being 〈Q2〉=0.92 GeV2/c2; the other photon was quasi real. The reaction is mainly described by the channels γγ→ρ0ρ0 and γγ→4π (phase space), occuring with about equal probability. TheQ2-dependence of the cross section is in agreement with the ρ form factor.

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Data read from graph.. Additional overall systematic error 25%.