A Search For the $\rho^0$ Meson and a Check of the Dispersion Relations in π-N Scattering

Zinov, V.G. ; Konin, A.D. ; Korenchenko, S.M. ; et al.
Sov.Phys.JETP 11 (1960) 1233-1238, 1960.
Inspire Record 1407582 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.70224

The total 1r- -p interaction cross sections (of) were measured with an accuracy of 1.5-2% for about 50 pion energies between 140 and 360 Mev. The pion energy was known to within ± 1%. No anomalies in the energy dependence of Of were found which could indicate the existence of a p0meson with a mass in the range of 270 to 410 Mev/c2• The data are inconsistent with the energy value E2 = 650 Mev for the second maximum of Of found by Frisch et al. 7 but agree with the conclusion drawn by Brisson et al. 8 that it should be located at a lower energy ( E2 :::::: 610 Mev). The data are in agreement with the dispersion relations for 1r- -p scattering. It is thus demonstrated that the PuppiStanghellini problem as such no longer exists and that it arose only as a result of an inaccurate knowledge of the total 1r--p interaction cross section.

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The total cross-sections for pion-proton scattering between 70 mev and 290 mev

Carter, A.A. ; Williams, J.R. ; Bugg, D.V. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 26 (1971) 445-460, 1971.
Inspire Record 68771 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.21874

Measurements have been made of the π ∓ proton total cross sections over the laboratory kinetic energy range 70 to 290 MeV. The absolute accuracy of the data is generally 0.5 %, but decreases to 1 % for some points where applied corrections are large or where low particle fluxes limit the statistical accuracy.

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Pion-nucleon total cross-sections from 0.4 to 0.90 gev/c

Davidson, D. ; Bowen, T. ; Caldwell, P.K. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 6 (1972) 1199-1202, 1972.
Inspire Record 73938 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.22266

The total cross sections of π± on protons in the momentum interval from 0.40 to 0.90 GeV/c have been measured with high relative precision. In this interval the statistical error varies between 10 and 20 μb. No new structure is observed.

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Pion-Nucleon Total Cross Sections from 0.5 to 2.65 GeV/c

Carter, A.A. ; Riley, K.F. ; Tapper, R.J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 168 (1968) 1457-1465, 1968.
Inspire Record 54182 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.250

Total cross sections of π+ and π− mesons on protons and deuterons have been measured in a transmission experiment to relative accuracies of ±0.2% over the laboratory momentum range 0.46-2.67 GeV/c. The systematic error is estimated to be about ±0.5% over most of the range, increasing to about ±2% near both ends. Data have been obtained at momentum intervals of 25-50 MeV/c with a momentum resolution of ±0.6%. No new structure is observed in the π±p total cross sections, but results differ in several details from previous experiments. From 1-2 GeV/c, where systematic erros are the smallest, the total cross section of π− mesons on deuterons is found to be consistently higher than that of π+ mesons by (1.3±0.3)%; about half of this difference may be understood in terms of Coulomb-barrier effects. The πd and πN total cross sections are used to check the validity of the Glauber theory. Substantial disagreements (up to 2 mb) are observed, and the conclusion is drawn that the Glauber theory is inadequate in this momentum range.

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Total Cross Sections for Negative Pions on Protons at 230, 290, 370, 427, and 460 Mev

Caris, John C. ; Goodwin, Lester K. ; Kenney, Robert W. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 122 (1961) 262-264, 1961.
Inspire Record 944986 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.26810

Total cross sections for negative pions on protons were measured at laboratory energies of 230, 290, 370, 427, and 460 Mev. The measurements were made in the same pion beams as and at energies identical with those of our π−−p differential scattering experiments. Comparisons of the total and differential scattering can be made with the dispersion theory at a given energy without introducing the systematic errors that would normally enter due to uncertainties in the parameters of more than one pion beam. The measured total cross sections are found to agree within statistics with other measured values, and with the sums of elastic, inelastic, and charge-exchange cross sections measured at this laboratory. The results are:

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