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No description provided.
The π − p→n γ and π − p→n π ° differential cross sections have been measured for −0.9< cos θ ∗ <−0.45 (θ ∗ c.m. scattering angle) at 475 MeV/ c and 550 MeV/ c incident momenta. The π − p→n γ measurement is a good check of the detailed balance principle in the electromagnetic interactions of hadrons at these energies and is in good agreement with Walker's analysis. On the other hand the π − p→ π °n extrapolated values of 180° allows one to verify that the phases of the A 1 2 and A 3 2 amplitudes are equal.
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No description provided.
The differential cross sections for γ p→ π + n from hydrogen and the π − π + ratios from deuterium were measured at nine c.m. angles between 30° and 150° for laboratory photon energies between 260 and 800 MeV. A magnetic spectrometer with three layers of scintillation hodoscope was used to detect charged π mesons. The cross section for γ n→ π − p was obtained as a product of d σ d Ω (γ p →π + n ) and the π − π + ratio. The overall features in the cross sections of the two reactions, γ p→ π + n and γ n→ π − p, and in the ratios, π − π + , agree with predictions by Moorhouse, Oberlack and Rosenfeld, and Metcalf and Walker. An investigation of the possible existence of an isotensor current was made and a negative result was found. In detailed balance comparison with the new results on the inverse reaction π − p→ γ n, no apparent violation of time-reversal invariance was observed.
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No description provided.
No description provided.
Differential cross-section measurements for π − p → γ n, consisting of three angular distributions at 618, 676 and 718 MeV/ c , and the energy dependence at θ γ = 90° for seven incident pion momenta between 502 and 888 MeV/ c , are presented. Our data qualitatively support recent multipole analyses. Agreement with the Scheffler et al. results for the inverse reaction, γ n → π − p, using a ( π − -recoil p) coincidence technique is good excluding a large violation of time reversal invariance. The agreement with γ n → π − p data obtained using the R ( π − / π + ) ratio technique or a deuterium bubble chamber is only qualitative.
Axis error includes +- 6.6/6.6 contribution.
No description provided.
At the Bonn 2.5 GeV electron synchrotron the first measurements of the target asymmetry for the reaction γ + n ↑ → π − + p have been performed. The negative pions were detected in a magnetic spectrometer at a constant pion c.m. angle of 40° and photon energies between 0.45 GeV and 2.0 GeV. Deuterated butanol was used as target material. The polarization of the deuterons was about 16%. The results show a significant difference from the previously measured π + asymmetry.
No description provided.
The polarized target asymmetry for γ n→ π − p was measured over the second resonance region from 0.55 to 0.9 GeV at pion c.m. angles between 60° and 120°. A double-arm spectrometer was used with a deuterated butanol target to detect both the pion and the proton, thus considerably improving the data quality. Including the new data in the amplitude analysis, the radiative decay widths of three resonances were determined more accurately than before. The results are compared with various quark models.
Total and differenial cross sections of the reaction γ +n→p+ π − have been determined for photon-energies between 0.2 and 2.0 GGeV. Below 500 MeV the differential cross sections are compared with theoretical predictions derived from fixed-momentum-transfer dispersion relations.
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (5 TO 8////).
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (5 TO 8////).
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (5 TO 8////).
In this note we report the results obtained in a single-photoproduction experiment on neutrons in deuterium, with an experimental apparatus made of scintillation counters, spark chambers and a magnetic spectrometer; the explored energy region is one around the second resonance, that is (500÷900) MeV indicent γ-ray energy. We briefly describe the present situation of the phenomenological analysis of the single photoproduction in the second resonance region and compare the results of an analysis made by us with the results obtained by other authors; in particular the e.m. coupling of theP11 isobaric state found by us is large, in accordance with the results of some other authors.
No description provided.
The final results of an experimental investigation of the reaction γ+n→p+π− performed with a deuterium bubble chamber at the 1 GeV Frascati electrosynchrotron are presented. Total and differential cross-sections on neutrons are extracted by means of the spectator model, the reliability of which has been checked by numerous tests and is extensively discussed. The problems of a possible isotensor component in the electromagnetic current, the time-reversal invariance of the electromagnetic interactions and the photoproduction of the Roper resonance are considered in detail.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.