Using the electron-position storage ring VEPP-2 an experiment has been performed in which the cross-sections of the reactions e + e − → π + π − and e + e − →K + K − were measured in the energy regi on 1.18–1.34 GeV. The experimental values of the formfactors lie higher than curves extrapolated from the ϱ- and ϕ-meson region.
No description provided.
No description provided.
The process γγ→π+π− was measured using the detector MD-1 at VEPP-4. The two-photon reactionse+e−, μ+ μ− and π+ π− pair production were separated using scintillation counters, Cherenkov counters and shower-range chambers. A radiation widthГγγ(f2(1270))=3.1±0.35±0.35 keV was obtained.
Data read from graph.
The cross section of the reaction e + e − → K + K − has been measured at the electron-positron storage ring VEPP-2M in the c.m. energy range 1.0–1.4 GeV. At energies above 1.15 GeV the experimental values of the charged kaon form factor considerably exceed the predictions of the simplest vector dominance model with ϱ, ω, ψ mesons.
No description provided.
The process $e^+e^- \to K^0_L K^0_S$ has been studied with the CMD-2 detector using about 950 events detected in the center-of-mass energy range from 1.05 to 1.38 GeV. The cross section exceeds the expectation based on the contributions of the rho(770), omega(782) and phi(1020) mesons only.
Measured cross section and 'bare' cross section for the process E+ E- --> KL KS.
Axis error includes +- 0.0/0.0 contribution (?////NOT GIVEN).
The cross section of the process e+ e- ---> eta gamma has been measured in the 600-1380 MeV c.m. energy range with the CMD-2 detector. The following branching ratios have been determined: B(rho ---> eta gamma) = (3.28 +- 0.37 +- 0.23) 10^{-4}, B(omega ---> eta gamma) = (5.10 +- 0.72 +- 0.34) 10^{-4}, B(phi --> eta gamma) = (1.287 +- 0.013 +- 0.063) 10^{-2}. Evidence for the rho'(1450) ---> eta gamma decay has been obtained for the first time.
The measured Born cross section for the ETA GAMMA final state.
The cross section of the reaction e + e − → π + π − has been measured in the energy range 2 E from 0.78 up to 1.34 GeV. The obtained experimental values of the pion form factor exceed notably the ρ -meson tail.
No description provided.
The process e+e- to pi+ pi- pi+ pi- pi0 has been studied in the center of mass energy range 1280 -- 1380 MeV using 3.0 1/pb of data collected with the CMD-2 detector in Novosibirsk. Analysis shows that the cross section of the five pion production is dominated by the contributions of the eta pi+pi- and omega pi+pi- intermediate states.
Axis error includes +- 15/15 contribution.
Axis error includes +- 15/15 contribution.
Axis error includes +- 15/15 contribution.
In the experiment with the SND detector at VEPP-2M e^+e^- collider the process $e^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ was studied in the energy range 2E_0 from 1.04 to 1.38 GeV. A broad peak was observed with the visible mass $M_{vis}=1220\pm 20$ MeV and cross section in the maximum $\sigma_0\simeq 4$ nb. The peak can be interpreted as a $\omega$-like resonance $\omega (1200)$.
The total cross section for E+ E- --> PI+ PI- PI0 after correction for efficiency and radiative effects.
The cross section of the process e+ e- --> omega pi0 --> pi0 pi0 gamma has been measured in the c.m. energy range 920-1380 MeV with the CMD-2 detector. Its energy dependence is well described by the interference of the rho(770) and rho'(1450) mesons decaying to omega pi0. Upper limits for the cross sections of the direct processes e+ e- --> pi0 pi0 gamma, eta pi0 gamma have been set.
Measurement of the Born cross section and the 'Bare' cross section of the process E+ E- --> OMEGA < PI0 GAMMA > PI0.