Short overview of experiments with SND detector at VEPP-2M e^+e^- collider in the energy range 2E = 400 - 1400 MeV and preliminary results of data analysis are presented.
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Thee+e−→K+K− cross section has been measured from about 750 events in the energy interval\(1350 \leqq \sqrt s\leqq 2400 MeV\) with the DM2 detector at DCI. TheK± form factor |FF±| cannot be explained by the ρ, ω, ϕ and ρ′(1600). An additional resonant amplitude at 1650 MeV has to be added as suggested by a previous experiment.
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The yields and average transverse momenta of pions, kaons, and antiprotons produced at the Fermilab p¯p collider at s=300, 540, 1000, and 1800 GeV are presented and compared with data from the energies reached at the CERN collider. We also present data on the dependence of average transverse momentum 〈pt〉 and particle ratios as a function of charged particle density dNcdη; data for particle densities as high as six times the average value, corresponding to a Bjorken energy density 6 GeV/fm3, are reported. These data are relevant to the search for quark-gluon phase of QCD.
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