Antufev, Yu.P. ; Agranovich, V.L. ; Ganenko, V.B. ; et al.
PRINT-70-2307, 1970.
Inspire Record 1105361 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.75432


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Measurement of the polarization parameter P in elastic π+p scattering at 335, 370, and 410 MeV

Bekrenev, V.S. ; Beloglazov, Yu.A. ; Gaditskii, V.G. ; et al.
JETP Lett. 35 (1982) 148, 1982.
Inspire Record 1408359 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.70446


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No description provided.

No description provided.

Angular dependence of the recoil proton polarization from the reaction $\gamma p \to \pi^0 p$ for photon energies between 360-MeV and 1200-MeV

Blum, P. ; Brinckmann, P. ; Brockmann, R. ; et al.
BONN-PI-1-105, 1970.
Inspire Record 1085812 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.70500


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Recoil proton polarization in elastic $\pi^−$ p scattering at 300 MeV and the phase shift analysis of pion-nucleon scattering

Vasilevsky, I.M. ; Vishnyakov, V.V. ; Ivanchenko, I.M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett. 23 (1966) 174-176, 1966.
Inspire Record 1408342 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.70432

The results of a measurement of recoil proton polarization for π−p → π−p at 300 MeV are given, and a phase shift analysis is made with the help of other data.

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Polarization of Recoil Protons Produced in Elastic Scattering at 307 Mev

Grigorev, E.L. ; Mitin, N.A. ;
Sov.Phys.JETP 10 (1960) 295-301, 1960.
Inspire Record 1096726 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.12

Results are presented of an investigation of the polarization of recoil protons appearing in elastic 1r+ -p scattering through an angle of 140 ± 8° in the c.m.s. at an energy of 307 ± 5 Mev. A polarization value P 1 = -0.19 ± 0.17 has been deriver from the data on the magnitude of the left-right asymmetry in elastic scattering of recoil protons on photographic emulsion nuclei. Phase shifts satisfying the indicated polarization value and consistent with the differential cross section for elastic scattering of 71"+ -mesons by protons are given by Eq. (1). Problems connected with the use of various phase shift sets for analysis of the experimental data are discussed.

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pi--p Elastic Scattering at 310 MeV: Differential Cross Section and Recoil-Proton Polarization

Rugge, Hugo R. ; Vik, Olav T. ;
Phys.Rev. 129 (1963) 2300-2310, 1963.
Inspire Record 944977 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.623

The differential cross section and recoil-proton polarization in π−−p elastic scattering at 310-MeV incident-pion energy has been measured. The differential cross section was measured at 28 angles in the angular region 25<~θlab<~160 deg. The fractional rms errors were typically 3%. The reaction was observed by counting the scattered pions emerging from a liquid-hydrogen target with a counter telescope consisting of scintillation and Čerenkov counters. Simultaneously, the recoil-proton polarization was measured at four angles in the angular region 114<θc.m.<146 deg. The recoil protons from the liquid-hydrogen target were scattered from a carbon target and the left-right asymmetry was measured. Scintillation counters were used throughout to detect the particles.

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No description provided.

Measurement of the polarization parameter in $\pi^{pm}p$ scattering from 356 to 519 MeV/c

Gorn, W. ;
LBL-1320, 1973.
Inspire Record 923202 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.1150


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No description provided.

No description provided.


The Measurement of Polarized Target Asymmetry on gamma p --> pi0 p Below 1-GeV

Fukushima, M. ; Horikawa, N. ; Kajikawa, R. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 136 (1978) 189-200, 1978.
Inspire Record 119548 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.35100

The polarized target asymmetry in the reaction γ p → π 0 p has been measured at c.m. angles of 30°, 80°, 105° and 120° for incident photon energies below 1 GeV. Two decay photons from π 0 were detected in coincidence at 30°, and at the other angles recoil protons and single photons from π 0 were detected. The results are compared with recent phenomenological analyses.

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The Measurement of Polarized Target Asymmetry on gamma p --> pi+ n Below 1.02-GeV

Fukushima, M. ; Horikawa, N. ; Kajikawa, R. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 130 (1977) 486-504, 1977.
Inspire Record 119547 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.35243

The polarized target asymmetry for the process γ p → π + n has been measured for incident photon energies below 1.02 GeV over a range of c.m. angles from 40° to 160°. π + mesons from a polarized butanol target were detected by a magnetic spectrometer. The results are compared with predictions given by existing analyses. A tentative interpretation of the data is performed, and a larger contribution of S-wave resonances is suggested. The photocouplings of dominant resonances were hardly changed by the inclusion of new data and they seem to be almost uniquely determined.

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Polarized Target Asymmetry in $\pi^+$ Photoproduction Between 0.3-GeV and 1.0-GeV at 130°

Feller, P. ; Fukushima, M. ; Horikawa, N. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 102 (1976) 207, 1976.
Inspire Record 90055 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.36079

The polarized target asymmetry for γ + p → π + + n was measured at c.m. angles around 130° for the energy range between 0.3 and 1.0 GeV. A magnetic spectrometer system was used to detect π + mesons from the polarized butanol target. The data show two prominent positive peaks at 0.4 and 0.8 GeV and a deep minimum at 0.6 GeV. These features are well reproduced by the phenomenological analysis made by us.

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