The total 1r- -p interaction cross sections (of) were measured with an accuracy of 1.5-2% for about 50 pion energies between 140 and 360 Mev. The pion energy was known to within ± 1%. No anomalies in the energy dependence of Of were found which could indicate the existence of a p0meson with a mass in the range of 270 to 410 Mev/c2• The data are inconsistent with the energy value E2 = 650 Mev for the second maximum of Of found by Frisch et al. 7 but agree with the conclusion drawn by Brisson et al. 8 that it should be located at a lower energy ( E2 :::::: 610 Mev). The data are in agreement with the dispersion relations for 1r- -p scattering. It is thus demonstrated that the PuppiStanghellini problem as such no longer exists and that it arose only as a result of an inaccurate knowledge of the total 1r--p interaction cross section.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Measurement of secondary-proton polarization from the reaction γ p → π 0 p have been performed in the proton energy range 500–800 MeV at c.m. pion emission angles 100°, 120°, 140°. The experiment was carried out using an optical spark chamber telescope at the output of the magnetic spectrometer. The obtained experimental data are included in a Walker-type analysis in order to verify the parameters of the resonances P 11 (1470), D 13 (1570) and S 11 (1535). Proton polarization in the reaction γ p → π 0 p was measured for a photon energy of 450 MeV at a c.m. pion emission angle of 105° using photons linearly polarized at 45° to the reaction plane. A liquid hydrogen target in the field of a superconducting magnet was used for the separation of the P x ′ and P z ′ components of the secondary-proton polarization vector.
No description provided.