The $e^+ e^-\to 2(\pi^+\pi^-)\pi^0$, 2(\pi^+\pi^-)\eta$, $K^+ K^-\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0$ and $K^+ K^-\pi^+\pi^-\eta$ Cross Sections Measured with Initial-State Radiation

The BaBar collaboration Aubert, Bernard ; Bona, M. ; Boutigny, D. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 76 (2007) 092005, 2007.
Inspire Record 758568 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.51824

We study the processes $e^+ e^-\to 2(\pi^+\pi^-)\pi^0\gamma$, $2(\pi^+\pi^-)\eta\gamma$, $K^+ K^-\pi^+\pi^-\pi^0\gamma$ and $K^+ K^-\pi^+\pi^-\eta\gamma$ with the hard photon radiated from the initial state. About 20000, 4300, 5500 and 375 fully reconstructed events, respectively, are selected from 232 fb$^{-1}$ of BaBar data. The invariant mass of the hadronic final state defines the effective $e^+ e^-$ center-of-mass energy, so that the obtained cross sections from the threshold to about 5 GeV can be compared with corresponding direct \epem measurements, currently available only for the $\eta\pi^+\pi^-$ and $\omega\pi^+\pi^-$ submodes of the $e^+ e^-\to 2(\pi^+\pi^-)\pi^0$ channel. Studying the structure of these events, we find contributions from a number of intermediate states, and we extract their cross sections where possible. In particular, we isolate the contribution from $e^+ e^-\to\omega(782)\pi^+\pi^-$ and study the $\omega(1420)$ and $\omega(1650)$ resonances. In the charmonium region, we observe the $J/\psi$ in all these final states and several intermediate states, as well as the $\psi(2S)$ in some modes, and we measure the corresponding branching fractions.

4 data tables match query

Measured cross section for E+ E- --> 2(PI+ PI-) PI0 with statistical errorsonly.

Measured cross section for E+ E- --> ETA PI+ PI- with statistical errors only.

Measured cross section for E+ E- --> OMEGA PI+ PI- with statistical errors only.


Measurement of the $e^+e^- \to \eta\pi^+\pi^-$ cross section in the center-of-mass energy range 1.22--2.00 GeV with the SND detector at the VEPP-2000 collider

The SND collaboration Aulchenko, V.M. ; Achasov, M.N. ; Barnyakov, A.Yu. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 91 (2015) 052013, 2015.
Inspire Record 1332929 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.73176

In the experiment with the SND detector at the VEPP-2000 $e^+e^-$ collider the cross section for the process $e^+e^-\to\eta\pi^+\pi^-$ has been measured in the center-of-mass energy range from 1.22 to 2.00 GeV. Obtained results are in agreement with previous measurements and have better accuracy. The energy dependence of the $e^+e^-\to\eta\pi^+\pi^-$ cross section has been fitted with the vector-meson dominance model. From this fit the product of the branching fractions $B(\rho(1450)\to\eta\pi^+\pi^-)B(\rho(1450)\to e^+e^-)$ has been extracted and compared with the same products for $\rho(1450)\to\omega\pi^0$ and $\rho(1450)\to\pi^+\pi^-$ decays. The obtained cross section data have been also used to test the conservation of vector current hypothesis.

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The c.m. energy ($\sqrt{s}$), integrated luminosity ($L$), detection efficiency ($\varepsilon$), number of selected signal events ($N$), radiative-correction factor ($1 + \delta$), measured $e^+e^- \to \eta \pi^+\pi^-$ Born cross section ($\sigma_B$). For the number of events and cross section the statistical error is quoted. The systematic uncertainty on the cross section is 8.3% at $\sqrt{s}<1.45$ GeV, 5.0% at $1.45<\sqrt{s}<1.60$ GeV, and 7.8% at $\sqrt{s}>1.60$ GeV.


Bauer, Daniel A. ;
Paris Photon-Photon 1986:443, 1986.
Inspire Record 231357 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.76256
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Data read off graph.

Data read off graph.

No description provided.


Ball, A.H. ;
227-229, 1984.
Inspire Record 201958 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.76251


1 data table match query

No description provided.

Measurements of e+ e- ---> K+ K- eta, K+ K- pi0 and K0(s) K+- pi-+ cross- sections using initial state radiation events

The BaBar collaboration Aubert, Bernard ; Bona, M. ; Boutigny, D. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 77 (2008) 092002, 2008.
Inspire Record 765258 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.50372

This paper reports measurements of processes: e+e- -> gamma KsK+pi-, e+e- -> gamma K+K-pi0, e+e- -> gamma phi eta, and e+e- -> gamma phi pi0. The initial state radiated photon allows to cover the hadronic final state in the energy range from thresholds up to ~4.6 GeV. The overall size of the data sample analyzed is 232 fb-1, collected by the BaBar detector running at the PEP-II e+e- storage ring. From the Dalitz plot analysis of the KsK+pi- final state, moduli and relative phase of the isoscalar and the isovector components of the e+e- -> K K*(892) cross section are determined. Parameters of phi and rho recurrences are also measured, using a global fitting procedure which exploits the interconnection among amplitudes, moduli and phases of the e+e- -> KsK+pi-, K+K-pi0, phi eta final states. The cross section for the OZI-forbidden process e+e- -> phi pi0, and the J/psi branching fractions to KK*(892) and K+K-eta are also measured.

2 data tables match query

The cross section for E+ E- --> K0S K+ PI- + CC with statistical errors only.

The cross section for E+ E- --> PHI PI0 with statistical errors only.

Experiments at VEPP-2M with SND detector

The SND collaboration Achasov, M.N. ; Aulchenko, V.M. ; Baru, S.E. ; et al.
BINP-98-65, 1998.
Inspire Record 476386 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.50374

Short overview of experiments with SND detector at VEPP-2M e^+e^- collider in the energy range 2E = 400 - 1400 MeV and preliminary results of data analysis are presented.

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No description provided.

No description provided.

No description provided.

High-statistics measurement of neutral pion-pair production in two-photon collisions

The Belle collaboration Uehara, S. ; Watanabe, Y. ; Adachi, I. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 78 (2008) 052004, 2008.
Inspire Record 786406 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.50151

We report a high-statistics measurement of differential cross sections for the process gamma gamma -> pi^0 pi^0 in the kinematic range 0.6 GeV <= W <= 4.0 GeV and |cos theta*| <= 0.8, where W and theta* are the energy and pion scattering angle, respectively, in the gamma gamma center-of-mass system. Differential cross sections are fitted to obtain information on S, D_0, D_2, G_0 and G_2 waves. The G waves are important above W ~= 1.6 GeV. For W <= 1.6 GeV the D_2 wave is dominated by the f_2(1270) resonance while the S wave requires at least one additional resonance besides the f_0(980), which may be the f_0(1370) or f_0(1500). The differential cross sections are fitted with a simple parameterization to determine the parameters (the mass, total width and Gamma_{gamma gamma}B(f_0 -> pi^0 pi^0)) of this scalar meson as well as the f_0(980). The helicity 0 fraction of the f_2(1270) meson, taking into account interference for the first time, is also obtained.

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Differential cross section for W = 1.33, 1.35 and 1.37 GeV.

Total cross section for the cos(theta*) ranges 0.0 to 0.6 and 0.0 to 0.8.

High-statistics study of ${\boldmath \eta \pi^0}$ production in two-photon collisions

The Belle collaboration Uehara, S. ; Watanabe, Y. ; Nakazawa, H. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 80 (2009) 032001, 2009.
Inspire Record 822474 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.53739

The differential cross section for the process $\gamma \gamma \to \eta \pi^0$ has been measured in the kinematic range $0.84 \GeV < W < 4.0 \GeV$, $|\cos \theta^*|<0.8$, where $W$ and $\theta^*$ are the energy and $\pi^0$ (or $\eta$) scattering angle, respectively, in the $\gamma\gamma$ center-of-mass system. The results are based on a 223 fb$^{-1}$ data sample collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB $e^+ e^-$ collider. Clear peaks due to the $a_0(980)$ and $a_2(1320)$ are visible. The differential cross sections are fitted in the energy region $0.9 \GeV < W < 1.46 \GeV$ to obtain the parameters of the $a_0(980)$. Its mass, width and $\Gamma_{\gamma \gamma} \B (\eta \pi^0)$ are measured to be $982.3 ^{+0.6}_{-0.7} ^{+3.1}_{-4.7} \MeV/c^2$, $75.6 \pm 1.6 ^{+17.4}_{-10.0} \MeV$ and $128 ^{+3}_{-2} ^{+502}_{-43} \eV$, respectively. The energy and angular dependences above 3.1 GeV are compared with those measured in the $\pi^0 \pi^0$ channel. The integrated cross section over $|\cos \theta^*|<0.8$ has a $W^{-n}$ dependence with $n = 10.5 \pm 1.2 \pm 0.5$, which is slightly larger than that for $\pi^0 \pi^0$. The differential cross sections show a $\sin^{-4} \theta^*$ dependence similar to $\gamma \gamma \to \pi^0 \pi^0$. The measured cross section ratio, $\sigma(\eta \pi^0)/\sigma(\pi^0 \pi^0) = 0.48 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.04$, is consistent with a QCD-based prediction.

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The total cross section integrated over ABS(COS(THETA*)) < 0.8.

The differential cross section as a function of angle for W = 1.33 GeV.

The differential cross section as a function of angle for W = 1.35 GeV.

Cross Sections for the Reactions e+e- --> K+ K- pi+pi-, K+ K- pi0pi0, and K+ K- K+ K- Measured Using Initial-State Radiation Events

The BaBar collaboration Lees, J.P. ; Poireau, V. ; Prencipe, E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 86 (2012) 012008, 2012.
Inspire Record 892684 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.62222

We study the processes e+e- --> K+ K- pi+pi-gamma, K+ K- pi0pi0gamma, and K+ K- K+ K-gamma, where the photon is radiated from the initial state. About 84000, 8000, and 4200 fully reconstructed events, respectively, are selected from 454 fb-1 of BaBar data. The invariant mass of the hadronic final state defines the \epem center-of-mass energy, so that the K+ K- pi+pi- data can be compared with direct measurements of the e+e- --> K+ K- pi+pi- reaction. No direct measurements exist for the e+e- --> K+ K-pi0pi0 or e+e- --> K+ K-K+ K- reactions, and we present an update of our previous result with doubled statistics. Studying the structure of these events, we find contributions from a number of intermediate states, and extract their cross sections. In particular, we perform a more detailed study of the e+e- --> phi(1020)pipigamma reaction, and confirm the presence of the Y(2175) resonance in the phi(1020) f0(980) and K+K-f0(980) modes. In the charmonium region, we observe the J/psi in all three final states and in several intermediate states, as well as the psi(2S) in some modes, and measure the corresponding product of branching fraction and electron width.

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Cross section measurements for the reaction E+ E- --> PHI F0(600). Statistical errors only.

Study of e+e- --> omega pi0 --> pi0 pi0 gamma in the energy range 1.05--2.00 GeV with SND

Achasov, M.N. ; Aulchenko, V.M. ; Barnyakov, A.Yu. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 88 (2013) 054013, 2013.
Inspire Record 1224801 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.62287

The cross section for the process e+e- --> omega pi0 --> pi0 pi0 gamma has been measured in the energy range 1.05--2.00 GeV. The experiment has been performed at the e+e- collider VEPP-2000 with the SND detector. The measured e+e- --> omega pi0 cross section above 1.4 GeV is the most accurate to date. Below 1.4 GeV our data are in good agreement with the previous SND and CMD-2 measurements. Data on the e+e- --> omega pi0 cross section are well described by the VMD model with two excited rho-like states. From the measured cross section we have extracted the gamma^* --> omega pi0 transition form factor. It has been found that the VDM model cannot describe simultaneously our data and data obtained from the omega --> pi0 mu+ mu- decay. We have also tested CVC hypothesis comparing our results on the e+e- --> omega pi0 cross section with data on the tau- --> omega pi- nu_{tau} decay.

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The c.m. energy(E) and measured Born cross section(SIG). For the cross section, the first error is statistical, the second is systematic.