Measurement of pi- p --> pi0 pi0 n from threshold to p(pi-) 750-MeV/c.

The Crystal Ball collaboration Prakhov, S. ; Nefkens, B.M.K. ; Allgower, C.E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 69 (2004) 045202, 2004.
Inspire Record 647544 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.25355

Reaction π−p→π0π0n has been measured with high statistics in the beam momentum range 270–750MeV∕c. The data were obtained using the Crystal Ball multiphoton spectrometer, which has 93% of 4π solid angle coverage. The dynamics of the π−p→π0π0n reaction and the dependence on the beam energy are displayed in total cross sections, Dalitz plots, invariant-mass spectra, and production angular distributions. Special attention is paid to the evaluation of the acceptance that is needed for the precision determination of the total cross section σt(π−p→π0π0n). The energy dependence of σt(π−p→π0π0n) shows a shoulder at the Roper resonance [i.e., the N(1440)12+], and there is also a maximum near the N(1520)32−. It illustrates the importance of these two resonances to the π0π0 production process. The Dalitz plots are highly nonuniform; they indicate that the π0π0n final state is dominantly produced via the π0Δ0(1232) intermediate state. The invariant-mass spectra differ much from the phase-space distributions. The production angular distributions are also different from the isotropic distribution, and their structure depends on the beam energy. For beam momenta above 550MeV∕c, the density distribution in the Dalitz plots strongly depends on the angle of the outgoing dipion system (or equivalently on the neutron angle). The role of the f0(600) meson (also known as the σ) in π0π0n production remains controversial.

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Measured total cross section. Statistical errors only.

Differential angular distributions of the 2PI0 system for the LH2 data at beam momenta 355 to 472 MeV/c. Statistical errors only.

Measurement of the reaction pi+ p ---> pi+ pi+ n near threshold

The OMICRON collaboration Kernel, G. ; Korbar, D. ; Krizan, P. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 48 (1990) 201-208, 1990.
Inspire Record 297700 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.15134

The reaction π+p→π+π+n was studied in the vicinity of the reaction threshold at ten incident pion beam momenta from 297 MeV/c to 480 MeV/c. From data angular distributions, invariant mass spectra and integrated cross-sections were deduced. The chiral symmetry breaking parameter as determined by this reaction equals to ξ=1.56±0.26±0.39, where the first error is experimental, while the latter reflects the uncertainty in the ansatz used in the extrapolation to the reaction threshold. A comparison with the other reaction channels of the reaction πp→ππN indicates that a single parameter (ξ) is not sufficient to describe low energy ππ interactions.

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No description provided.

pi-p Elastic Scattering in the Energy Range 300-700 MeV

Ogden, Philip M. ; Hagge, Donald E. ; Helland, Jerome A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 137 (1965) B1115-B1125, 1965.
Inspire Record 944964 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.537

Differential cross sections for elastic π−p scattering were measured at eight energies for positive pions and seven energies for negative pions. Energies ranged from 310 to 650 MeV. These measurements were made at the 3-GeV proton synchrotron at Saclay, France. A beam of pions from an internal BeO target was directed into a liquid-hydrogen target. Fifty-one scintillation counters and a matrix-coincidence system were used to measure simultaneously elastic events at 21 angles and charged inelastic events at 78 π−p angle pairs. Events were detected by coincidence of pulses indicating the presence of an incident pion, scattered pion, and recoil proton, and the results were stored in the memory of a pulse-height analyzer. Various corrections were applied to the data and a least-squares fit was made to the results at each energy. The form of the fitting function was a power series in the cosine of the center-of-mass angle of the scattered pion. Integration under the fitted curves gave values for the total elastic cross sections (without charge exchange). The importance of certain angular-momentum states is discussed. The π−−p data are consistent with a D13 resonant state at 600 MeV, but do not necessarily require such a resonant state.

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No description provided.

Total Cross Sections for Negative Pions on Protons at 230, 290, 370, 427, and 460 Mev

Caris, John C. ; Goodwin, Lester K. ; Kenney, Robert W. ; et al.
Phys.Rev. 122 (1961) 262-264, 1961.
Inspire Record 944986 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.26810

Total cross sections for negative pions on protons were measured at laboratory energies of 230, 290, 370, 427, and 460 Mev. The measurements were made in the same pion beams as and at energies identical with those of our π−−p differential scattering experiments. Comparisons of the total and differential scattering can be made with the dispersion theory at a given energy without introducing the systematic errors that would normally enter due to uncertainties in the parameters of more than one pion beam. The measured total cross sections are found to agree within statistics with other measured values, and with the sums of elastic, inelastic, and charge-exchange cross sections measured at this laboratory. The results are:

1 data table match query

No description provided.