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The polarized target asymmetry in the reaction γ p → π 0 p has been measured at c.m. angles of 30°, 80°, 105° and 120° for incident photon energies below 1 GeV. Two decay photons from π 0 were detected in coincidence at 30°, and at the other angles recoil protons and single photons from π 0 were detected. The results are compared with recent phenomenological analyses.
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The polarized target asymmetry for the process γ p → π + n has been measured for incident photon energies below 1.02 GeV over a range of c.m. angles from 40° to 160°. π + mesons from a polarized butanol target were detected by a magnetic spectrometer. The results are compared with predictions given by existing analyses. A tentative interpretation of the data is performed, and a larger contribution of S-wave resonances is suggested. The photocouplings of dominant resonances were hardly changed by the inclusion of new data and they seem to be almost uniquely determined.
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The polarized target asymmetry in the reaction γp→π°p has been measured at c.m. angles around 100° for photon energies between 0.4 and 1.0 GeV by detecting both the recoil proton and the π°. The result is compared with recent analyses.
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The reaction γ V p → p π + π − was studied in the W , Q 2 region 1.3–2.8 GeV, 0.3–1.4 GeV 2 using the streamer chamber at DESY. A detailed analysis of rho production via γ V p→ ϱ 0 p is presented. Near threshold rho production has peripheral and non-peripheral contributions of comparable magnitude. At higher energies ( W > 2 GeV) the peripheral component is dominant. The Q 2 dependence of σ ( γ V p→ ϱ 0 p) follows that of the rho propagator as predicted by VDM. The slope of d σ /d t at 〈 Q 2 〉 = 0.4 and 0.8 GeV 2 is within errors equal to its value at Q 2 = 0. The overall shape of the ϱ 0 is t dependent as in photoproduction, but is independent of Q 2 . The decay angular distribution shows that longitudinal rhos dominate in the threshold region. At higher energies transverse rhos are dominant. Rho production by transverse photons proceeds almost exclusively by natural parity exchange, σ T N ⩾ (0.83 ± 0.06) σ T for 2.2 < W < 2.8 GeV. The s -channel helicity-flip amplitudes are small compared to non-flip amplitudes. The ratio R = σ L / σ T was determined assuming s -channel helicity conservation. We find R = ξ 2 Q 2 / M ϱ 2 with ξ 2 ≈ 0.4 for 〈 W 〉 = 2.45 GeV. Interference between rho production amplitudes from longitudinal and transverse photons is observed. With increasing energy the phase between the two amplitudes decreases. The observed features of rho electroproduction are consistent with a dominantly diffractive production mechanism for W > 2 GeV.
The polarized target asymmetry for γ + p → π + + n was measured at c.m. angles around 130° for the energy range between 0.3 and 1.0 GeV. A magnetic spectrometer system was used to detect π + mesons from the polarized butanol target. The data show two prominent positive peaks at 0.4 and 0.8 GeV and a deep minimum at 0.6 GeV. These features are well reproduced by the phenomenological analysis made by us.
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At the Bonn 2.5 GeV electron synchrotron the first measurements of the target asymmetry for the reaction γ + n ↑ → π − + p have been performed. The negative pions were detected in a magnetic spectrometer at a constant pion c.m. angle of 40° and photon energies between 0.45 GeV and 2.0 GeV. Deuterated butanol was used as target material. The polarization of the deuterons was about 16%. The results show a significant difference from the previously measured π + asymmetry.
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The asymmetry ratioA = (σ⊥ -σ∥)/(σ⊥ +σ∥) has been measured by means of linearly polarized γ-rays for π0 and π+ photoproduction. For the reaction γ + p → n + π+, measurements were taken for θc.m. = 135° at γ-ray energies ranging from 390 to 909 MeV. For the reaction γ + p → p + π0, measurements were taken for θc.m. = 60° and 90° at γ-ray energies ranging from 426 to 918 Mev.
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