Measurement of the Antilambda polarization in nu/mu charged current interactions in the NOMAD experiment.

The NOMAD collaboration Astier, P. ; Autiero, D. ; Baldisseri, A. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 605 (2001) 3-14, 2001.
Inspire Record 554759 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.48928

We present a measurement of the polarization of Antilambda hyperons produced in nu_mu charged current interactions. The full data sample from the NOMAD experiment has been analyzed using the same V0 identification procedure and analysis method reported in a previous paper for the case of Lambda hyperons. The Antilambda polarization has been measured for the first time in a neutrino experiment. The polarization vector is found to be compatible with zero.

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Lambdabar polarization in regions of the Bjorken scaling variable X.

W**2 and Q**2 dependence of charged hadron and pion multiplicities in neutrino p and anti-neutrino p charged current interactions

The WA21 collaboration Jones, G.T. ; Jones, R.W.L. ; Morrison, Douglas R.O. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 46 (1990) 25-34, 1990.
Inspire Record 305244 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.1699

Using data onvp and\(\bar vp\) charged current interactions from a bubble chamber experiment with BEBC at CERN, the average multiplicities of charged hadrons and pions are determined as functions ofW2 andQ2. The analysis is based on ∼20000 events with incidentv and ∼10000 events with incident\(\bar v\). In addition to the known dependence of the average multiplicity onW2 a weak dependence onQ2 for fixed intervals ofW is observed. ForW>2 GeV andQ2>0.1 GeV2 the average multiplicity of charged hadrons is well described by〈n〉=a1+a2ln(W2/GeV2)+a3ln(Q2/GeV2) witha1=0.465±0.053,a2=1.211±0.021,a3=0.103±0.014 for thevp anda1=−0.372±0.073,a2=1.245±0.028,a3=0.093±0.015 for the\(\bar vp\) reaction.

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