We present results on dijet production via hard color-singlet exchange in proton-antiproton collisions at root-s = 630 GeV and 1800 GeV using the DZero detector. The fraction of dijet events produced via color-singlet exchange is measured as a function of jet transverse energy, separation in pseudorapidity between the two highest transverse energy jets, and proton-antiproton center-of-mass energy. The results are consistent with a color-singlet fraction that increases with an increasing fraction of quark-initiated processes and inconsistent with two-gluon models for the hard color-singlet.
Colour-singlet fraction at 1.8 TeV.
Ratio of colour-singlet fractions between 630 and 1800 GeV.
We present a study of events with Z bosons and jets produced at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in ppbar collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV. The data sample consists of nearly 14,000 Z/G* -> e+e- candidates corresponding to the integrated luminosity of 0.4 fb-1 collected using the D0 detector. Ratios of the Z/G* + >= n jet cross sections to the total inclusive Z/G* cross section have been measured for n = 1 to 4 jet events. Our measurements are found to be in good agreement with a next-to-leading order QCD calculation and with a tree-level QCD prediction with parton shower simulation and hadronization.
Ratio of the cross sections.
Number of observed events per 5 GeV bin for the >=`1Jet sample. Data read from plots.
Number of observed events per 5 GeV bin for the >=2Jet sample. Data read from plots.
A search for new heavy particles manifested as resonances in two-jet final states is presented. The data were produced in 7 TeV proton-proton collisions by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 315 nb^-1 collected by the ATLAS detector. No resonances were observed. Upper limits were set on the product of cross section and signal acceptance for excited-quark (q*) production as a function of q* mass. These exclude at the 95% CL the q* mass interval 0.30 < mq* < 1.26 TeV, extending the reach of previous experiments.
The dijet mass distribution (NUMBER OF EVENTS).
95 PCT CL upper limit of the cross section x acceptance.
Dijet angular distributions from the first LHC pp collisions at center-of-mass energy sqrt(s) = 7 TeV have been measured with the ATLAS detector. The dataset used for this analysis represents an integrated luminosity of 3.1 pb-1. Dijet $\chi$ distributions and centrality ratios have been measured up to dijet masses of 2.8 TeV, and found to be in good agreement with Standard Model predictions. Analysis of the $\chi$ distributions excludes quark contact interactions with a compositeness scale $\Lambda$ below 3.4 TeV, at 95% confidence level, significantly exceeding previous limits.
CHI distribution for mass bin 340 to 520 GeV.
CHI distribution for mass bin 520 to 800 GeV.
CHI distribution for mass bin 800 to 1200 GeV.
The results of a search for direct pair production of heavy top-quark partners in 4.7 fb-1 of integrated luminosity from pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC are reported. Heavy top-quark partners decaying into a top quark and a neutral non-interacting particle are searched for in events with two leptons in the final state. No excess above the Standard Model expectation is observed. Limits are placed on the mass of a supersymmetric scalar top and of a spin-1/2 top-quark partner. A spin-1/2 top-quark partner with a mass between 300 GeV and 480 GeV, decaying to a top quark and a neutral non-interacting particle lighter than 100 GeV, is excluded at 95% confidence level.
(1) Number of generated MC events for the scalar top signal grid (2) Relative Cross section uncertainties for the scalar top signal grid.
(1) Acceptance of the same flavour selection for the scalar top signal grid (2) Selection efficiency of the same flavour selection for the scalar top signal grid (3) Product of the acceptance and efficiency of the same flavour selection for the scalar top signal grid (4) Relative experimental uncertainties on the acceptance times efficiency of the same flavour selection for the scalar top signal grid.
(1) Acceptance of the different flavour selection for the scalar top signal grid (2) Selection efficiency of the different flavour selection for the scalar top signal grid (3) Product of the acceptance and efficiency of the different flavour selection for the scalar top signal grid (4) Relative experimental uncertainties on the acceptance times efficiency of the different flavour selection for the scalar top signal grid.
Measurements of inclusive jet suppression in heavy ion collisions at the LHC provide direct sensitivity to the physics of jet quenching. In a sample of lead-lead collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of approximately 7 inverse microbarns, ATLAS has measured jets with a calorimeter over the pseudorapidity interval |$\eta$| < 2.1 and over the transverse momentum range 38 < pT < 210 GeV. Jets were reconstructed using the anti-$k_t$ algorithm with values for the distance parameter that determines the nominal jet radius of R = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5. The centrality dependence of the jet yield is characterized by the jet "central-to-peripheral ratio," $R_{cp}$. Jet production is found to be suppressed by approximately a factor of two in the 10% most central collisions relative to peripheral collisions. $R_{cp}$ varies smoothly with centrality as characterized by the number of participating nucleons. The observed suppression is only weakly dependent on jet radius and transverse momentum. These results provide the first direct measurement of inclusive jet suppression in heavy ion collisions and complement previous measurements of dijet transverse energy imbalance at the LHC.
Glauber model calculation of the mean numbers of Npart and its associated errors, the mean Ncoll ratios, and Rcoll with fractional errors as a function of the centrality bins.
The Rcp values as a function of jet PT for the four R values, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 for the collision centrality in the range 0 - 10 %.
The Rcp values as a function of jet PT for the four R values, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 for the collision centrality in the range 10 - 20 %.
Many extensions of the Standard Model posit the existence of heavy particles with long lifetimes. In this Letter, results are presented of a search for such particles, which decay at a significant distance from their production point, using a final state containing charged hadrons and an associated muon. This analysis uses a data sample of proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)= 7 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 4.4 fb-1 collected in 2011 by the ATLAS detector operating at the Large Hadron Collider. Results are interpreted in the context of R-parity violating supersymmetric scenarios. No events in the signal region are observed and limits are set on the production cross section for supersymmetric particles, multiplied by the square of the branching ratio for a neutralino to decay to charged hadrons and a muon, as a function of the neutralino lifetime. To allow these limits to be used in a variety of models, they are presented for a range of squark and neutralino masses.
Efficiency-vs-radial-vertex-position without re-tracking The efficiency for reconstructing a displaced vertex passing all cuts, as a function of radial distance from the z-axis to the vertex positon. The retrack and noretrack suffixes refer to whether or not the procedure known as re-tracking, where the tracking algorithm is re-run with looser cuts, on the leftover hits from standard tracking, was used to select the tracks that were input to the vertexing algorithm.
Efficiency-vs-radial-vertex-position with re-tracking The efficiency for reconstructing a displaced vertex passing all cuts, as a function of radial distance from the z-axis to the vertex positon. The retrack and noretrack suffixes refer to whether or not the procedure known as re-tracking, where the tracking algorithm is re-run with looser cuts, on the leftover hits from standard tracking, was used to select the tracks that were input to the vertexing algorithm.
Event selection efficiency vs mean proper decay length The MH, HH, ML suffix used for overlaying the graphs refers to the combinations of squark and neutralino masses in the signal MC sample: MH is 700GeV squarks and 494GeV neutralinos, HH is 1.5TeV squarks and 494GeV neutralinos, and ML is 700GeV squarks and 108GeV neutralinos. The tables show the efficiency for reconstructing a signal event, where at least one vertex candidate passes all selection requirements, as a function of the proper decay length c*tau of the neutralino.
This paper presents a search for the t-channel exchange of an R-parity violating scalar top quark (\={t}) in the emu continuum using 2.1/fb of data collected by the ATLAS detector in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV pp collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. Data are found to be consistent with the expectation from the Standard Model backgrounds. Limits on R-parity-violating couplings at 95% C.L. are calculated as a function of the scalar top mass (m_{\={t}}). The upper limits on the production cross section for pp->emuX, through the t-channel exchange of a scalar top quark, ranges from 170 fb for m_{\={t}}=95 GeV to 30 fb for m_{\={t}}=1000 GeV.
The observed E-MU invariant mass distribution plus SM background and signal predicitons for a n stop mass of 95 GeV.
Information about the signal samples used.
The ratios of the observed and expected upper cross section limits to the theoretical cross sections as a function of the scalar top mass.
A search for squarks and gluinos in final states containing jets, missing transverse momentum and no electrons or muons is presented. The data were recorded by the ATLAS experiment in sqrt(s) = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. No excess above the Standard Model background expectation was observed in 35 inverse picobarns of analysed data. Gluino masses below 500 GeV are excluded at the 95% confidence level in simplified models containing only squarks of the first two generations, a gluino octet and a massless neutralino. The exclusion increases to 870 GeV for equal mass squarks and gluinos. In MSUGRA/CMSSM models with tan(beta)= 3, A_0=0 and mu>0, squarks and gluinos of equal mass are excluded below 775 GeV. These are the most stringent limits to date.
The distribution in Meff (scalar sum of the missing transverse momentum and the transverse momenta of the two highest pT jets) for events with at least 2 jets after the application of all selection criteria (other than the Meff cut itself). The table shows the number of observed data points per 100 GeV bin plus the background prediction of the Standard-Model Monte-Carlo and its upper and lower 1-sigma error limits uncertainty band.
The distribution in Meff (scalar sum of the missing transverse momentum and the transverse momenta of the three highest pT jets) for events with at least 3 jets after the application of all selection criteria (other than the Meff cut itself). The table shows the number of observed data points per 100 GeV bin plus the background prediction of the Standard-Model Monte-Carlo and its upper and lower 1-sigma uncertainty band error limits.
The distribution in MT2 for events with at least 2 jets after the application of all selection criteria (other than the MT2 cut itself). The table shows the number of observed data points per 40 GeV bin plus the background prediction of the Standard-Model Monte-Carlo and its upper and lower 1-sigma uncertainty band error limits.
A search for pair-produced scalar particles decaying to a four-jet final state is presented. The analysis is performed using an integrated luminosity of 34 pb^-1 recorded by the ATLAS detector in 2010. No deviation from the Standard Model is observed. For a scalar mass of 100 GeV (190 GeV) the limit on the scalar gluon pair production cross section at 95% confidence level is 1 nb (0.28 nb). When these results are interpreted as mass limits, scalar-gluons (hyperpions) with masses of 100 to 185 GeV (100 to 155 GeV) are excluded at 95% confidence level with the exception of a mass window of width about 5 GeV (15 GeV) around 140 GeV.
The distributions of the momentum of the 4th jet.
The di-jet delta(R) distribution for the sgluon candidate with the highest PT jet after applying the PT cut of 55 GeV and pairing the four leading jets into 2 sgluon candidates.
The distribution in relative mass difference of the two sgluon candidates after application of the PT and di-jet delta(R) cuts.