DO has measured the inclusive production cross section of W and Z bosons in a sample of 13 pb$^{-1}$ of data collected at the Fermilab Tevatron. The cross sections, multiplied by their leptonic branching fractions, for production in pbar-p collisions at sqrt{s}=1.8 TeV are sigma_W*B(W->e nu) = 2.36+-0.02+-0.08+-0.13 nb, sigma_W*B(W->mu nu) = 2.09+-0.06+-0.22+-0.11 nb, sigma_Z*B(Z->e+ e-) = 0.218+-0.008+-0.008+-0.012 nb, and sigma_Z*B(Z->mu+ mu-) = 0.178+-0.022+-0.021+-0.009 nb, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic; the third reflects the uncertainty in the integrated luminosity. For the combined electron and muon analyses, we find sigma_W*B(W->l mu)/sigma_Z*B(Z->l+ l-) = 10.90+-0.52. Assuming standard model couplings, we use this result to determine the width of the W boson, and obtain Gamma(W) = 2.044+-0.097 GeV.
No description provided.
Combined electron and muon analysis.
We report on a search for second generation leptoquarks with the D\O\ detector at the Fermilab Tevatron $p\overline{p}$ collider at $\sqrt{s}$ = 1.8 TeV. This search is based on 12.7 pb$~{-1}$ of data. Second generation leptoquarks are assumed to be produced in pairs and to decay into a muon and quark with branching ratio $\beta$ or to neutrino and quark with branching ratio $(1-\beta)$. We obtain cross section times branching ratio limits as a function of leptoquark mass and set a lower limit on the leptoquark mass of 111 GeV/c$~{2}$ for $\beta = 1 $ and 89 GeV/c$~{2}$ for $\beta = 0.5 $ at the 95\%\ confidence level.
The cross section times branching ratios.
The DO collaboration reports on a search for the Standard Model top quark in pbar-p collisions at Sqrt(s)=1.8TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron, with an integrated luminosity of approximately 50pb-1. We have searched for t-tbar production in the dilepton and single-lepton decay channels, with and without tagging of b-quark jets. We observed 17 events with an expected background of 3.8+/-0.6 events. The probability for an upward fluctuation of the background to produce the observed signal is 2.0E-6 (equivalent to 4.6 standard deviations). The kinematic properties of the excess events are consistent with top quark decay. We conclude that we have observed the top quark and measure its mass to be 199~+19_21 (stat.)+/- 22 (syst.)GeV/c**2 and its production cross section to be 6.4 +/- 2.2 pb.
Cross section refers to top quark mass equal 199. (+19, -21, +- 22) GeV.
We present results on the search for the top quark in pp¯ collisions at √s =1.8 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 13.5±1.6 pb−1. We have considered tt¯ production in the standard model using electron and muon dilepton decay channels (tt¯→eμ+jets, ee+jets, and μμ+jets) and single-lepton decay channels (tt¯→e+jets and μ+jets) with and without tagging of b quark jets. An analysis of these data optimized for top quark masses below 140 GeV/c2 gives a lower top quark mass limit of 128 GeV/c2. An analysis optimized for higher top quark masses yields 9 events with an expected background of 3.8±0.9. If we assume that the excess is due to tt¯ production, and assuming a top quark mass of 180 GeV/c2, we obtain a cross section of 8.2±5.1 pb.
No description provided.
The ratio of the number of W+1 jet to W+0 jet events is measured with the D0 detector using data from the 1992–93 Tevatron Collider run. For the W→eν channel with a minimum jet ET cutoff of 25 GeV, the experimental ratio is 0.065±0.003stat±0.007syst. Next-to-leading order QCD predictions for various parton distributions agree well with each other and are all over 1 standard deviation below the measurement. Varying the strong coupling constant αs in both the parton distributions and the partonic cross sections simultaneously does not remove this discrepancy.
Two values of ALPHA_S corresponds the two different parton distribution functions (pdf) used in extraction of ALPHA_S from the ratio. The dominant systematic error is from the jet energy scale uncertainty.
A change in estimated integrated luminosity (from 226 pb$^{-1} to 257 pb$^{-1}$ leads to a corrected value for ${\sigma (p \bar p \to Z) \cdot}$Br${(Z \to \tau \tau)}$ of $209\pm13(stat.)\pm16(syst.)\pm13(lum) pb.
Total cross section for W boson pair production. The second systematic (DSYS) error is due to the uncertainty in the luminosity.
We present a measurement of tbar-t production using multijet final states in pbar-p collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 1.8 TeV, with an integrated luminosity of 110.3 pb(-1). The analysis has been optimized using neural networks to achieve the smallest expected fractional uncertainty on the tbar-t production cross section, and yields a cross section of 7.1 +/- 2.8(stat.) +/- 1.5(syst.) pb, assuming a top quark mass of 172.1 GeV/c^(2). Combining this result with previous D0 measurements, where one or both of the W bosons decay leptonically, gives a tbar-t production cross section of 5.9 +/- 1.2(stat) +/- 1.1(syst) pb.
No description provided.
We present measurements of the b-bbar production cross section and angular correlations using the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p-pbar Collider operating at sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV. The b quark production cross section for |y(b)|<1.0 and p_T(b)>6 GeV/c is extracted from single muon and dimuon data samples. The results agree in shape with the next-to-leading order QCD calculation of heavy flavor production but are greater than the central values of these predictions. The angular correlations between b and bbar quarks, measured from the azimuthal opening angle between their decay muons, also agree in shape with the next-to-leading order QCD prediction.
No description provided.
The errors are combinations of statistical and systematic uncertainties.
The distribution of MU+ MU- azimuthal angle difference.
We report on measurements of inclusive cross sections times branching fractions into electrons for W and Z bosons produced in ppbar collisions at sqrts=1.8 TeV.From an integrated luminosity of 84.5 inverse pb recorded in 1994--1995 using the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron, we determine sigma(ppbar->W+X)B(W->e nu) = 2310 +- 10(stat) +- 50(syst) +- 100(lum) pb and sigma(ppbar->Z+X)B(Z->e e) = 221 +- 3(stat) +- 4(syst) +- 10(lum) pb. From these, we derive their Ratio R = 10.43 +- 0.15(stat) +- 0.20(syst) +- 0.10(NLO), B(W->e nu) = 0.1066 +- 0.0015(stat) +- 0.0021(syst) +- 0.0011(theory)+- 0.0011(NLO), and Gamma_W = 2.130 +- 0.030(stat) +- 0.041(syst) +- 0.022(theory) +- 0.021(NLO) GeV. We use the latter to set a 95% confidence level upper limit on the partial decay width of the W boson into non-standard model final states, Gamma_W^{inv}, of 0.168 GeV. Combining these results with those from the 1992--1993 data gives R = 10.54 +- 0.24, Gamma_W = 2.107 +- 0.054 GeV, and a 95% C.L. upper limit on Gamma_W^{inv} of 0.132 GeV. Using a sample with a luminosity of 505 inverse nb taken at sqrts=630 GeV, we measure sigma(ppbar->W+X)B(W->e nu) = 658 +- 67 pb.
Cross sections times branching ratios for W+- and Z0 production. The second DSYS error is due to the uncertainty in the luminosity.
Ratio of W to Z0 cross sections. The second systematic error is due to the uncertainty in the NLO electroweak radiative corrections.
This Letter describes a measurement of the muon cross section originating from b quark decay in the forward rapidity range 2.4 < y(mu) < 3.2 in pbarp collisions at sqrt(s) = 1.8 TeV. The data used in this analysis were collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron. We find that NLO QCD calculations underestimate b quark production by a factor of four in the forward rapidity region. A cross section measurement using muon+jet data has been included in this version of the paper.
The forward muon cross section (per unit rapidity).
The cross section for muons originating from b-quark decay.
Integrated cross sections for muons originating from b-quark decay. The statistical and systematic errors are added in quadrature.