Using data from Fermilab fixed-target experiment E769, we have measured particle-antiparticle production asymmetries for Lambda0 hyperons in 250 GeV/c pi+-, K+- and p -- nucleon interactions. The asymmetries are measured as functions of Feynman-x (x_F) and p_t^2 over the ranges -0.12<=x_F<=0.12 and 0<=p_t^2<=3 (GeV/c)^2 (for positive beam) and -0.12<=x_F<=0.4 and 0<=p_t^2<=10 (GeV/c)^2 (for negative beam). We find substantial asymmetries, even at x_F around zero. We also observe leading-particle-type asymmetries. These latter effects are qualitatively as expected from valence-quark content of the target and variety of projectiles studied.
LAMBDA production asymmetries versus XL for the positive beams.
LAMBDA production asymmetries versus PT**2 for the positive beams.
LAMBDA production asymmetries versus XL for the negative beams.
A leading charm meson is one with longitudinal momentum fraction, xF>0, whose light quark (or antiquark) is of the same type as one of the quarks in the beam particles. We report on the production asymmetry, A=[σ(leading-σ(nonleading)]/[σ(leading)+σ(nonleading)] as a function of xF. The data consist of 1500 fully reconstructed D± and D*± decays in Fermilab experiment E 769. We find a significant asymmetry for the production of charm quarks is not expected in perturbative quantum chromodynamics.
Asymmetry as function of XL.
Asymmetry as function of PT**2.
We measure forward cross sections for production of D+, D0, Ds, D*+, and Λc in collisions of π±, K±, and p on a nuclear target. Production induced by different beam particles is found to be the same within statistics. Strange and baryonic final states are seen to contribute appreciably to the total charm cross section, which our measurements indicate is larger than but consistent with QCD predictions. The energy dependence mapped out by these and previous measurements is consistent with theory. Leading-particle asymmetry measurements for K and p-induced charm production are also presented.
Leading particle asymmetries defined as (SIG(LEADING)- SIG(NONLEADING))/(SIG(LEADING)+SIG(NONLEADING)).