The production of $D_s^-$ relative to $D_s^+$ as a function of $x_F $ with 600 GeV/c $\Sigma^-$ beam is measured in the interval $0.15 < x_F < 0.7$ by the SELEX (E781) experiment at Fermilab. The integrated charge asymmetries with 600 GeV/c $\Sigma^-$ beam ($0.53\pm0.06$) and $\pi^-$ beam ($0.06\pm0.11$) are also compared. The results show the $\Sigma^-$ beam fragments play a role in the production of $D_s^-$, as suggested by the leading quark model.
Production asymmetry for the SIGMA- beam.
Integrated asymmetry (with XL > 0.15) for the PI- and SIGMA- beams.
We report measurements of single- and double- spin asymmetries for $W^{\pm}$ and $Z/\gamma^*$ boson production in longitudinally polarized $p+p$ collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 510$ GeV by the STAR experiment at RHIC. The asymmetries for $W^{\pm}$ were measured as a function of the decay lepton pseudorapidity, which provides a theoretically clean probe of the proton's polarized quark distributions at the scale of the $W$ mass. The results are compared to theoretical predictions, constrained by recent polarized deep inelastic scattering measurements, and show a preference for a sizable, positive up antiquark polarization in the range $0.05<x<0.2$.
Longitudinal single-spin asymmetry $A_L$ for W+ production as a function of lepton pseudorapidity.
Longitudinal single-spin asymmetry $A_L$ for W- production as a function of lepton pseudorapidity.
Longitudinal single-spin asymmetry $A_L$ for W+ production as a function of lepton pseudorapidity.
We present the measurement of the transverse single-spin asymmetry of weak boson production in transversely polarized proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 500~\text{GeV}$ by the STAR experiment at RHIC. The measured observable is sensitive to the Sivers function, one of the transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions, which is predicted to have the opposite sign in proton-proton collisions from that observed in deep inelastic lepton-proton scattering. These data provide the first experimental investigation of the non-universality of the Sivers function, fundamental to our understanding of QCD.
The amplitude of the transverse single-spin asymmetry for $W^{+-}$ boson production as a function of $P_T^W$, in the |$y^W$| < 1 region, measured by STAR in proton+proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=500$ GeV with a recorded luminosity of 25 $pb^{-1}$. The average boson's rapidity value for each $P_T^W$ bin is $y^W=0.0$.
The amplitude of the transverse single-spin asymmetry for $W^{+-}$ boson production as a function of $y^W$, in the 0.5 GeV/c < $P_T^W$ < 10 GeV/c region, measured by STAR in proton+proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=500$ GeV with a recorded luminosity of 25 $pb^{-1}$. The average boson's transverse-momentum value for each $y^W$-bin is $P_T^W=5.3$ GeV/c.
The amplitude of the transverse single-spin asymmetry for $Z^0$ boson production, measured by STAR in proton+proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}=500$ GeV with a recorded luminosity of 25 $pb^{-1}$.
The STAR Collaboration reports measurements of the transverse single-spin asymmetries, $A_N$, for inclusive jets and identified `hadrons within jets' production at midrapidity from transversely polarized $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 200 GeV, based on data recorded in 2012 and 2015. The inclusive jet asymmetry measurements include $A_N$ for inclusive jets and $A_N$ for jets containing a charged pion carrying a momentum fraction $z>0.3$ of the jet momentum. The identified hadron within jet asymmetry measurements include the Collins effect for charged pions, kaons and protons, and the Collins-like effect for charged pions. The measured asymmetries are determined for several distinct kinematic regions, characterized by the jet transverse momentum $p_{T}$ and pseudorapidity $\eta$, as well as the hadron momentum fraction $z$ and momentum transverse to the jet axis $j_{T}$. These results probe higher momentum scales ($Q^{2}$ up to $\sim$ 900 GeV$^{2}$) than current, semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering measurements, and they provide new constraints on quark transversity in the proton and enable tests of evolution, universality and factorization breaking in the transverse-momentum-dependent formalism.
Inclusive jet asymmetries, $A_{UT}^{\sin(\phi_{S})}$, as a function of particle jet-$p_{T}$. The bars show the statistical uncertainties, while the size of the boxes represents the systematic uncertainties on $A_{UT}^{\sin(\phi_{S})}$ (vertical) and jet-$p_{T}$ (horizontal). The top panel shows results for jets that scatter forward relative to the polarized beam ($x_{F} > 0$).
Inclusive jet asymmetries, $A_{UT}^{\sin(\phi_{S})}$, as a function of particle jet-$p_{T}$. The bars show the statistical uncertainties, while the size of the boxes represents the systematic uncertainties on $A_{UT}^{\sin(\phi_{S})}$ (vertical) and jet-$p_{T}$ (horizontal). the bottom panel shows jets that scatter backward to the polarized beam ($x_{F} < 0$).
Inclusive jet asymmetries, $A_{UT}^{\sin(\phi_{S})}$, as a function of particle jet-$p_{T}$ for jets that contain a charged pion with $z > 0.3$. The blue circles are for jets containing a high-$z$ $\pi^{+}$, while red squares are for jets containing a high-$z$ $\pi^{-}$.
We report on the first measurements of e + e − annihilations into hadrons and lepton pairs at centre-of-mass energies between 130 GeV and 140 GeV. In a total luminosity of 5 pb −1 collected with the L3 detector at LEP we select 1577 hadronic and 401 lepton-pair events. The measured cross sections and leptonic forward-backward asymmetries agree well with the Standard Model predictions.
An additional systematic error 0.034 for E+ E- channel.
We report the double helicity asymmetry, $A_{LL}^{J/\psi}$, in inclusive $J/\psi$ production at forward rapidity as a function of transverse momentum $p_T$ and rapidity $|y|$. The data analyzed were taken during $\sqrt{s}=510$ GeV longitudinally polarized $p
$A_{LL}^{J/\psi}$ as a function of $p_T$ or $|y|$. $N_{J/\psi}^{2\sigma}$ is the $J/\psi$ counting within its $2\sigma$ mass window. The column of Type A systematic uncertainties are a statistically weighted quadratic combination of the background fraction and run grouping uncertainties. $\Delta A_{LL}$ (Rel. Lumi.) is the global systematic uncertainty from relative luminosity measurements. $\Delta A_{LL}$ (Polarization) is the systematic uncertainty from the beam polarization measurement: a zero indicates an uncertainty $< 0.001$.
We report a new high-precision measurement of the mid-rapidity inclusive jet longitudinal double-spin asymmetry, $A_{LL}$, in polarized $pp$ collisions at center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV. The STAR data place stringent constraints on polarized parton distribution functions extracted at next-to-leading order from global analyses of inclusive deep inelastic scattering (DIS), semi-inclusive DIS, and RHIC $pp$ data. The measured asymmetries provide evidence for positive gluon polarization in the Bjorken-$x$ region $x>0.05$.
Inclusive jet $A_{LL}$ vs. parton jet $p_T$ for |eta|<0.5.
Inclusive jet $A_{LL}$ vs. parton jet $p_T$ for 0.5<|eta|<1.0.
$A_{LL}$ model predictions for |eta|<0.5.
We present the first measurements of the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry $A_{LL}$ for dijets with at least one jet reconstructed within the pseudorapidity range $0.8 < \eta < 1.8$. The dijets were measured in polarized $pp$ collisions at a center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s}$ = 200 GeV. Values for $A_{LL}$ are determined for several distinct event topologies, defined by the jet pseudorapidities, and span a range of parton momentum fraction $x$ down to $x \sim$ 0.01. The measured asymmetries are found to be consistent with the predictions of global analyses that incorporate the results of previous RHIC measurements. They will provide new constraints on $\Delta g(x)$ in this poorly constrained region when included in future global analyses.
$A_{LL}$ as a function of parton-level invariant mass for dijets with the East barrel-endcap.
$A_{LL}$ as a function of parton-level invariant mass for dijets with the West barrel-endcap.
$A_{LL}$ as a function of parton-level invariant mass for dijets with the endcap-endcap.
Angular distributions of the decay B$^+$$\to$ K$^*$(892)$^+\mu^+\mu^-$ are studied using events collected with the CMS detector in $\sqrt{s} =$ 8 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.0 fb$^{-1}$. The forward-backward asymmetry of the muons and the longitudinal polarization of the K$^*$(892)$^+$ meson are determined as a function of the square of the dimuon invariant mass. These are the first results from this exclusive decay mode and are in agreement with a standard model prediction.
The measured signal yields, FL, AFB in bins of the dimuon invariant mass squared. The first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic.
We report high-precision measurements of the longitudinal double-spin asymmetry, $A_{LL}$, for midrapidity inclusive jet and dijet production in polarized $pp$ collisions at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=200\,\mathrm{GeV}$. The new inclusive jet data are sensitive to the gluon helicity distribution, $\Delta g(x,Q^2)$, for gluon momentum fractions in the range from $x \simeq 0.05$ to $x \simeq 0.5$, while the new dijet data provide further constraints on the $x$ dependence of $\Delta g(x,Q^2)$. The results are in good agreement with previous measurements at $\sqrt{s}=200\,\mathrm{GeV}$ and with recent theoretical evaluations of prior world data. Our new results have better precision and thus strengthen the evidence that $\Delta g(x,Q^2)$ is positive for $x > 0.05$.
Parton inclusive-jet $p_T$ and $A_{LL}$ values with associated uncertainties for jet-$\eta$ region $0.5<|\eta|<1$.
Parton inclusive-jet $p_T$ and $A_{LL}$ values with associated uncertainties for jet-$\eta$ region $|\eta|<0.5$.
Parton dijet invariant mass $M_{inv}$ and $A_{LL}$ values with associated uncertainties for the $\textrm{sign}(\eta_1) = \textrm{sign}(\eta_2)$ topology.