No description provided.
The forward-backward charge asymmetries of theb andc quarks are measured with the JADE detector at PETRA at\(\sqrt s= 35\) GeV and 44 GeV using both electrons and muons to tag the heavy quarks. At\(\sqrt s= 35\) GeV, a simultaneous fit for the two asymmetries yields the resultAb=−9.3±5.2% (state.) ndAc=−9.6±4.0% (stat.). The systematic errors are comparable with the statistical uncertainties. Combining the measurements at both energies and alternately constraining the weak coupling of thec andb quark to their Standard Model values (ac=1,ab=−1) increases the precision of the measurement of coupling constant of the other quark. Using this procedureab=−0.72±0.34 andac=0.79±0.40, where the numbers are corrected for\(B\bar B - mixing\) and the errors include both statistical and systematic contributions. The mixing parameter for continuum\(b\bar b - production\) is determined to be χ-0.24±0.12 if both heavy quark coupling constants are constrained to their values in the Standard Model.
Results of simultaneous fit to both asymmetries. This table is for the CHARMED quark.
Results of simultaneous fit to both asymmetries. This table is for the BOTTOM quark.
Results for BOTTOM quark asymmetry with c asymmetry constrained to the standard model value.
The production ofb andc quarks ine+e− annihilation has been studied with the CELLO detector in the range from 35 GeV up to the highest PETRA energies. The heavy quarks have been tagged by their semileptonic decays. The charge asymmetries forb quarks at 35 and 43 GeV have been found to beAb=−(22.2±8.1)% andAb=−(49.1±16.5)%, respectively, using a method incorporating jet variables and their correlations for the separation of the heavy quarks from the back ground of the lighter quarks. Forc quarks we obtainAc=−(12.9±8.8)% andAc=+(7.7±14.0)%, respectively. The axial vector coupling constants of the heavy quarksc andb are found to beac=+(0.29±0.46) andab=−(1.15±0.41) taking\(B^0 \overline {B^0 } \) mixing into account. The results are in agreement with the expectations from the standard model.
BOTTOM quark charge asymmetry.
CHARMED quark charge asymmetry.
High p ⊥ inclusive muon events produced in e + e − annihilations at √ s =29 GeV have been analyzed to obtain a measurement of the b b forward-backward charge asymmetry. The result A b =0.034±0.070±0.035 differs from the theoretical expectation (−0.16) unless substantial B 0 B 0 mixing is assumed.
No description provided.
We present direct measurements of the $Z~0$-lepton coupling asymmetry parameters, $A_e$, $A_\mu$, and $A_\tau$, based on a data sample of 12,063 leptonic $Z~0$ decays collected by the SLD detector. The $Z$ bosons are produced in collisions of beams of polarized $e~-$ with unpolarized $e~+$ at the SLAC Linear Collider. The couplings are extracted from the measurement of the left-right and forward-backward asymmetries for each lepton species. The results are: $A_e=0.152 \pm 0.012 {(stat)} \pm 0.001 {(syst)}$, $A_\mu=0.102 \pm 0.034 \pm 0.002$, and $A_\tau=0.195 \pm 0.034 \pm 0.003$.
No description provided.
The forward-backward asymmetries of$$e^ + e^ - \to Z^0 \to b\bar b and e^ + e^ - \to Z^0 \to c\bar c$$
Measurement of the asymmetry in b-quark production on the Z0 peak using a two parameter fit, neglecting the effects of B0-BBAR0 mixing.
Measurement of the asymmetry in b-quark production on the Z0 peak using a two parameter fit and correcting for B0-BBAR0 mixing. The second systematic error is due to the uncertainty of the mixing factor.
Measurement of the asymmetry in c-quark production on the Z0 peak using a two parameter fit.
The charmed quark charge asymmetry has been measured at the average centre of mass energy of 35 GeV with the JADE detector at thee+e− storage ring PETRA. Charmed quarks were identified byD*± tagging using the ΔM technique.D*± mesons were reconstructed through their decay intoD0 mesons resulting in (Kπ) π and (K π π π) π final states. The measured charge asymmetryA=−0.149±0.067 is in agreement with the expectation from the electroweak interference effect in quantum flavour dynamics (QFD).
CHARMED quark charge asymmetry.
We present a direct measurement of Ac=2vcac(vc2+ac2) from the left-right forward-backward asymmetry of D*+ and D+ mesons in Z0 events produced with the longitudinally polarized SLAC Linear Collider beam. These Z0→cc¯ events are tagged on the basis of event kinematics and decay topology from a sample of hadronic Z0 decays recorded by the SLAC Large Detector. We measure Ac0=0.73±0.22(stat)±0.10(syst).
No description provided.
The production of prompt muons ine+e− annihilation has been studied at centre of mass energies near 34.5 GeV. The measured semi-muonic branching ratios ofb andc quarks areB(b»Xμv) =0.117±0.028±0.01 andB(c→Xμv)=0.082 ±0.012a−0.01+0.02. The fragmentation functions of heavy quarks are hard, <zb>=0.85a−0.12–0.07+0.10+0.02 and <zc> =0.77a−0.07–0.11+0.05+0.03. Limits have been set on flavour changing neutral current decays:B(b→Xµ+µ−) <0.02 andB(b→Xµ+µ− (95% confidence level).
The forward-backward asymmetry of quarks produced in e+e− annihilations, summed over all flavors, is measured at √s between 50 and 60.8 GeV. Methods of determining the charge direction of jet pairs are discussed. The asymmetry is found to agree with the five-flavor standard model.
Forward backward asymmetry summed over all flavours of quarks.