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Coherent 3 π production on nine different nuclear targets has been studied using a 40 GeV/ c π − beam at the Serpukhov accelerator (CERN-Serpukhov experiment no. 5). The absorption in nuclear matter of the produced system has been measured, analysing the data on the different nuclear targets. Identica results are obtained from the differential cross sections and from the coherent nuclear cross sections. The 1 + waves show a very weak absorption, definitely smaller than 0 − and 2 − waves. No influence on the absorption comes from the spin-flip amplitudes, which have been found to be negligible in the coherent region.
Data are extracted from graph by JINR data group.
Data are extracted from graph by JINR data group.
Data are extracted from graph by JINR data group.
We have studied the diffractive dissociation into di-jets of 500 GeV/c pions scattering coherently from carbon and platinum targets. Extrapolating to asymptotically high energies (where t_{min} approaches 0) we find that when the per-nucleus cross-section for this process is parameterized as $ \sigma = \sigma_0 A^{\alpha} $, $ \alpha $ has values near 1.6, the exact result depending on jet transverse momentum. These values are in agreement with those predicted by theoretical calculations of color-transparency.
Cross sections is fitted to A**POWER.
The absolute normalisation of the polarisation in pp elastic scattering at 24 degrees lab has been determined by means of a double-scattering experiment to an accuracy of +or-1.5% at five energies between 200 and 520 MeV.
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New high-statistics measurements of π + p elastic scattering differential cross sections are presented at 30 momentum points between 1.282 and 2.472 GeV/ c , covering most of the angular distribution outside the forward diffractive peak. These data show significant disagreements at some momenta with previous high-statistics experiments and with current partial wave analyses.
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Data on the reactions (K+/π+)p→(K+/π+)pπ+π- and (K+/π+)p→(K+/π+)p2π+2π-, obtained with the European Hybrid Spectrometer, are presented and compared with data at lower energies. The contribution of beam and target diffractive dissociation and double Pomeron exchange, and porperties of these reactions are discussed.
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In a special run of the LHC with $\beta^\star = 2.5~$km, proton-proton elastic-scattering events were recorded at $\sqrt{s} = 13~$TeV with an integrated luminosity of $340~\mu \textrm{b}^{-1}$ using the ALFA subdetector of ATLAS in 2016. The elastic cross section was measured differentially in the Mandelstam $t$ variable in the range from $-t = 2.5 \cdot 10^{-4}~$GeV$^{2}$ to $-t = 0.46~$GeV$^{2}$ using 6.9 million elastic-scattering candidates. This paper presents measurements of the total cross section $\sigma_{\textrm{tot}}$, parameters of the nuclear slope, and the $\rho$-parameter defined as the ratio of the real part to the imaginary part of the elastic-scattering amplitude in the limit $t \rightarrow 0$. These parameters are determined from a fit to the differential elastic cross section using the optical theorem and different parameterizations of the $t$-dependence. The results for $\sigma_{\textrm{tot}}$ and $\rho$ are \begin{equation*} \sigma_{\textrm{tot}}(pp\rightarrow X) = \mbox{104.7} \pm 1.1 \; \mbox{mb} , \; \; \; \rho = \mbox{0.098} \pm 0.011 . \end{equation*} The uncertainty in $\sigma_{\textrm{tot}}$ is dominated by the luminosity measurement, and in $\rho$ by imperfect knowledge of the detector alignment and by modelling of the nuclear amplitude.
The measured total cross section. The systematic uncertainty includes experimental and theoretical uncerainties.
The rho-parameter, i.e. the ratio of the real to imaginary part of the elastic scattering amplitude extrapolated to t=0. The systematic uncertainty includes experimental and theoretical uncerainties.
The nuclear slope parameter B from a fit of the form exp(-Bt-Ct^2-Dt^3). The systematic uncertainty includes experimental and theoretical uncerainties.
Results are presented on π + p and K + p elastic scattering at 250 GeV/ c , the highest momentum so far reached for positive meson beams. The experiment (NA22) was performed with the european hybrid spectrometer. The π + p elastic cross section stays constant with energy while the K + p cross section increases.
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