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Measurement of the t distribution in diffractive photoproduction at HERA.

The ZEUS collaboration Breitweg, J. ; Derrick, M. ; Krakauer, D. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 2 (1998) 237-246, 1998.
Inspire Record 452355 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.44323

Photon diffractive dissociation, $\gamma p \to Xp$, has been studied at HERA with the ZEUS detector using $ep$ interactions where the virtuality $Q^2$ of the exchanged photon is smaller than 0.02 GeV$^2$. The squared four-momentum $t$ exchanged at the proton vertex was determined in the range $0.073<|t|<0.40$ GeV$^2$ by measuring the scattered proton in the ZEUS Leading Proton Spectrometer. In the photon-proton centre-of-mass energy interval $176<W<225$ GeV and for masses of the dissociated photon system $4<M_X<32$ GeV, the $t$ distribution has an exponential shape, $dN/d|t| \propto \exp{(-b|t|)}$, with a slope parameter $b=6.8 \pm 0.9$~(stat.)~$ ^{+1.2}_{-1.1}$~(syst.)~GeV$^{-2}$.

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T is the squared four momentum transfer at the proton vertex.

SLOPE of the DN/DT distribution.

Measurement of total and partial photon proton cross-sections at 180-GeV center-of-mass energy

The ZEUS collaboration Derrick, M. ; Krakauer, D. ; Magill, S. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 63 (1994) 391-408, 1994.
Inspire Record 372260 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.45055

Photon proton cross sections for elastic light vector meson production, σelνp, inelastic diffractive production, σndνp, non-diffractive production, σdνp, as well as the total cross section, σtotνp, have been measured at an average υp center of mass energy of 180 GeV with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The resulting values are σelνp = 18 ± 7 μb, σdνp = 33 ± 8 μb, σndνp = 91 ± 11 μb, and σtotνp 143 ± 17 μb, where the errors include statistical and systematic errors added in quadrature.

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Errors contain both statistics and systematics.

Measurement of the diffractive structure function F2(D(4) ) at HERA

The ZEUS collaboration Breitweg, J. ; Derrick, M. ; Krakauer, D. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 1 (1998) 81-96, 1998.
Inspire Record 448663 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.44431

This paper presents the first analysis of diffractive photon dissociation events in deep inelastic positron-proton scattering at HERA in which the proton in the final state is detected and its momentum measured. The events are selected by requiring a scattered proton in the ZEUS leading proton spectrometer (LPS) with $\xl>0.97$, where $\xl$ is the fraction of the incoming proton beam momentum carried by the scattered proton. The use of the LPS significantly reduces the contamination from events with diffractive dissociation of the proton into low mass states and allows a direct measurement of $t$, the square of the four-momentum exchanged at the proton vertex. The dependence of the cross section on $t$ is measured in the interval $0.073<|t|<0.4$~$\gevtwo$ and is found to be described by an exponential shape with the slope parameter $b=\tslopeerr$. The diffractive structure function $\ftwodfour$ is presented as a function of $\xpom \simeq 1-\xl$ and $\beta$, the momentum fraction of the struck quark with respect to $\xpom$, and averaged over the $t$ interval $0.073<|t|<\ftwodfourtmax$~$\gevtwo$ and the photon virtuality range $5<Q^2<20~\gevtwo$. In the kinematic range $4 \times 10^{-4} < \xpom < 0.03$ and $0.015<\beta<0.5$, the $\xpom$ dependence of $\ftwodfour$ is fitted with a form $\xpoma$, yielding $a= \ftwodfouraerr$. Upon integration over $t$, the structure function $\ftwod$ is determined in a kinematic range extending to higher $\xpom$ and lower $\beta$ compared to our previous analysis; the results are discussed within the framework of Regge theory.

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The measured distribution of T, the squared momentum transfer to the virtual pluton.

Slope of the T distribution.

The structure function F2(NAME=D4).


Measurement of the diffractive cross-section in deep inelastic scattering using ZEUS 1994 data

The ZEUS collaboration Breitweg, J. ; Derrick, M. ; Krakauer, D. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 6 (1999) 43-66, 1999.
Inspire Record 473108 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.44224

The DIS diffractive cross section, $d\sigma^{diff}_{\gamma^* p \to XN}/dM_X$, has been measured in the mass range $M_X < 15$ GeV for $\gamma^*p$ c.m. energies $60 < W < 200$ GeV and photon virtualities $Q^2 = 7$ to 140 GeV$^2$. For fixed $Q^2$ and $M_X$, the diffractive cross section rises rapidly with $W$, $d\sigma^{diff}_{\gamma^*p \to XN}(M_X,W,Q^2)/dM_X \propto W^{a^{diff}}$ with $a^{diff} = 0.507 \pm 0.034 (stat)^{+0.155}_{-0.046}(syst)$ corresponding to a $t$-averaged pomeron trajectory of $\bar{\alphapom} = 1.127 \pm 0.009 (stat)^{+0.039}_{-0.012} (syst)$ which is larger than $\bar{\alphapom}$ observed in hadron-hadron scattering. The $W$ dependence of the diffractive cross section is found to be the same as that of the total cross section for scattering of virtual photons on protons. The data are consistent with the assumption that the diffractive structure function $F^{D(3)}_2$ factorizes according to $\xpom F^{D(3)}_2 (\xpom,\beta,Q^2) = (x_0/ \xpom)^n F^{D(2)}_2(\beta,Q^2)$. They are also consistent with QCD based models which incorporate factorization breaking. The rise of $\xpom F^{D(3)}_2$ with decreasing $\xpom$ and the weak dependence of $F^{D(2)}_2$ on $Q^2$ suggest a substantial contribution from partonic interactions.

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Cross section for diffractive scattering.

Cross section for diffractive scattering.

Cross section for diffracitve scattering.


Measurement of the Q**2 and energy dependence of diffractive interactions at HERA.

The ZEUS collaboration Chekanov, S. ; Krakauer, D. ; Magill, S. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 25 (2002) 169-187, 2002.
Inspire Record 584714 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.46612

Diffractive dissociation of virtual photons, gamma* p-->Xp, has been studied in ep interactions with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of approx. 10 pb^-1. The data cover photon virtualities 0.17 < Q^2< 0.70 GeV^2 and 3 < Q^2< 80 GeV^2 with 3<M_X<38 GeV, where M_X is the mass of the hadronic final state.

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The double differential cross section d2sig/dmx/dt measured with the LPS method for the Q**2 range 0.17 to 0.70 GeV**2.

The double differential cross section d2sig/dmx/dt measured with the LPS method for the Q**2 range 3 to 9 GeV**2.

The double differential cross section d2sig/dmx/dt measured with the LPS method for the Q**2 range 9 to 80 GeV**2.


Measurement of the diffractive cross-section in deep inelastic scattering

The ZEUS collaboration Derrick, M. ; Krakauer, D. ; Magill, S. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 70 (1996) 391-412, 1996.
Inspire Record 415942 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.44849

Diffractive scattering of $\gamma~* p \to X + N$, where $N$ is either a proton or a nucleonic system with $M_N<4$GeV has been measured in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) at HERA. The cross section was determined by a novel method as a function of the $\gamma~* p$ c.m. energy $W$ between 60 and 245GeV and of the mass $M_X$ of the system $X$ up to 15GeV at average $Q~2$ values of 14 and 31GeV$~2$. The diffractive cross section $d\sigma~{diff} /dM_X$ is, within errors, found to rise linearly with $W$. Parameterizing the $W$ dependence by the form $d\sigma~{diff}/dM_X \propto (W~2)~{(2\overline{\mbox{$\alpha_{_{I\hspace{-0.2em}P}}$}} -2)}$ the DIS data yield for the pomeron trajectory $\overline{\mbox{$\alpha_{_{I\hspace{-0.2em}P}}$}} = 1.23 \pm 0.02(stat) \pm 0.04 (syst)$ averaged over $t$ in the measured kinematic range assuming the longitudinal photon contribution to be zero. This value for the pomeron trajectory is substantially larger than $\overline{\mbox{$\alpha_{_{I\hspace{-0.2em}P}}$}}$ extracted from soft interactions. The value of $\overline{\mbox{$\alpha_{_{I\hspace{-0.2em}P}}$}}$ measured in this analysis suggests that a substantial part of the diffractive DIS cross section originates from processes which can be described by perturbative QCD. From the measured diffractive cross sections the diffractive structure function of the proton $F~{D(3)}_2(\beta,Q~2, \mbox{$x_{_{I\hspace{-0.2em}P}}$})$ has been determined, where $\beta$ is the momentum fraction of the struck quark in the pomeron. The form $F~{D(3)}_2 = constant \cdot (1/ \mbox{$x_{_{I\hspace{-0.2em}P}}$})~a$ gives a good fit to the data in all $\beta$ and $Q~2$ intervals with $a = 1.46 \pm 0.04 (stat) \pm

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No description provided.

No description provided.

No description provided.

Study of photon dissociation in diffractive photoproduction at HERA

The ZEUS collaboration Breitweg, J. ; Derrick, M. ; Krakauer, D. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 75 (1997) 421-435, 1997.
Inspire Record 442287 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.10933

Diffractive dissociation of quasi-real photons at a photon-proton centre of mass energy of W 200 GeV is studied with the ZEUS detector at HERA. The process under consideration is gamma p -> X N, where X is the diffractively dissociated photon system of mass M_X and N is either a proton or a nucleonic system with mass M_N < 2GeV. The cross section for this process in the interval 3 < M_X < 24 GeV relative to the total photoproduction cross section was measured to be sigma~partial_D / sigma_tot = 6.2 +- 0.2(stat) +- 1.4(syst)%. After extrapolating this result to the mass interval of m_phi~2 < M_X~2 < 0.05 W~2 and correcting it for proton dissociation, the fraction of the total cross section attributed to single diffractive photon dissociation, gamma p -> X p, is found to be sigma_SD / sigma_tot = 13.3 +- 0.5(stat) +- 3.6(syst)%. The mass spectrum of the dissociated photon system in the interval 8 < M_X < 24 GeV can be described by the triple pomeron (PPP) diagram with an effective pomeron intercept of alpha_P(0) = 1.12 +- 0.04(stat) +- 0.08(syst). The cross section for photon dissociation in the range 3 < M_X < 8 GeV is significantly higher than that expected from the triple pomeron amplitude describing the region 8 < M_X < 24 GeV. Assuming that this discrepancy is due to a pomeron-pomeron-reggeon (PPR) term, its contribution to the diffractive cross section in the interval 3 < M_X < 24 GeV is estimated to be f_PPR = 26 +- 3(stat) +- 12(syst)%.

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Fraction of the total photoproduction cross section attributed to the photon dissociation.

The fraction of the total photoproduction cross section due to single dif fractive photon dissociation, in the mass range M_phi**2 < M_DD < X >**2 < 0.05 *W**2.

Identification of the diffractive processes was performed on the basis of the shape of reconstructed hadronic mass spectrum. No rapidity-gap was required.


Deep inelastic inclusive and diffractive scattering at $Q^2$ values from 25 to 320 GeV$^2$ with the ZEUS forward plug calorimeter

The ZEUS collaboration Chekanov, S. ; Derrick, M. ; Magill, S. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 800 (2008) 1-76, 2008.
Inspire Record 779854 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.11639

Deep inelastic scattering and its diffractive component, $ep \to e^{\prime}\gamma^* p \to e^{\prime}XN$, have been studied at HERA with the ZEUS detector using an integrated luminosity of 52.4 pb$^{-1}$. The $M_X$ method has been used to extract the diffractive contribution. A wide range in the centre-of-mass energy $W$ (37 -- 245 GeV), photon virtuality $Q^2$ (20 -- 450 GeV$^2$) and mass $M_X$ (0.28 -- 35 GeV) is covered. The diffractive cross section for $2 < M_X < 15$ GeV rises strongly with $W$, the rise becoming steeper as $Q^2$ increases. The data are also presented in terms of the diffractive structure function, $F^{\rm D(3)}_2$, of the proton. For fixed $Q^2$ and fixed $M_X$, $\xpom F^{\rm D(3)}_2$ shows a strong rise as $\xpom \to 0$, where $\xpom$ is the fraction of the proton momentum carried by the Pomeron. For Bjorken-$x < 1 \cdot 10^{-3}$, $\xpom F^{\rm D(3)}_2$ shows positive $\log Q^2$ scaling violations, while for $x \ge 5 \cdot 10^{-3}$ negative scaling violations are observed. The diffractive structure function is compatible with being leading twist. The data show that Regge factorisation is broken.

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Cross section for diffractive scattering GAMMA* P --> DD X where M(DD) < 2.3 GeV and M(X) = 1.2 GeV for Q**2 = 25 GeV**2.

Cross section for diffractive scattering GAMMA* P --> DD X where M(DD) < 2.3 GeV and M(X) = 1.2 GeV for Q**2 = 35 GeV**2.

Cross section for diffractive scattering GAMMA* P --> DD X where M(DD) < 2.3 GeV and M(X) = 1.2 GeV for Q**2 = 45 GeV**2.


Diffractive Photoproduction of D*+/-(2010) at HERA

The ZEUS collaboration Chekanov, S. ; Derrick, M. ; Magill, S. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 51 (2007) 301-315, 2007.
Inspire Record 747652 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.45627

Diffractive photoproduction of D*+/-(2010) mesons was measured with the ZEUS detector at the ep collider HERA, using an integrated luminosity of 78.6 pb^{-1}. The D* mesons were reconstructed in the kinematic range: transverse momentum p_T(D*) > 1.9 GeV and pseudorapidity |eta(D*)| < 1.6, using the decay D*+ -> D0 pi+_s followed by D0 -> K- pi+ (+c.c.). Diffractive events were identified by a large gap in pseudorapidity between the produced hadronic state and the outgoing proton. Cross sections are reported for photon-proton centre-of-mass energies in the range 130 < W < 300 GeV and for photon virtualities Q^2 < 1 GeV^2, in two ranges of the Pomeron fractional momentum x_pom < 0.035 and x_pom < 0.01. The relative contribution of diffractive events to the inclusive D*+/-(2010) photoproduction cross section is about 6%. The data are in agreement with perturbative QCD calculations based on various parameterisations of diffractive parton distribution functions. The results are consistent with diffractive QCD factorisation.

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Total cross section integrated over the given kinematic range.

Ratio of diffractive to inclusive D* cross section.

Differential cross sections for diffractive photoproduction of D*+- mesons as a function of X(NAME=POMERON).


Study of deep inelastic inclusive and diffractive scattering with the ZEUS forward plug calorimeter.

The ZEUS collaboration Chekanov, S. ; Derrick, M. ; Magill, S. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 713 (2005) 3-80, 2005.
Inspire Record 675372 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.11816

Deep inelastic scattering and its diffractive component, ep -> e'gamma*p ->e'XN, have been studied at HERA with the ZEUS detector using an integrated luminosity of 4.2 pb-1. The measurement covers a wide range in the gamma*p c.m. energy W (37 - 245 GeV), photon virtuality Q2 (2.2 - 80 GeV2) and mass Mx. The diffractive cross section for Mx > 2 GeV rises strongly with W: the rise is steeper with increasing Q2. The latter observation excludes the description of diffractive deep inelastic scattering in terms of the exchange of a single Pomeron. The ratio of diffractive to total cross section is constant as a function of W, in contradiction to the expectation of Regge phenomenology combined with a naive extension of the optical theorem to gamma*p scattering. Above Mx of 8 GeV, the ratio is flat with Q2, indicating a leading-twist behaviour of the diffractive cross section. The data are also presented in terms of the diffractive structure function, F2D(3)(beta,xpom,Q2), of the proton. For fixed beta, the Q2 dependence of xpom F2D(3) changes with xpom in violation of Regge factorisation. For fixed xpom, xpom F2D(3) rises as beta -> 0, the rise accelerating with increasing Q2. These positive scaling violations suggest substantial contributions of perturbative effects in the diffractive DIS cross section.

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Cross section for the diffractive scattering process GAMMA* P --> DD X for a diffractive mass of 1.2 GeV and Q**2 = 2.7 GeV**2.

Cross section for the diffractive scattering process GAMMA* P --> DD X for a diffractive mass of 1.2 GeV and Q**2 = 4.0 GeV**2.

Cross section for the diffractive scattering process GAMMA* P --> DD X for a diffractive mass of 1.2 GeV and Q**2 = 6.0 GeV**2.
