We present a total of 273 independent data points of the analyzing powers A oono (nP) and A ooon (nP) in a large angular interval at four energies between 0.477 and 0.940 GeV. The SATURNE II polarized beam of free neutrons obtained from the break-up of polarized deuterons was scattered on the polarized Saclay frozen-spin proton target. Part of the data was obtained with a CH 2 target. A comparison of the two measured observables allows one to determine the polarization of the neutron beam. The present results provide an important contribution to any future theoretical or phenomenological analysis.
No description provided.
No description provided.
Data from 97.7 to 123.4 degrees are combined beam and target analyzing powers.
We present a total of 427 np analyzing power data points in a large angular interval at 12 energies between 0.312 and 1.10 GeV. The SATURNE II polarized beam of free monochromatic neutrons was scattered either on the Saclay frozen-spin polarized proton target or on CH 2 and C targets. Present results are compared with existing elastic and quasieleastic data.
Results of the analyzing power for n p scattering at 0.312 GeV. The CH2 target was used.
Results of the analyzing power for n p scattering at 0.363 GeV. The CH2 target was used.
Results of the analyzing power for n p scattering at 0.800 GeV.
The accelerated polarized deuteron beam of Saturn II was used to measure the analyzing power for np elastic scattering at five energies. The left-right asymmetries ε = (L + R)/(L + R) for np and for pp elastic scattering were measured simultaneously by CH 2 − carbon subtraction using one of the beam-line polarimeters. The analyzing power A 00 n 0 (np) is given by the ratio ε np d / ε pp d multiplied by the known analyzing power for pp elastic scattering. Experimental evidence is consistent with the underlying assumption that in the kinetmatic region of the experiment the ratio of the np to pp analyzing powers for scattering of quasifree nucleons in deuterons is the same as for scattering of free neutrons and protons, respectively.
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No description provided.
No description provided.
The angular dependence of the pp elastic scattering analyzing power was measured at SATURNE II with an unpolarized proton beam and the Saclay polarized proton target. The energy region in the vicinity of the accelerator depolarizing resonance Gγ = 6 at Tkin = 2.202 GeV was studied. Measurements were carried out at seven energies between 2.16 and 2.28 GeV from 17° to 55°CM. No significant anomaly was observed in the angular and energy dependence of the results presented, whereas the existing data sets differ in this energy range.
Additional random-like systematic error of 1.1 PCT.
Additional random-like systematic error of 9.9PCT.
Additional random-like systematic error of 0.2PCT.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.
The pp elastic scattering analyzing power was measured in small energy steps in the vicinity of the accelerator depolarizing resonance $\gamma G= 6 $ at 2.202 GeV.
Analysing power measurements in P P elastic scattering LEN(C=CU) is the length of CU degrader thickness used in each group.
Analysing power measurements in P P elastic scattering LEN(C=CU) is the length of CU degrader thickness used in each group.
Analysing power measurements in P P elastic scattering LEN(C=CU) is the length of CU degrader thickness used in each group.
The pp analyzing power was measured using the SATURNE II polarized proton beam and the Saclay frozen spin polarized target. The measurements at 0.88 and 1.1 GeV were carried out in the angular region θ CM from 28° to ≅50° and complete our previous measurements from 45 ° to 90°. Above 1.1 GeV the measurements presented here cover both regions, extending from θ CM = 28° (at the lower energies) or θ CM = 18° (at the higher energies) to θ CM > 90°. The shape of the angular distribution A oono ( pp ) = ƒ(θ CM ) changes considerably with increasing energy. The new data show the onset of a characteristic t -dependence of the analyzing power, with a minimum at − t ≅ 1.0 (GeV/ c ) 2 followed by a second maximum at − t ≅ 1.5 (GeV/ c ) 2 . This structure is present at all energies, from kinematic threshold to 200 GeV.
Errors are statistical plus random-like instrumental uncertainties. Results using polarised target.
Errors are statistical plus random-like instrumental uncertainties. Results using polarised target.
Errors are statistical plus random-like instrumental uncertainties. Results using polarised target.
The ratio of the analysing powers for quasi-elastic pp scattering in carbon and for elastic scattering on free protons was measured fromT = 0.52 to 2.8 GeV by scattering of the SATURNE II polarized proton beam on carbon and CH2. It was found to have a maximum at about 0.8 GeV. The energy dependence for quasielastic scattering on carbon had not been measured before above 1 GeV. The observed effect was not expected from simple models.
No description provided.
We present a total of 323 data points of the spin correlation parameter A oonn (np) in a large angular interval at eight energies between 0.8 and 1.1 GeV. The SATURNE II polarized beam of free neutrons obtained from the break-up of polarized deuterons was scattered on the polarized Saclay frozen-spin proton target. The present data are the first existing results above 0.8 GeV.
No description provided.
No description provided.
No description provided.