Coherent diffractive photoproduction of $\rho^{0}$ mesons on gold nuclei at RHIC

The STAR collaboration Adamczyk, L. ; Adkins, J.K. ; Agakishiev, G. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.C 96 (2017) 054904, 2017.
Inspire Record 1515028 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.101354

The STAR Collaboration reports on the photoproduction of $\pi^+\pi^-$ pairs in gold-gold collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 200 GeV/nucleon-pair. These pion pairs are produced when a nearly-real photon emitted by one ion scatters from the other ion. We fit the $\pi^+\pi^-$ invariant mass spectrum with a combination of $\rho$ and $\omega$ resonances and a direct $\pi^+\pi^-$ continuum. This is the first observation of the $\omega$ in ultra-peripheral collisions, and the first measurement of $\rho-\omega$ interference at energies where photoproduction is dominated by Pomeron exchange. The $\omega$ amplitude is consistent with the measured $\gamma p\rightarrow \omega p$ cross section, a classical Glauber calculation and the $\omega\rightarrow\pi^+\pi^-$ branching ratio. The $\omega$ phase angle is similar to that observed at much lower energies, showing that the $\rho-\omega$ phase difference does not depend significantly on photon energy. The $\rho^0$ differential cross section $d\sigma/dt$ exhibits a clear diffraction pattern, compatible with scattering from a gold nucleus, with 2 minima visible. The positions of the diffractive minima agree better with the predictions of a quantum Glauber calculation that does not include nuclear shadowing than with a calculation that does include shadowing.

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The $\pi^+\pi^-$ invariant-mass distribution for all selected $\pi\pi$ candidates with $p_T~<~100~\textrm{MeV}/c$.

The ratio $|B/A|$ of amplitudes of nonresonant $\pi^+\pi^-$ and $\rho^0$ mesons in the present STAR analysis.

The ratio $|B/A|$ of amplitudes of nonresonant $\pi^+\pi^-$ and $\rho^0$ mesons in the previous STAR analysis, Phys. Rev. C 77 034910 (2008).


Measurement of anti-p p single diffraction dissociation at s**(1/2) = 546-GeV and 1800-GeV

The CDF collaboration Abe, F. ; Albrow, Michael G. ; Amidei, Dante E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 50 (1994) 5535-5549, 1994.
Inspire Record 359393 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.42542

We report a measurement of the diffraction dissociation differential cross section d2σSD/dM2dt for p¯p→p¯X at √s =546 and 1800 GeV, M2/s<0.2 and 0≤-t≤0.4 GeV2. Our results are compared to theoretical predictions and to extrapolations from experimental results at lower energies.

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Single diffraction dissociation cross section.

Diffraction Dissociation at the {CERN} Pulsed Collider at {CM} Energies of 900-{GeV} and 200-{GeV}

The UA5 collaboration Ansorge, R.E. ; Åsman, B. ; Booth, C.N. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 33 (1986) 175, 1986.
Inspire Record 232615 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.15812

Cross-sections for diffractive particle production and pseudorapidity distributions of the decay products of diffractive states are presented. The data were obtained with the UA 5 streamer chamber detector at the CERNpp Collider operated in a new pulsed mode yieldingpp interactions at c.m. energies of 900 and 200 GeV. Data recorded with a special trigger designed to select a sample of events enriched in single-diffractive interactions clearly favour apt-limited fragmentation of diffractive states. The cross-section for single-diffractive particle production ϊ was found to be 7.8±0.5±1.1 mb at 900 GeV and 4.8±0.5±0.8 mb at 200 GeV (first error statistical, second systematic). From the pseudorapidity distribution of diffractive states we deduce the average number of charged particles to be 6.5±1.0 at 900 GeV and 4.1±1.1 at 200 GeV. Furthermore we report on our estimates for the cross-section of double-diffractive particle production at both Collider energies.

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Single diffractive cross sections.

Double diffraction dissociation at the Fermilab Tevatron collider

The CDF collaboration Affolder, T. ; Akimoto, H. ; Akopian, A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 87 (2001) 141802, 2001.
Inspire Record 557212 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.42921

We present results from a measurement of double diffraction dissociation in $\bar pp$ collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The production cross section for events with a central pseudorapidity gap of width $\Delta\eta^0>3$ (overlapping $\eta=0$) is found to be $4.43\pm 0.02{(stat)}{\pm 1.18}{(syst) mb}$ [$3.42\pm 0.01{(stat)}{\pm 1.09}{(syst) mb}$] at $\sqrt{s}=1800$ [630] GeV. Our results are compared with previous measurements and with predictions based on Regge theory and factorization.

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Cross sections for double diffractive production.

Measurement of the diffractive structure function F2(D(4) ) at HERA

The ZEUS collaboration Breitweg, J. ; Derrick, M. ; Krakauer, D. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 1 (1998) 81-96, 1998.
Inspire Record 448663 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.44431

This paper presents the first analysis of diffractive photon dissociation events in deep inelastic positron-proton scattering at HERA in which the proton in the final state is detected and its momentum measured. The events are selected by requiring a scattered proton in the ZEUS leading proton spectrometer (LPS) with $\xl>0.97$, where $\xl$ is the fraction of the incoming proton beam momentum carried by the scattered proton. The use of the LPS significantly reduces the contamination from events with diffractive dissociation of the proton into low mass states and allows a direct measurement of $t$, the square of the four-momentum exchanged at the proton vertex. The dependence of the cross section on $t$ is measured in the interval $0.073<|t|<0.4$~$\gevtwo$ and is found to be described by an exponential shape with the slope parameter $b=\tslopeerr$. The diffractive structure function $\ftwodfour$ is presented as a function of $\xpom \simeq 1-\xl$ and $\beta$, the momentum fraction of the struck quark with respect to $\xpom$, and averaged over the $t$ interval $0.073<|t|<\ftwodfourtmax$~$\gevtwo$ and the photon virtuality range $5<Q^2<20~\gevtwo$. In the kinematic range $4 \times 10^{-4} < \xpom < 0.03$ and $0.015<\beta<0.5$, the $\xpom$ dependence of $\ftwodfour$ is fitted with a form $\xpoma$, yielding $a= \ftwodfouraerr$. Upon integration over $t$, the structure function $\ftwod$ is determined in a kinematic range extending to higher $\xpom$ and lower $\beta$ compared to our previous analysis; the results are discussed within the framework of Regge theory.

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The measured distribution of T, the squared momentum transfer to the virtual pluton.

Slope of the T distribution.

The structure function F2(NAME=D4).


Measurement of the diffractive cross-section in deep inelastic scattering using ZEUS 1994 data

The ZEUS collaboration Breitweg, J. ; Derrick, M. ; Krakauer, D. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 6 (1999) 43-66, 1999.
Inspire Record 473108 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.44224

The DIS diffractive cross section, $d\sigma^{diff}_{\gamma^* p \to XN}/dM_X$, has been measured in the mass range $M_X < 15$ GeV for $\gamma^*p$ c.m. energies $60 < W < 200$ GeV and photon virtualities $Q^2 = 7$ to 140 GeV$^2$. For fixed $Q^2$ and $M_X$, the diffractive cross section rises rapidly with $W$, $d\sigma^{diff}_{\gamma^*p \to XN}(M_X,W,Q^2)/dM_X \propto W^{a^{diff}}$ with $a^{diff} = 0.507 \pm 0.034 (stat)^{+0.155}_{-0.046}(syst)$ corresponding to a $t$-averaged pomeron trajectory of $\bar{\alphapom} = 1.127 \pm 0.009 (stat)^{+0.039}_{-0.012} (syst)$ which is larger than $\bar{\alphapom}$ observed in hadron-hadron scattering. The $W$ dependence of the diffractive cross section is found to be the same as that of the total cross section for scattering of virtual photons on protons. The data are consistent with the assumption that the diffractive structure function $F^{D(3)}_2$ factorizes according to $\xpom F^{D(3)}_2 (\xpom,\beta,Q^2) = (x_0/ \xpom)^n F^{D(2)}_2(\beta,Q^2)$. They are also consistent with QCD based models which incorporate factorization breaking. The rise of $\xpom F^{D(3)}_2$ with decreasing $\xpom$ and the weak dependence of $F^{D(2)}_2$ on $Q^2$ suggest a substantial contribution from partonic interactions.

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Cross section for diffractive scattering.

Cross section for diffractive scattering.

Cross section for diffracitve scattering.


Kaon production in <math altimg="si1.gif"><ovl type="bar" style="s">p</ovl>p</math> reactions at a centre-of-mass energy of 540 GeV

The Bonn UA5 & Brussels UA5 & Cambridge UA5 & CERN UA5 & Stockholm UA5 collaborations Alner, G.J. ; Alpgard, K. ; Anderer, P. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 258 (1985) 90624 505-539, 1985.
Inspire Record 214234 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.8127

Using the UA5 detector, the inclusive central production of Ks<sup loc="post">0</sup> and K<sup loc="post">±</sup> mesons has been measured in non-single-diffractive interactions at the CERN SPS <math altimg="si1.gif"><ovl type="bar" style="s">p</ovl>p</math> Collider at a c.m. energy of 540 GeV. The average transverse momentum is found to be 〈pT〉 = 0.57±0.03 GeV/c in the rapidity range |y|<2.5, which is an increase of about 30% over the top ISR energy. The K/π ratio has increased from about 8% at ISR energies to 9.5±0.9±0.7% (the last error is systematic) at 540 GeV. The average number of Ks<sup loc="post">0</sup> per non-single-diffractive event is 1.1±0.1 and the inclusive inelastic cross section is estimated at 49±5 mb.

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First measurement of proton proton elastic scattering at RHIC.

Bueltmann, Stephen L. ; Chiang, I.H. ; Chrien, R.E. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 579 (2004) 245-250, 2004.
Inspire Record 618968 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.31705

The first result of the pp2pp experiment at RHIC on elastic scattering of polarized protons at sqrt{s} = 200 GeV is reported here. The exponential slope parameter b of the diffractive peak of the elastic cross section in the t range 0.010 <= |t| <= 0.019 (GeV/c)^2 was measured to be b = 16.3 +- 1.6 (stat.) +- 0.9 (syst.) (GeV/c)^{-2} .

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Measured slope of the elastic cross section.

Tests of QCD factorisation in the diffractive production of dijets in deep-inelastic scattering and photoproduction at HERA

The H1 collaboration Aktas, A. ; Andreev, V. ; Anthonis, T. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 51 (2007) 549-568, 2007.
Inspire Record 746380 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.45555

Measurements are presented of differential dijet cross sections in diffractive photoproduction (Q^2&lt;0.01 GeV^2) and deep-inelastic scattering processes (DIS, 4&lt;Q^2&lt;80 GeV^2). The event topology is given by ep-> e X Y, in which the system X, containing at least two jets, is separated from a leading low-mass proton remnant system Y by a large rapidity gap. The dijet cross sections are compared with NLO QCD predictions based on diffractive parton densities previously obtained from a QCD analysis of inclusive diffractive DIS cross sections by H1. In DIS, the dijet data are well described, supporting the validity of QCD factorisation. The diffractive DIS dijet data are more sensitive to the diffractive gluon density at high fractional parton momentum than the measurements of inclusive diffractive DIS. In photoproduction, the predicted dijet cross section has to be multiplied by a factor of approximately 0.5 for both direct and resolved photon interactions to describe the measurements. The ratio of measured dijet cross section to NLO prediction in photoproduction is a factor 0.5+-0.1 smaller than the same ratio in DIS. This suppression is the first clear observation of QCD hard scattering factorisation breaking at HERA. The measurements are also compared to the two soft colour neutralisation models SCI and GAL. The SCI model describes diffractive dijet production in DIS but not in photoproduction. The GAL model fails in both kinematic regions.

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Differential cross section for DIS events as a function of Z_Pomeron.

Differential cross section for DIS events as a function of LOG10(X_Pomeron).

Differential cross section for DIS events as a function of W.


Measurement of the Q**2 and energy dependence of diffractive interactions at HERA.

The ZEUS collaboration Chekanov, S. ; Krakauer, D. ; Magill, S. ; et al.
Eur.Phys.J.C 25 (2002) 169-187, 2002.
Inspire Record 584714 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.46612

Diffractive dissociation of virtual photons, gamma* p-->Xp, has been studied in ep interactions with the ZEUS detector at HERA using an integrated luminosity of approx. 10 pb^-1. The data cover photon virtualities 0.17 < Q^2< 0.70 GeV^2 and 3 < Q^2< 80 GeV^2 with 3<M_X<38 GeV, where M_X is the mass of the hadronic final state.

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The double differential cross section d2sig/dmx/dt measured with the LPS method for the Q**2 range 0.17 to 0.70 GeV**2.

The double differential cross section d2sig/dmx/dt measured with the LPS method for the Q**2 range 3 to 9 GeV**2.

The double differential cross section d2sig/dmx/dt measured with the LPS method for the Q**2 range 9 to 80 GeV**2.
