We report a measurement of the diffraction dissociation differential cross section d2σSD/dM2dt for p¯p→p¯X at √s =546 and 1800 GeV, M2/s<0.2 and 0≤-t≤0.4 GeV2. Our results are compared to theoretical predictions and to extrapolations from experimental results at lower energies.
Single diffraction dissociation cross section.
We have studied single diffraction dissociation ( p p→ p X ) in proton-antiproton collisions at √ s =1.8TeV, covering the ranges 3⪅ M X ⪅200 GeV and 0.05⪅| t |⪅0.11 (GeV/ c ) 2 . Parameterizing the production to be of the form dσ ( d t d M 2 X ) = (M 2 X ) −α exp (bt) , we obtain α = 1.13±0.07 and b = 10.5±1.8(GeV/ c ) −2 . The total single diffraction dissociation cross section is 2 σ SD =8.1±1.7 mb. Comparisons are made to previous lower energy data, and to an earlier measurement by us at the same energy.
Total single diffraction cross section.
We present results from a measurement of double diffraction dissociation in $\bar pp$ collisions at the Fermilab Tevatron collider. The production cross section for events with a central pseudorapidity gap of width $\Delta\eta^0>3$ (overlapping $\eta=0$) is found to be $4.43\pm 0.02{(stat)}{\pm 1.18}{(syst) mb}$ [$3.42\pm 0.01{(stat)}{\pm 1.09}{(syst) mb}$] at $\sqrt{s}=1800$ [630] GeV. Our results are compared with previous measurements and with predictions based on Regge theory and factorization.
Cross sections for double diffractive production.
We report the first observation of diffractively produced W bosons. In a sample of W -> e nu events produced in p-barp collisions at sqrt{s}=1.8 TeV, we find an excess of events with a forward rapidity gap, which is attributed to diffraction. The probability that this excess is consistent with non-diffractive production is 1.1 10^{-4} (3.8 sigma). The relatively low fraction of W+Jet events observed within this excess implies that mainly quarks from the pomeron, which mediates diffraction, participate in W production. The diffractive to non-diffractive W production ratio is found to be R_W=(1.15 +/- 0.55)%.
No description provided.
We have studied proton-antiproton elastic scattering at s=1800 GeV at the Fermilab Collider, in the range 0.02<|t|<0.13 (GeV/c)2. Fitting the distribution by exp(−B|t|), we obtain a value of B of 17.2±1.3 (GeV/c)−2.
No description provided.
Error contains estimate of systematic effects.
The differential cross section for elastic antiproton—proton scattering at s =1.8 TeV has been measured over the t range 0.034⩽| t |⩽0.65 (GeV/ c ) 2 . A logarithmic slope parameter, B , of 16.3±0.3 (GeV/ c ) −2 is obtained. In contrast to lower energy experiments, no change in slope is observed over this t range.
Numerical values from FERMILAB-FN-562 suppliedto us by R. Rubinstein. Statistical errors only. t values at centre of each bin.
Nuclear slope parameter. Error contains 0.3 GeV**-2 systematic uncertainty folded.
We present a measurement of the elastic differential cross section $d\sigma(p\bar{p}\rightarrow p\bar{p})/dt$ as a function of the four-momentum-transfer squared t. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of $\approx 31 nb^{-1}$ collected with the D0 detector using dedicated Tevatron $p\bar{p} $ Collider operating conditions at sqrt(s) = 1.96 TeV and covers the range $0.26 <|t|< 1.2 GeV^2$. For $|t|<0.6 GeV^2$, d\sigma/dt is described by an exponential function of the form $Ae^{-b|t|}$ with a slope parameter $ b = 16.86 \pm 0.10(stat) \pm 0.20(syst) GeV^{-2}$. A change in slope is observed at $|t| \approx 0.6 GeV^2$, followed by a more gradual |t| dependence with increasing values of |t|.
The $d\sigma$/$dt$ differential cross section. The statistical and systematic uncertainties are added in quadrature.
Antiproton-proton elastic scattering was measured at c.m.s. energies √s =546 and 1800 GeV in the range of four-momentum transfer squared 0.025<-t<0.29 GeV2. The data are well described by the exponential form ebt with a slope b=15.28±0.58 (16.98±0.25) GeV−2 at √s =546 (1800) GeV. The elastic scattering cross sections are, respectively, σel=12.87±0.30 and 19.70±0.85 mb.
Final results (systematic errors included).
Final results (systematic errors included).
Statistical errors only. Data supplied by S. Belforte.
The interaction between antiprotons and protons has been studied in the range 1910 to 1990 MeV center-of-mass energy in a drift-chamber experiment at the Brookhaven Alternating Gradient Synchrotron. The total cross section has been determined at eleven different incident momenta, and the elastic cross section between 8 and 30 deg in the laboratory has been measured with an energy resolution of about 5 MeV. The cross section for annihilation into charged mesons has also been measured, with the same resolution. There is no evidence in any of these channels for the existence of a narrow resonance.
Partial elastic cross sections.
We have measured the antiproton-proton total cross section at √s =1.8 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider; the value obtained is 78.3±5.9 mb. B, the nuclear slope parameter for elastic scattering, was measured to be 16.3±0.5 (GeV/c)−2. From these data, we derive a value for the total elastic cross section.
Nuclear Store Parameter.
Elastic Cross Section.