

Azhinenko, I.V. ; Belokopytov, Yu.A. ; Borovikov, A.A. ; et al.
Sov.J.Nucl.Phys. 34 (1981) 821, 1981.
Inspire Record 165497 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.41255


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Azhinenko, I.V. ; Amaglobeli, N.S. ; Vorobev, A.P. ; et al.
Sov.J.Nucl.Phys. 46 (1987) 464, 1987.
Inspire Record 240069 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.10330


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No description provided.

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Direct measurement of leptonic coupling asymmetries with polarized Z's.

The SLD collaboration Abe, K. ; Akagi, T. ; Allen, N.J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 79 (1997) 804-808, 1997.
Inspire Record 442260 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.19552

We present direct measurements of the $Z~0$-lepton coupling asymmetry parameters, $A_e$, $A_\mu$, and $A_\tau$, based on a data sample of 12,063 leptonic $Z~0$ decays collected by the SLD detector. The $Z$ bosons are produced in collisions of beams of polarized $e~-$ with unpolarized $e~+$ at the SLAC Linear Collider. The couplings are extracted from the measurement of the left-right and forward-backward asymmetries for each lepton species. The results are: $A_e=0.152 \pm 0.012 {(stat)} \pm 0.001 {(syst)}$, $A_\mu=0.102 \pm 0.034 \pm 0.002$, and $A_\tau=0.195 \pm 0.034 \pm 0.003$.

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No description provided.


The L3 collaboration Adeva, B. ; Adriani, O. ; Aguilar-Benitez, M. ; et al.
L3-005, 1990.
Inspire Record 294576 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.29691


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No description provided.

Analysis of Z0 couplings to charged leptons

The OPAL collaboration Akrawy, M.Z. ; Alexander, G. ; Allison, J. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 247 (1990) 458-472, 1990.
Inspire Record 297139 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.29630

The couplings of the Z 0 to charged leptons are studied using measurements of the lepton pair cross sections and forward-backward asymmetries at centre of mass energies near to the mass of the Z 0 . The data are consistent with lepton universality. Using a parametrisation of the lepton pair differential cross section which assumes that the Z 0 has only vector and axial couplings to leptons, the charged leptonic partial decay width of the Z 0 is determined to be Г ol+ol− = 83.1±1.9 MeV and the square of the product of the effective axial vector and vector coupling constants of the Z 0 to charged leptons to be a ̌ 2 ol v ̌ 2 ol = 0.0039± 0.0083 , in agreement with the standard model. A parametrisation in the form of the improved Born approximation gives effective leptonic axial vector and vector coupling constants a ̌ 2 ol = 0.998±0.024 and v ̌ 2 ol = 0.0044±0.0083 . In the framework of the standard model, the values of the parameters ϱ z and sin 2 θ w are found to be 0.998±0.024 and 0.233 +0.045 −0.012 respectively. Using the relationship in the minimal standard model between ϱ z and sin 2 θ w , the results sin 2 θ SM w = 0.233 +0.007 −0.006 is obtained. Our previously published measurement of the ratio of the hadronic to the leptonic partial width of the Z 0 is update: R z = 21.72 +0.71 −0.65 .

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Cross sections corrected for the effects of efficiency and kinematic cuts. Errors have systematic effects folded.

Forward-backward asymmetry corrected for kinematic cuts. Errors have systematics folded.

DELPHI results on the Z0 resonance parameters through its hadronic and leptonic decay modes

The DELPHI collaboration Abreu, P. ; Adam, W. ; Adami, F. ; et al.
CERN-PPE-90-119, 1990.
Inspire Record 298840 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.47313


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Overall systematic error is 2.6 pct.

Measurement of electroweak parameters from Z decays into Fermion pairs

The ALEPH collaboration Decamp, D. ; Deschizeaux, B. ; Goy, C. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 48 (1990) 365-392, 1990.
Inspire Record 298414 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.47314

We report on the properties of theZ resonance from 62 500Z decays into fermion pairs collected with the ALEPH detector at LEP, the Large Electron-Positron storage ring at CERN. We findMZ=(91.193±0.016exp±0.030LEP) GeV, ΓZ=(2497±31) MeV, σhad0=(41.86±0.66)nb, and for the partial widths Γinv=(489±24) MeV, Γhad(1754±27) MeV, Γee=(85.0±1.6)MeV, Γμμ=(80.0±2.5) MeV, and Γττ=(81.3±2.5) MeV, all in good agreement with the Standard Model. Assuming lepton universality and using a lepton sample without distinction of the final state we measure Γu=(84.3±1.3) MeV. The forward-backward asymmetry in leptonic decays is used to determine the vector and axial-vector weak coupling constants of leptors,gv2(MZ2)=(0.12±0.12)×10−2 andgA2(MZ2)=0.2528±0.0040. The number of light neutrino species isNν=2.91±0.13; the electroweak mixing angle is sin2θW(MZ2)=0.2291±0.0040.

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No description provided.

Update of electroweak parameters from Z decays

The ALEPH collaboration Buskulic, D. ; Decamp, D. ; Goy, C. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 60 (1993) 71-82, 1993.
Inspire Record 354298 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.47312

Based on 520 000 fermion pairs accumulated during the first three years of data collection by the ALEPH detector at LEP, updated values of the resonance parameters of theZ are determined to beMZ=(91.187±0.009) GeV, ΓZ=(2.501±0.012) GeV, σhad0=(41.60±0.27) nb, andRℓ=20.78±0.13. The corresponding number of light neutrino species isNν=2.97±0.05. The forward-backward asymmetry in lepton-pair decays is used to determine the ratio of vector to axial-vector couplings of leptons:gV2(MZ2)/gA2(MZ2)=0.0052±0.0016. Combining this with ALEPH measurements of theb andc quark asymmetries and τ polarization gives sin2θWeff=0.2326±0.0013. Assuming the minimal Standard Model, and including measurements ofMW/MZ fromp\(\bar p\) colliders and neutrino-nucleon scattering, the mass of the top quark is\(M_{top} = 156 \pm \begin{array}{*{20}c} {22} \\ {25} \\ \end{array} \pm \begin{array}{*{20}c} {17} \\ {22Higgs} \\ \end{array} \) GeV.

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Data from 1990 running period.

Data from 1991 running period.

Data for 1991 running period.

Measurement of hadron and lepton pair production from e+ e- annihilation at center-of-mass energies of 130-GeV and 136-GeV

The ALEPH collaboration Buskulic, D. ; De Bonis, I. ; Decamp, D. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 378 (1996) 373-384, 1996.
Inspire Record 421552 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.47801

Hadronic and leptonic cross-sections and forward-backward asymmetries are measured using 5.7 pb −1 of data taken with the ALEPH detector at LEP at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV. The results agree with Standard Model expectations. The measurement of hadronic cross-sections far away from the Z resonance improves the determination of the interference between photon and Z exchange. Constraints on models with extra Z bosons are presented.

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Data with tight SPRIME cut.

Forward-Backward Asymmetry for tight SPRIME cuts.

Improved measurements of electroweak parameters from Z decays into fermion pairs

The ALEPH collaboration Decamp, D. ; Deschizeaux, B. ; Goy, C. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 53 (1992) 1-20, 1992.
Inspire Record 317141 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.14857

The properties of theZ resonance are measured on the basis of 190 000Z decays into fermion pairs collected with the ALEPH detector at LEP. Assuming lepton universality,Mz=(91.182±0.009exp±0.020L∶P) GeV,ГZ=(2484±17) MeV, σhad0=(41.44±0.36) nb, andГjad/Гℓℓ=21.00±0.20. The corresponding number of light neutrino species is 2.97±0.07. The forward-back-ward asymmetry in leptonic decays is used to determine the ratio of vector to axial-vector coupling constants of leptons:gv2(MZ2)/gA2(MZ2)=0.0072±0.0027. Combining these results with ALEPH results on quark charge and\(b\bar b\) asymmetries, and τ polarization, sin2θW(MZ2). In the contex of the Minimal Standard Model, limits are placed on the top-quark mass.

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Statistical errors only.

No description provided.