Analyzing Powers in Free $N$ (Polarized) $P$ Forward Elastic Scattering at Energies From 630-{MeV} to 1000-{MeV}

Korolev, G.A. ; Khanzadeev, A.V. ; Petrov, G.E. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 165 (1985) 262-264, 1985.
Inspire Record 228528 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.30310

The analysing powers in free →n p forward elastic scattering have been measured for incident neutron energies of 633, 784, 834, 934 and 985 MeV, and for momentum transfer 0.01 < ‖ t ‖ < 0.10 ( GeV / c ) 2 . The experiment used a recoil detector ionisation chamber which served at the same time as a gas target, and scintillation counters to measure the asymmetry of the scattered neutrons.

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Angular dependence of the beam and target analyzing powers a(oono) and A(ooon) in n p elastic scattering between 0.477-GeV and 0.940-GeV

Ball, J. ; Chesny, P. ; Combet, M. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.A 559 (1993) 477-488, 1993.
Inspire Record 33734 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.36610

We present a total of 273 independent data points of the analyzing powers A oono (nP) and A ooon (nP) in a large angular interval at four energies between 0.477 and 0.940 GeV. The SATURNE II polarized beam of free neutrons obtained from the break-up of polarized deuterons was scattered on the polarized Saclay frozen-spin proton target. Part of the data was obtained with a CH 2 target. A comparison of the two measured observables allows one to determine the polarization of the neutron beam. The present results provide an important contribution to any future theoretical or phenomenological analysis.

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Data from 97.7 to 123.4 degrees are combined beam and target analyzing powers.


Angular dependence of analyzing power in n p elastic scattering between 0.312-GeV and 1.1-GeV

Ball, J. ; Chesny, P. ; Combet, M. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.A 559 (1993) 489-510, 1993.
Inspire Record 341321 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.36590

We present a total of 427 np analyzing power data points in a large angular interval at 12 energies between 0.312 and 1.10 GeV. The SATURNE II polarized beam of free monochromatic neutrons was scattered either on the Saclay frozen-spin polarized proton target or on CH 2 and C targets. Present results are compared with existing elastic and quasieleastic data.

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Results of the analyzing power for n p scattering at 0.312 GeV. The CH2 target was used.

Results of the analyzing power for n p scattering at 0.363 GeV. The CH2 target was used.

Results of the analyzing power for n p scattering at 0.800 GeV.


Charge Symmetry Breaking in $n p$ Elastic Scattering at 477-{MeV}

Abegg, R. ; Bandyopadhyay, D. ; Birchall, J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 39 (1989) 2464, 1989.
Inspire Record 267187 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.23224

The effect of isospin-violating, charge-symmetry-breaking (CSB) terms in the np interaction has been observed at TRIUMF by measuring the difference in the zero-crossing angles of the neutron and proton analyzing powers, An and Ap, at a neutron energy of 477 MeV. The scattering asymmetries were measured with a neutron beam incident on a polarizable proton target. To reduce systematic errors, interleaved measurements of An and Ap were made using the same beam and target (apart from their respective polarization states). Neutrons and protons were detected in coincidence in the center-of-mass angle range from 59°–80°. The difference in zero-crossing angles was 0.340°±0.162° (±0.058°), which yields ΔA≡An-Ap=0.0047±0.0022 (±0.0008) using dA/dθc.m.=−0.01382 deg−1. The second errors represent systematic effects. This result is in good agreement with recent theoretical calculations which include CSB effects due to the np mass difference in π, ρ, and 2π exchange, electromagnetic coupling of the neutron anomalous magnetic moment to the proton current, ρ-ω-meson mixing, and short- and medium-range effects of the up- and down-quark mass difference.

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Measurement of the polarization parameter in n p charge-exchange scattering from 2 to 12 gev/c

Abolins, M.A. ; Lin, M.T. ; Ruchti, R.C. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 30 (1973) 1183-1185, 1973.
Inspire Record 84508 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.21408

We have measured the polarization parameter in neuton-proton charge-exchange scattering for incident neutron momenta of 2-12 GeVc and 0.01<~|t|<~1.0 (GeVc)2. Results based on 300 000 events show a negative polarization whose magnitude increases monotonically with |t| approaching 60% for |t|∼0.6 and which has little energy dependence.

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Backward n p scattering with a polarized target

Robrish, P.R. ; Chamberlain, O. ; Field, R.D. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 31 (1970) 617-620, 1970.
Inspire Record 63165 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.5937

We measured the polarization parameter P in neutron-proton elastic scattering near the backward direction, using a polarized proton target. Measurements covered the range of incident neutron momenta from 1.0 to 5.5 GeV/ c and of four-momentum transfer squared u from −0.005 to −0.5 (GeV/ c ) 2 .

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'1'. '2'. '3'. '4'.

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No description provided.


New Test of Nucleon-Nucleon Potential Models

Holslin, D. ; McAninch, J. ; Quin, P.A. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 61 (1988) 1561-1564, 1988.
Inspire Record 945156 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.20124

We present new measurements of the analyzing power for np scattering at 10.03 MeV accurate to ± 1 × 10−3. A new source of systematic error, related to resonances in n−C12 scattering in the neutron detectors, is discussed. The interaction of the neutron magnetic moment with the Coulomb field of the proton is found to make a significant contribution to the analyzing power at the present level of accuracy. The results are compared to predictions of nucleon-nucleon potential models. New, improved values are reported for the p and d-wave spin-orbit phase-shift splittings.

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Test of Charge Symmetry in Neutron - Proton Elastic Scattering at 477-{MeV}

Abegg, R. ; Bandyopadhyay, D. ; Birchall, J. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 56 (1986) 2571, 1986.
Inspire Record 228239 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.20237

An experiment resulting in the first measurement of the isospin-mixing, charge-symmetry-violating component of the n−p interaction has been performed. The experiment determined the difference in the angles of the zero crossing of the neutron and proton analyzing powers An and Ap at 477 MeV. In terms of the laboratory scattering angle of the neutron, the measured difference is θ0n(An)−θ0n(Ap)=+0.13° ±0.06° (±0.03°), where the second error is a worst-case estimate of systematic error. The resulting difference in the analyzing powers at the zero-crossing angle is An−Ap=+0.0037 ±0.0017 (±0.0008).

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Bystricky, J. ; Deregel, J. ; Lehar, F. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.A 444 (1985) 597-610, 1985.
Inspire Record 222367 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.37022

The accelerated polarized deuteron beam of Saturn II was used to measure the analyzing power for np elastic scattering at five energies. The left-right asymmetries ε = (L + R)/(L + R) for np and for pp elastic scattering were measured simultaneously by CH 2 − carbon subtraction using one of the beam-line polarimeters. The analyzing power A 00 n 0 (np) is given by the ratio ε np d / ε pp d multiplied by the known analyzing power for pp elastic scattering. Experimental evidence is consistent with the underlying assumption that in the kinetmatic region of the experiment the ratio of the np to pp analyzing powers for scattering of quasifree nucleons in deuterons is the same as for scattering of free neutrons and protons, respectively.

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Neutron - proton elastic scattering spin spin correlation parameter measurements between 500-MeV and 800-MeV. 2. C(SS) and C(LS) at forward cm angles

Shima, T. ; Hill, D. ; Johnson, K.F. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 47 (1993) 29-45, 1993.
Inspire Record 335383 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.22585

Results are presented for the spin-spin correlation parameters CSS and CLS for free np elastic scattering at neutron beam kinetic energies of 484, 634, 720, and 788 MeV and c.m. angles between 25° and 80°. The measurements were performed with a polarized neutron beam and a polarized proton target. These are the first measurements of this type to be reported in the forward angular region with a free polarized neutron beam. The observables CSS and CLS are both small at all energies, except for CLS at 788 MeV, which is larger than phase-shift analysis predictions by more than one standard deviation for most of the measured points.

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