Cross sections or upper limits are reported for 12 meson-baryon and two baryon-baryon reactions for an incident momentum of 9.9 GeV/c, near 90° c.m.: π±p→pπ±,pp±,π+°±,K+Σ±, (Λ0/Σ0)K0; K±p→pK±; p±p→pp. By studying the flavor dependence of the different reactions, we have been able to isolate the quark-interchange mechanism as dominant over gluon exchange and quark-antiquark annihilation.
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We present preliminary results on the measurement of a variety of exclusive hadron interactions at center of mass scattering angles of 90°. Data are also presented which show the relative transparency of nuclei to πp and pp elastic scattering in this kinematic range.
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Differential cross sections for elastic π±−p scattering have been measured at lab momenta of 8 and 12 GeV/c in a momentum-transfer region corresponding to 1.2≤−t≤6 (GeV/c)2. Also, differential cross sections near 180° were measured for 4 and 8 GeV/c pions. At momentum transfers greater than −t=2 (GeV/c)2, the π−p cross sections drop much faster with increasing angle than the corresponding p−p cross sections. Also, in the region −t≃1.3 (GeV/c)2, there is structure in the π−p angular distribution but not in the p−p angular distribution. At −t≃3 (GeV/c)2, the drop in cross section appears to stop and from then on the angular distribution is consistent with isotropy. But in the angular region 170° to 180°, the cross sections have become much larger, and sharp backward peaks are observed. Information is given on the energy and charge dependences and widths of these backward peaks.
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We present results of measurements of K ± p and p p elastic scattering and of the annihilation reactions p p →π + π − and p p → K + K − at an incident laboratory momentum of 5 GeV/ c . Nearly complete angular distributions were obtained. Results are also presented for π -meson proton elastic scattering in the momentum transfer ranges 2 < − t < 8 (GeV/ c ) 2 (for π + ) and 0.16 < − t < 7 (GeV/ c ) 2 (for π − ). All measurements were done in one experimental geometry. The measured differential cross sections range from 10 to 10 −5 mb/(GeV/ c ) 2 .
-U = T + 8.486 GEV**2.
-U = T + 8.304 GEV**2.
Approximately 60 000 events have been collected in a spark chamber experiment at the CERN Proton Synchrotron which studied elastic diffraction scattering of π--p and p-p at incident momenta of 8.5, 12.4 and 18.4 GeV/c and of π+-p at 8.5 and 12.4 GeV/c. Magnetic analysis of the incoming and diffraction scattered particle, together with measurement of all angles, permitted each event to be determined as elastic subject to three constraints, so that the inelastic background was rejected with. high efficiency, even at the larger momentum, transfers. Much of the data have been processed by the CERN Automatic Flying-Spot DigitizerHPD. A detailed description of the experimental technique and of the methods of analysis is given. The results, together with data from lower energies, confirm the remarkable energy-independence of the shape of the pion-proton diffraction scattering peak up to |t| = 1.5 (GeV/c)2, wheret is the square of the four-momentum transfer, over a range of pion energies from 2 to 18 GeV. Proton-proton scattering does however appear to show a shrinking diffraction peak. In general, the data agree with other experiments using both counter and bubble chamber techniques, but some differences do appear. During the experiment, data were taken which set an upper limit of 2·102 μb/(GeV/c)2 on the differential elastic cross-section dσ/dt over a range of |t| from 20.9 to 23.4 (GeV/c)2 at 13.4 GeV/c incident pion momentum.
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New high-statistics measurements of π + p elastic scattering differential cross sections are presented at 30 momentum points between 1.282 and 2.472 GeV/ c , covering most of the angular distribution outside the forward diffractive peak. These data show significant disagreements at some momenta with previous high-statistics experiments and with current partial wave analyses.
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The differential cross-section for 5 GeV/ cπ + p and π − p elastic scattering have been measured in the c.m. angular region 27° < θ cm < 130° corresponding to 0.5 < | t | < 7.8 (GeV/ c ) 2 . Dips are observed in both reactions at − t = 2.8 and 4.8 (GeV/ c ) 2 where the cross-sections are approximately 0.1 μ b/(GeV/ c ) 2 .
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We have measured differential cross sections for both π+p and π−p elastic scattering at incident-pion kinetic energies of 30, 50, 70, and 90 MeV in the center-of-mass angular range between 50° and 150°. The experiment detected pions scattered from a liquid-hydrogen target with multiwire proportional chambers and scintillation-counter range telescopes. The relative accuracy of each angular distribution is better than 5%, while the absolute cross sections have uncertainties of 4% to 25%. Our results for the absolute cross section for π+p scattering at 30 and 90 MeV are inconsistent with previous measurements. Our π−p measurements comprise the first extensive set of precision differential cross sections below 90 MeV.
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The Fermilab hybrid 30-in. bubble-chamber spectrometer was exposed to a tagged 147-GeV/c positive beam containing π+, K+, and p. A sample of 3003 K+p, 19410 pp, and 20745 π+p interactions is used to derive σn, 〈n〉, f2cc, and 〈nc〉D for each beam particle. These values are compared to values obtained at other, mostly lower, beam momenta. The overall dependence of 〈n〉 on Ea, the available center-of-mass energy, for these three reactions as well as π−p and pp interactions has been determined.
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