The process γγ→π+π− was measured using the detector MD-1 at VEPP-4. The two-photon reactionse+e−, μ+ μ− and π+ π− pair production were separated using scintillation counters, Cherenkov counters and shower-range chambers. A radiation widthГγγ(f2(1270))=3.1±0.35±0.35 keV was obtained.
The TPC/Two-Gamma Collaboration has measured the inclusive cross section for production of charmed D ∗± mesons in photon-photon collisions. The reaction utilized was e + e - →e + e - D ∗± X, with D ∗± →D O π +- , D O →K -+ π ± , and either zero or one outgoing e ± detected. The result, σ(e + e - → e + e - D ∗± X) = 74±26±19 pb , is in agreement with the quark parton mo del prediction for e + e - → e + e - c c , combined with a Lund model for the hadronization of the charmed quarks.
We have studied the properties of hadron production in photon-photon scattering with tagged photons at the e + e − storage ring PETRA. A tail in the p T distribution of particles consistent with p T −4 has been observed. We show that this tail cannot be due to the hadronic part of the photon. Selected events with high p T particles are found to be consistent with a two-jet structure as expected from a point-like coupling of the photons to quarks. The lowest-order cross section predicted for γγ → q q , σ = 3 Σ e q 4 · σ γγ → μμ , is approached from above by the data at large transverse momenta.
The inclusive production of D ∗± mesons in single tagged photon-photon collisions is investigated using the JADE detector at PETRA. D ∗± mesons are reconstructed through their decay into D 0 +π ± where the D 0 decays via D 0 →Kππ 0 . The event rate and topology are compared to the expectations of c quark production in the quark-parton model: γγ→c c .
We report a measurement of the cross section for the process γγ → π + π − at invariant masses 500 MeV/ c 2 < m ππ <2000 MeV/ c 2 . A value for the radiative width of the f(1270) tensor meson Γ f→ γγ = 3.6 ± 0.3 ± 0.5 KeV (helicity λ = 2) has been obtained from a fit to the observed ππ mass spectrum.
We report measurements of the two-photon processes e+e−→e+e−π+π− and e+e−→e+e−K+K−, at an e+e− center-of-mass energy of 29 GeV. In the π+π− data a high-statistics analysis of the f(1270) results in a γγ width Γ(γγ→f)=3.2±0.4 keV. The π+π− continuum below the f mass is well described by a QED Born approximation, whereas above the f mass it is consistent with a QCD-model calculation if a large contribution from the f is assumed. For the K+K− data we find agreement of the high-mass continuum with the QCD prediction; limits on f′(1520) and θ(1720) formation are presented.
Double-tag events in two-photon collisions are studied using the L3 detector at LEP centre-of-mass energies from root(s)=189 GeV to 209 GeV. The cross sections of the e+e- -> e+e- hadrons and gamma*gamma* -> hadrons processes are measured as a function of the photon virtualities, Q1^2 and Q2^2, of the two-photon mass, W_gammagamma, and of the variable Y=ln(W_gammagamma^2/(Q1 Q2)), for an average photon virtuality <Q2> = 16 GeV2. The results are in agreement with next-to-leading order calculations for the process gamma*gamma* -> q qbar in the interval 2 <= Y <= 5. An excess is observed in the interval 5 < Y <= 7, corresponding to W_gammagamma greater than 40 GeV . This may be interpreted as a sign of resolved photon QCD processes or the onset of BFKL phenomena.
The inclusive production of charged hadrons in the collisions of quasi-real photons e+e- -> e+e- +X has been measured using the OPAL detector at LEP. The data were taken at e+e- centre-of-mass energies from 183 to 209 GeV. The differential cross-sections as a function of the transverse momentum and the pseudorapidity of the hadrons are compared to theoretical calculations of up to next-to-leading order (NLO) in the strong coupling constant alpha{s}. The data are also compared to a measurement by the L3 Collaboration, in which a large deviation from the NLO predictions is observed.
Inclusive jet production, e+e- -> e+e- \ee$ jet X, is studied using 560/pb of data collected at LEP with the L3 detector at centre-of-mass energies between 189 and 209 GeV. The inclusive differential cross section is measured using a k_t jet algorithm as a function of the jet transverse momentum, pt, in the range 3<pt<50 GeV for a pseudorapidity, eta, in the range -1<eta<1. This cross section is well represented by a power law. For high pt, the measured cross section is significantly higher than the NLO QCD predictions, as already observed for inclusive charged and neutral pion production.
The reactions e^+e^- -> e^+e^- Lambda X and e^+e^- -> e^+e^- Lambda X are studied using data collected at LEP with the L3 detector at centre-of-mass energies between 189 and 209 GeV. Inclusive differential cross sections are measured as a function of the lambda transverse momentum, p_t, and pseudo-rapidity, eta, in the ranges 0.4 GeV < p_t < 2.5 GeV and |\eta| < 1.2. The data are compared to Monte Carlo predictions. The differential cross section as a function of p_t is well described by an exponential of the form A exp (- p_t / <p_t>)$.