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High-statistics measurement of neutral pion-pair production in two-photon collisions

The Belle collaboration Uehara, S. ; Watanabe, Y. ; Adachi, I. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 78 (2008) 052004, 2008.
Inspire Record 786406 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.50151

We report a high-statistics measurement of differential cross sections for the process gamma gamma -> pi^0 pi^0 in the kinematic range 0.6 GeV <= W <= 4.0 GeV and |cos theta*| <= 0.8, where W and theta* are the energy and pion scattering angle, respectively, in the gamma gamma center-of-mass system. Differential cross sections are fitted to obtain information on S, D_0, D_2, G_0 and G_2 waves. The G waves are important above W ~= 1.6 GeV. For W <= 1.6 GeV the D_2 wave is dominated by the f_2(1270) resonance while the S wave requires at least one additional resonance besides the f_0(980), which may be the f_0(1370) or f_0(1500). The differential cross sections are fitted with a simple parameterization to determine the parameters (the mass, total width and Gamma_{gamma gamma}B(f_0 -> pi^0 pi^0)) of this scalar meson as well as the f_0(980). The helicity 0 fraction of the f_2(1270) meson, taking into account interference for the first time, is also obtained.

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Measurement of exclusive rho+ rho- production in high-Q**2 two-photon collisions at LEP.

The L3 collaboration Achard, P. ; Adriani, O. ; Aguilar-Benitez, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 597 (2004) 26-38, 2004.
Inspire Record 654177 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.48589

Exclusive rho^+ rho^- production in two-photon collisions involving a single highly-virtual photon is studied with data collected at LEP at centre-of-mass energies 89 GeV &lt; \sqrt{s} &lt; 209 GeV with a total integrated luminosity of 854.7 pb^-1. The cross section of the process gamma gamma^* -> rho^+ rho^- is determined as a function of the photon virtuality, Q^2, and the two-photon centre-of-mass energy, W_gg, in the kinematic region: 1.2 GeV^2 &lt; Q^2 &lt; 30 GeV^2 and 1.1 GeV &lt; W_gg &lt; 3 GeV. The \rho^+\rho^- production cross section is found to be of the same magnitude as the cross section of the process gamma gamma^* -> rho^0 rho^0, measured in the same kinematic region by L3, and to have similar W_gg and Q^2 dependences.

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Proton anti-proton pair production in two photon collisions at LEP

The L3 collaboration Achard, P. ; Adriani, O. ; Aguilar-Benitez, M. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 571 (2003) 11-20, 2003.
Inspire Record 620433 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.48883

The reaction e^+e^- -> e^+e^- proton antiproton is studied with the L3 detector at LEP. The analysis is based on data collected at e^+e^- center-of-mass energies from 183 GeV to 209 GeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 667 pb^-1. The gamma gamma -> proton antiproton differential cross section is measured in the range of the two-photon center-of-mass energy from 2.1 GeV to 4.5 GeV. The results are compared to the predictions of the three-quark and quark-diquark models.

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Inclusive jet production in photon-photon collisions at s**(1/2) = 130-GeV and 136-GeV

The OPAL collaboration Ackerstaff, K. ; Alexander, G. ; Allison, John ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 73 (1997) 433-442, 1997.
Inspire Record 424635 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.47713

The inclusive one- and two-jet production cross-sections are measured in collisions of quasi-real photons radiated from the LEP beams at e+e− centre-of-mass energies \(\sqrt{s}_{\rm ee}=130\) and 136 GeV using the OPAL detector at LEP. Hard jets are reconstructed using a cone jet finding algorithm. The differential jet cross-sections \({\rm d}\sigma /{\rm d}E_{T}^{\rm jet}\) are compared to next-to-leading order perturbative QCD calculations. Transverse energy flows in jets are studied separately for direct and resolved two-photon events.

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Production of Four Prong Final States in Photon-photon Collisions

The TPC/Two Gamma collaboration Aihara, H. ; Alston-Garnjost, M. ; Avery, R.E. ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 37 (1988) 28, 1988.
Inspire Record 261630 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.3824

Results are presented on the exclusive production of four-prong final states in photon-photon collisions from the TPC/Two-Gamma detector at the SLAC e+e− storage ring PEP. Measurement of dE/dx and momentum in the time-projection chamber (TPC) provides identification of the final states 2π+2π−, K+K−π+π−, and 2K+2K−. For two quasireal incident photons, both the 2π+2π− and K+K−π+π− cross sections show a steep rise from threshold to a peak value, followed by a decrease at higher mass. Cross sections for the production of the final states ρ0ρ0, ρ0π+π−, and φπ+π− are presented, together with upper limits for φρ0, φφ, and K*0K¯ *0. The ρ0ρ0 contribution dominates the four-pion cross section at low masses, but falls to nearly zero above 2 GeV. Such behavior is inconsistent with expectations from vector dominance but can be accommodated by four-quark resonance models or by t-channel factorization. Angular distributions for the part of the data dominated by ρ0ρ0 final states are consistent with the production of JP=2+ or 0+ resonances but also with isotropic (nonresonant) production. When one of the virtual photons has mass (mγ2=-Q2≠0), the four-pion cross section is still dominated by ρ0ρ0 at low final-state masses Wγγ and by 2π+2π− at higher mass. Further, the dependence of the cross section on Q2 becomes increasingly flat as Wγγ increases.

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Vector Meson Production in the Final State $K^+ K^- \pi^+ \pi^-$ Photon-photon Collisions

The TASSO collaboration Althoff, M. ; Braunschweig, W. ; Gerhards, R. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 32 (1986) 11, 1986.
Inspire Record 228250 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.15846

Vector meson production is studied in the reaction γγ→K+K−π+π−. A clear Φ(1020) signal is seen in theK+K− mass distribution and aK*0 (890) signal is visible in theK±π∓ one. Both do not seem to be strongly correlated with quasi two body final states. Cross sections for the processes γγ→K+K−π+π−, γγ→Φπ+π−, γγ→K+0K±π∓ and upper limits for the production of Φp, ΦΦ andK*0\(\overline {K^{ * 0} } \) are given as function of the invariant γγ mass.

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