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The most recent total-cross-section data are used to calculate real parts of the forward elastic π±p scattering amplitudes from threshold to 240 GeV/c. Using statistical and systematic uncertainties of the total cross sections and their momenta, along with uncertainties of the subtraction and coupling constants, unphysical cuts, and cross-section extrapolations, we calculate the uncertainties of the real amplitudes. Our results are compared to experimental and other theoretical determinations of the π±p forward real amplitudes.
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Photographic plates were used to study the angular distribotion of 360 plus or minus 10 Mev pi /sup +/ mesons elastically scattered by protons. The differential cross sections derived from 218 scattering events for SP analysis and for SPD analysis are given. The phase shifts which correspond to these distributions are also given.
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Differential cross sections for elastic π−p scattering were measured at eight energies for positive pions and seven energies for negative pions. Energies ranged from 310 to 650 MeV. These measurements were made at the 3-GeV proton synchrotron at Saclay, France. A beam of pions from an internal BeO target was directed into a liquid-hydrogen target. Fifty-one scintillation counters and a matrix-coincidence system were used to measure simultaneously elastic events at 21 angles and charged inelastic events at 78 π−p angle pairs. Events were detected by coincidence of pulses indicating the presence of an incident pion, scattered pion, and recoil proton, and the results were stored in the memory of a pulse-height analyzer. Various corrections were applied to the data and a least-squares fit was made to the results at each energy. The form of the fitting function was a power series in the cosine of the center-of-mass angle of the scattered pion. Integration under the fitted curves gave values for the total elastic cross sections (without charge exchange). The importance of certain angular-momentum states is discussed. The π−−p data are consistent with a D13 resonant state at 600 MeV, but do not necessarily require such a resonant state.
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Results are presented of an investigation of the polarization of recoil protons appearing in elastic 1r+ -p scattering through an angle of 140 ± 8° in the c.m.s. at an energy of 307 ± 5 Mev. A polarization value P 1 = -0.19 ± 0.17 has been deriver from the data on the magnitude of the left-right asymmetry in elastic scattering of recoil protons on photographic emulsion nuclei. Phase shifts satisfying the indicated polarization value and consistent with the differential cross section for elastic scattering of 71"+ -mesons by protons are given by Eq. (1). Problems connected with the use of various phase shift sets for analysis of the experimental data are discussed.
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Measurements of π±p elastic differential cross-sections have been performed in the forward direction, using a missing-mass spark chamber spectrometer. The films have been seanned by an automatic apparatus. A phase-shift analysis of the experimental data has been done, leading to three solutions. Various experiments are proposed in order to resolve the ambiguities.
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