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We present differential cross-sections for the electro-production of single charged pions from deuterium for a virtual photon mass squared −1.0 GeV2 and for pion nucleon masses in the range 1.23–1.68 GeV (the 1st and 2nd resonance regions). The data are compared with predictions from fits to hydrogen data.
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Multihadron production by electron-positron colliding beams has been investigated for total centre-of-mass energies ranging from 1.2 to 2.4 GeV. The total cross-section, σtot ≡ σ(e+e−→π+π−+ + anything), is of the order of σμμ ≡ σ(e+e−→μ+μ−), with a threshold near 1 GeV. Partial cross-sections for the various channels are also derived. The cross-section of the specific channel e+e−→π+π−π+π− exhibits an energy dependence which is suggestive of a heavier vector meson, ρ' (mρ,≈ 1.6 GeV,Гρ, ≈ 350 Mev), having the same quantum numbers as the ρ-meson. An upper limit is given for the coupling constantfρ′ (fρ′/4π<18, wherefρ′=mρ′2e/gγρ′). Final states withG+ parity are found to be much more abundant than those withG− parity. The average multiplicity (charged plus neutral final-state pions) is found to be betweet 4 and 5 over all the energy range explored.
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Results are presented of an investigation of the polarization of recoil protons appearing in elastic 1r+ -p scattering through an angle of 140 ± 8° in the c.m.s. at an energy of 307 ± 5 Mev. A polarization value P 1 = -0.19 ± 0.17 has been deriver from the data on the magnitude of the left-right asymmetry in elastic scattering of recoil protons on photographic emulsion nuclei. Phase shifts satisfying the indicated polarization value and consistent with the differential cross section for elastic scattering of 71"+ -mesons by protons are given by Eq. (1). Problems connected with the use of various phase shift sets for analysis of the experimental data are discussed.
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Differential cross sections of neutral pion photoproduction on hydrogen were measured in the region between the first and the second nucleon resonance at photon energies of 400–500 MeV and were compared with results of an energy-independent multipole analysis.
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The differential cross section for charge-exchange scattering of negative pions by hydrogen has been observed at 230, 260, 290, 317, and 371 Mev. The reaction was observed by detecting one gamma ray from the π0 decay with a scintillation-counter telescope. A least-squares analysis was performed to fit the observations to the function dσdω=Σl=15alPl−1(cosθ) in the c.m. frame. The best fit to our experimental measurements requires only s- and p-wave scattering. The results (in mb) are: The least-squares analysis indicates that d-wave scattering is not established in this energy range.
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We have measured the cross section of four charged pion production in photon-photon interactions in the invariant mass range 1.0≦Wγγ≦3.2 GeV and up toQ2=16 GeV2. For 1.2 GeV≦Wγγ≦1.7 GeV the process is dominated by ρ0ρ0 production with a rapid rise in cross section around 1.2 GeV, well below the nominal ρ0ρ0 threshold. The observed distributions in the two particle masses and in the production and decay angles are well described by an incoherent sum of the phase-space subprocesses γγ →ρ0ρ0, →ρ0π+π−, and →π+π−π+π−. A spin-parity analysis of the ρ0ρ0 system showsJP=2+ to dominate, although 0+ is also possible forWγγ≦1.4 GeV. Negative partity states are excluded.
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