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We have measured the cross section of four charged pion production in photon-photon interactions in the invariant mass range 1.0≦Wγγ≦3.2 GeV and up toQ2=16 GeV2. For 1.2 GeV≦Wγγ≦1.7 GeV the process is dominated by ρ0ρ0 production with a rapid rise in cross section around 1.2 GeV, well below the nominal ρ0ρ0 threshold. The observed distributions in the two particle masses and in the production and decay angles are well described by an incoherent sum of the phase-space subprocesses γγ →ρ0ρ0, →ρ0π+π−, and →π+π−π+π−. A spin-parity analysis of the ρ0ρ0 system showsJP=2+ to dominate, although 0+ is also possible forWγγ≦1.4 GeV. Negative partity states are excluded.
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Using data onvp and\(\bar vp\) charged current interactions from a bubble chamber experiment with BEBC at CERN, the average multiplicities of charged hadrons and pions are determined as functions ofW2 andQ2. The analysis is based on ∼20000 events with incidentv and ∼10000 events with incident\(\bar v\). In addition to the known dependence of the average multiplicity onW2 a weak dependence onQ2 for fixed intervals ofW is observed. ForW>2 GeV andQ2>0.1 GeV2 the average multiplicity of charged hadrons is well described by〈n〉=a1+a2ln(W2/GeV2)+a3ln(Q2/GeV2) witha1=0.465±0.053,a2=1.211±0.021,a3=0.103±0.014 for thevp anda1=−0.372±0.073,a2=1.245±0.028,a3=0.093±0.015 for the\(\bar vp\) reaction.
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The yields and average transverse momenta of pions, kaons, and antiprotons produced at the Fermilab p¯p collider at s=300, 540, 1000, and 1800 GeV are presented and compared with data from the energies reached at the CERN collider. We also present data on the dependence of average transverse momentum 〈pt〉 and particle ratios as a function of charged particle density dNcdη; data for particle densities as high as six times the average value, corresponding to a Bjorken energy density 6 GeV/fm3, are reported. These data are relevant to the search for quark-gluon phase of QCD.
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The process γγ→π+π− was measured using the detector MD-1 at VEPP-4. The two-photon reactionse+e−, μ+ μ− and π+ π− pair production were separated using scintillation counters, Cherenkov counters and shower-range chambers. A radiation widthГγγ(f2(1270))=3.1±0.35±0.35 keV was obtained.
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Resonance production in the γγ reactionse+e−→e+e+e−π0π0 ande+e−π0η has been studied with the JADE detector at PETRA. The decay widths into γγ of thef2(1270),a0(980) anda2(1320) were measured to be\(\Gamma _{\gamma \gamma } (f_2 (1270)) = 3.19 \pm 0.09_{ - 0.38}^{ + 0.22} \) Kev,Γλλ(a0(980))=0.28±0.04±0.10 KeV/BR(a0(980)→π0η) andΓλλ(a2(1320))=1.01±0.14±0.22KeV. For thef0(975) andf4(2050) upper limits of the widths were obtained,Γλλ(f0(975))<0.6 KeV, andΓλλ(f4(2050))<1.1 KeV, both at the 95% C.L. Assuming that the spin 0 background under thef2(1270) is small, thef2(1270) was found to be produced exclusively in a helicity 2 state. The helicity 0 contribution is <15% at the 95% C.L. The cross section forλλ→π0π0 in the mass range 2.0–3.5 GeV/c2 was measured for the first time. Since the cross section forλλ→π+π− is a factor ∼2 larger, ππ production in this range can be interpreted as taking place via isospin 0 production.
Data read from graph.. Event distributions uncorrected for angular acceptance and the efficiency with energy of the detector RE = GAMMA GAMMA --> PI0 PI0.
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Data read from graph.. Event distributions uncorrected for angular acceptance and the efficiency with energy of the detector RE = GAMMA GAMMA --> PI0 PI0.
We present a measurement of the cross section for the reaction e + e − → e + e − π + π − π + π − at SPEAR. This channel is found to be large and dominated by the process γγ → ϱ 0 ϱ 0 → π + π − π + π − . The cross section, which is small just above the four-pion threshold, exhibits a large enhancement near the ϱ 0 ϱ 0 threshold.