We present differential cross-sections for the electro-production of single charged pions from deuterium for a virtual photon mass squared −1.0 GeV2 and for pion nucleon masses in the range 1.23–1.68 GeV (the 1st and 2nd resonance regions). The data are compared with predictions from fits to hydrogen data.
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Data are presented for the reaction ep → ep π 0 at a nominal four-momentum transfer squared of 0.5 (GeV/ c ) 2 . The data were obtained using an extracted electron beam from NINA and two magnetic spectrometers for coincidence detection of the electron and proton. Details are given of the experimental method and the results are given for isobar masses in the range 1.19 – 1.73 GeV/ c 2 .
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Measurements of the deuteron elastic magnetic structure function B(Q2) are reported at squared four-momentum transfer values 1.20≤Q2≤2.77 (GeV/c)2. Also reported are values for the proton magnetic form factor GMp(Q2) at 11 Q2 values between 0.49 and 1.75 (GeV/c)2. The data were obtained using an electron beam of 0.5 to 1.3 GeV. Electrons backscattered near 180° were detected in coincidence with deuterons or protons recoiling near 0° in a large solid-angle double-arm spectrometer system. The data for B(Q2) are found to decrease rapidly from Q2=1.2 to 2 (GeV/c)2, and then rise to a secondary maximum around Q2=2.5 (GeV/c)2. Reasonable agreement is found with several different models, including those in the relativistic impulse approximation, nonrelativistic calculations that include meson-exchange currents, isobar configurations, and six-quark configurations, and one calculation based on the Skyrme model. All calculations are very sensitive to the choice of deuteron wave function and nucleon form factor parametrization. The data for GMp(Q2) are in good agreement with the empirical dipole fit.
The measured cross section have been devided by those obtained using the dipole form for the proton form factors: G_E=1/(1+Q2/0.71)**2, G_E(Q2)=G_M(Q2)/mu,where Q2 in GeV2, mu=2.79.
Exclusive electroproduction of pi0 mesons on protons in the backward hemisphere has been studied at Q**2 = 1.0 GeV**2 by detecting protons in the forward direction in coincidence with scattered electrons from the 4 GeV electron beam in Jefferson Lab's Hall A. The data span the range of the total (gamma* p) center-of-mass energy W from the pion production threshold to W = 2.0 GeV. The differential cross sections sigma_T+epsilon*sigma_L, sigma_TL, and sigma_TT were separated from the azimuthal distribution and are presented together with the MAID and SAID parametrizations.
Cross section SIG(T) + EPSILON*SIG(L) for COS(THETA*) = -0.975.
Cross section SIG(T) + EPSILON*SIG(L) for COS(THETA*) = -0.925.
Cross section SIG(T) + EPSILON*SIG(L) for COS(THETA*) = -0.875.
Resonance production in the γγ reactionse+e−→e+e+e−π0π0 ande+e−π0η has been studied with the JADE detector at PETRA. The decay widths into γγ of thef2(1270),a0(980) anda2(1320) were measured to be\(\Gamma _{\gamma \gamma } (f_2 (1270)) = 3.19 \pm 0.09_{ - 0.38}^{ + 0.22} \) Kev,Γλλ(a0(980))=0.28±0.04±0.10 KeV/BR(a0(980)→π0η) andΓλλ(a2(1320))=1.01±0.14±0.22KeV. For thef0(975) andf4(2050) upper limits of the widths were obtained,Γλλ(f0(975))<0.6 KeV, andΓλλ(f4(2050))<1.1 KeV, both at the 95% C.L. Assuming that the spin 0 background under thef2(1270) is small, thef2(1270) was found to be produced exclusively in a helicity 2 state. The helicity 0 contribution is <15% at the 95% C.L. The cross section forλλ→π0π0 in the mass range 2.0–3.5 GeV/c2 was measured for the first time. Since the cross section forλλ→π+π− is a factor ∼2 larger, ππ production in this range can be interpreted as taking place via isospin 0 production.
Data read from graph.. Event distributions uncorrected for angular acceptance and the efficiency with energy of the detector RE = GAMMA GAMMA --> PI0 PI0.
Data read from graph.
Data read from graph.. Event distributions uncorrected for angular acceptance and the efficiency with energy of the detector RE = GAMMA GAMMA --> PI0 PI0.
The e + e − → ηπ + π − reaction has been measured in the center of mass energy interval 1350–2400 MeV by the magnetic detector DM2 at the Orsay storage ring DCI. Under the hypothesis of only one large resonance the cross section is not fit in a satisfactory way. The branching ratio τ − → η − π 0 ν τ =(0.13 ± 0.02)% is deduced via CVC from the above measurement.
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The ratio of π − to π + electroproduction cross sections from deuterons has been measured in the resonance region at an average four-momentum transfer squared of 0.5 (GeV/ c ) 2 . Results are presented over a wide range of pion production angles and comparisons are made with theoretical predictions based on SU(6) w symmetry and the Melosh transformation.
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