First measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in bottom-quark pair production at high mass

The CDF collaboration Aaltonen, Timo Antero ; Amerio, Silvia ; Amidei, Dante E ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 92 (2015) 032006, 2015.
Inspire Record 1364882 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.73682

We measure the particle-level forward-backward production asymmetry in $b\bar{b}$ pairs with masses $m(b\bar{b})$ larger than 150 GeV/$c^2$, using events with hadronic jets and employing jet charge to distinguish $b$ from $\bar{b}$. The measurement uses 9.5/fb of ppbar collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV recorded by the CDF II detector. The asymmetry as a function of $m(b\bar{b})$ is consistent with zero, as well as with the predictions of the standard model. The measurement disfavors a simple model including an axigluon with a mass of 200 GeV/$c^2$ whereas a model containing a heavier 345 GeV/$c^2$ axigluon is not excluded.

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Values of maximum a posteriori signal asymmetry as a function of $b\bar{b}$ mass. The error bars represent the 68% credible intervals.

Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in low-mass bottom-quark pairs produced in proton-antiproton collisions

The CDF collaboration Aaltonen, Timo Antero ; Amerio, Silvia ; Amidei, Dante E ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 112003, 2016.
Inspire Record 1416824 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.77045

We report a measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry, $A_{FB}$, in $b\bar{b}$ pairs produced in proton-antiproton collisions and identified by muons from semileptonic $b$-hadron decays. The event sample was collected at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}=1.96$ TeV with the CDF II detector and corresponds to 6.9 fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity. We obtain an integrated asymmetry of $A_{FB}(b\bar{b})=(1.2 \pm 0.7)$\% at the particle level for $b$-quark pairs with invariant mass, $m_{b\bar{b}}$, down to $40$ GeV/$c^2$ and measure the dependence of $A_{FB}(b\bar{b})$ on $m_{b\bar{b}}$. The results are compatible with expectations from the standard model.

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Results of the $A_{\rm{FB}}$ measurements as functions of $b\bar{b}$ invariant mass. The integral values for each bin are shown.

Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of top-quark and antiquark pairs using the full CDF Run II data set

The CDF collaboration Aaltonen, Timo Antero ; Amerio, Silvia ; Amidei, Dante E ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 112005, 2016.
Inspire Record 1424841 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.77054

We measure the forward--backward asymmetry of the production of top quark and antiquark pairs in proton-antiproton collisions at center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s} = 1.96~\mathrm{TeV}$ using the full data set collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF) in Tevatron Run II corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $9.1~\rm{fb}^{-1}$. The asymmetry is characterized by the rapidity difference between top quarks and antiquarks ($\Delta y$), and measured in the final state with two charged leptons (electrons and muons). The inclusive asymmetry, corrected to the entire phase space at parton level, is measured to be $A_{\text{FB}}^{t\bar{t}} = 0.12 \pm 0.13$, consistent with the expectations from the standard-model (SM) and previous CDF results in the final state with a single charged lepton. The combination of the CDF measurements of the inclusive $A_{\text{FB}}^{t\bar{t}}$ in both final states yields $A_{\text{FB}}^{t\bar{t}}=0.160\pm0.045$, which is consistent with the SM predictions. We also measure the differential asymmetry as a function of $\Delta y$. A linear fit to $A_{\text{FB}}^{t\bar{t}}(|\Delta y|)$, assuming zero asymmetry at $\Delta y=0$, yields a slope of $\alpha=0.14\pm0.15$, consistent with the SM prediction and the previous CDF determination in the final state with a single charged lepton. The combined slope of $A_{\text{FB}}^{t\bar{t}}(|\Delta y|)$ in the two final states is $\alpha=0.227\pm0.057$, which is $2.0\sigma$ larger than the SM prediction.

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Bin centroids and the differential $A_{\rm{FB}}^{t\bar{t}}$ in the $A_{\rm{FB}}^{t\bar{t}}$ vs. $|\Delta y|$ measurement in the lepton+jets final state.

Bin centroids and the differential $A_{\rm{FB}}^{t\bar{t}}$ in the $A_{\rm{FB}}^{t\bar{t}}$ vs. $|\Delta y|$ measurement in the dilepton final state.

Measurement of the inclusive leptonic asymmetry in top-quark pairs that decay to two charged leptons at CDF

The CDF collaboration Aaltonen, Timo Antero ; Amerio, Silvia ; Amidei, Dante E ; et al.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 113 (2014) 042001, 2014.
Inspire Record 1290358 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.64422

We measure the inclusive forward-backward asymmetry of the charged-lepton pseudorapidities from top-quark pairs produced in proton-antiproton collisions, and decaying to final states that contain two charged leptons (electrons or muons), using data collected with the Collider Detector at Fermilab. With an integrated luminosity of 9.1 $\rm{fb}^{-1}$, the leptonic forward-backward asymmetry, $A_{\text{FB}}^{\ell}$, is measured to be $0.072 \pm 0.060$ and the leptonic pair forward-backward asymmetry, $A_{\text{FB}}^{\ell\ell}$, is measured to be $0.076 \pm 0.082$, compared with the standard model predictions of $A_{\text{FB}}^{\ell} = 0.038 \pm 0.003$ and $A_{\text{FB}}^{\ell\ell} = 0.048 \pm 0.004$, respectively. Additionally, we combine the $A_{\text{FB}}^{\ell}$ result with a previous determination from a final state with a single lepton and hadronic jets and obtain $A_{\text{FB}}^{\ell} = 0.090^{+0.028}_{-0.026}$.

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The leptonic forward-backward asymmetry.

The leptonic pair forward-backward asymmetry.

The leptonic forward-backward asymmetry calculated as the combination of the current asymmetry measurement and a previous CDF measurement.

Indirect measurement of $\sin^2 \theta_W$ (or $M_W$) using $\mu^+\mu^-$ pairs from $\gamma^*/Z$ bosons produced in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at a center-of-momentum energy of 1.96 TeV

The CDF collaboration Aaltonen, Timo Antero ; Amerio, Silvia ; Amidei, Dante E ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 89 (2014) 072005, 2014.
Inspire Record 1280719 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.64738

Drell-Yan lepton pairs are produced in the process $p\bar{p} \rightarrow \mu^+\mu^- + X$ through an intermediate $\gamma^*/Z$ boson. The forward-backward asymmetry in the polar-angle distribution of the $\mu^-$ as a function of the invariant mass of the $\mu^+\mu^-$ pair is used to obtain the effective leptonic determination $\sin^2 \theta^{lept}_{eff}$ of the electroweak-mixing parameter $\sin^2 \theta_W$, from which the value of $\sin^2 \theta_W$ is derived assuming the standard model. The measurement sample, recorded by the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF), corresponds to 9.2 fb-1 of integrated luminosity from $p\bar{p}$ collisions at a center-of-momentum energy of 1.96 TeV, and is the full CDF Run II data set. The value of $\sin^2 \theta^{lept}_{eff}$ is found to be 0.2315 +- 0.0010, where statistical and systematic uncertainties are combined in quadrature. When interpreted within the context of the standard model using the on-shell renormalization scheme, where $\sin^2 \theta_W = 1 - M_W^2/M_Z^2$, the measurement yields $\sin^2 \theta_W$ = 0.2233 +- 0.0009, or equivalently a W-boson mass of 80.365 +- 0.047 GeV/c^2. The value of the W-boson mass is in agreement with previous determinations in electron-positron collisions and at the Tevatron collider.

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The fully corrected measurement of ASYM(FB) as a function of the muon-pair invariant mass.

Measurement of $\sin^2\theta^{\rm lept}_{\rm eff}$ using $e^+e^-$ pairs from $\gamma^*/Z$ bosons produced in $p\bar{p}$ collisions at a center-of-momentum energy of 1.96 TeV

The CDF collaboration Aaltonen, Timo Antero ; Amerio, Silvia ; Amidei, Dante E ; et al.
Phys.Rev.D 93 (2016) 112016, 2016.
Inspire Record 1456804 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.78542

At the Fermilab Tevatron proton-antiproton ($p\bar{p}$) collider, Drell-Yan lepton pairs are produced in the process $p \bar{p} \rightarrow e^+e^- + X$ through an intermediate $\gamma^*/Z$ boson. The forward-backward asymmetry in the polar-angle distribution of the $e^-$ as a function of the $e^+e^-$-pair mass is used to obtain $\sin^2\theta^{\rm lept}_{\rm eff}$, the effective leptonic determination of the electroweak-mixing parameter $\sin^2\theta_W$. The measurement sample, recorded by the Collider Detector at Fermilab (CDF), corresponds to 9.4~fb$^{-1}$ of integrated luminosity from $p\bar{p}$ collisions at a center-of-momentum energy of 1.96 TeV, and is the full CDF Run II data set. The value of $\sin^2\theta^{\rm lept}_{\rm eff}$ is found to be $0.23248 \pm 0.00053$. The combination with the previous CDF measurement based on $\mu^+\mu^-$ pairs yields $\sin^2\theta^{\rm lept}_{\rm eff} = 0.23221 \pm 0.00046$. This result, when interpreted within the specified context of the standard model assuming $\sin^2 \theta_W = 1 - M_W^2/M_Z^2$ and that the $W$- and $Z$-boson masses are on-shell, yields $\sin^2\theta_W = 0.22400 \pm 0.00045$, or equivalently a $W$-boson mass of $80.328 \pm 0.024 \;{\rm GeV}/c^2$.

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Fully corrected $A_{fb}$ measurement for electron pairs with $|y|<1.7$. The measurement uncertainties are bin-by-bin unfolding estimates.

Measurement of the forward - backward asymmetry of e+ e- ---> Z ---> b anti-b using prompt leptons and a lifetime tag

The DELPHI collaboration Abreu, P. ; Adam, W. ; Adye, T. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 65 (1995) 569-586, 1995.
Inspire Record 382035 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.48318

The forward-backward asymmetry of the processe+e−→Z→b

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No description provided.

No description provided.

First measurement of the strange quark asymmetry at the Z0 peak

The DELPHI collaboration Abreu, P. ; Adam, W. ; Adye, T. ; et al.
Z.Phys.C 67 (1995) 1-14, 1995.
Inspire Record 382285 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.48256


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Measured forward backward asymmetries.

Forward-backward s-quark asymmetries from the separate processes.

Final s-quark forward-backward asymmetries.

A Measurement of the b anti-b forward backward asymmetry using the semileptonic decay into muons

The DELPHI collaboration Abreu, P. ; Adam, W. ; Adami, F. ; et al.
Phys.Lett.B 276 (1992) 536-546, 1992.
Inspire Record 322498 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.29264

The forward-backward asymmetry of bottom quarks is measured with statistics of approximately 80 000 hadronic Z 0 decays produced in e + e − collisions at a centre of mass energy of √ s ≈ M z . The tagging of b quark events has been performed using the semileptonic decay channel b→X+ μ . Because the asymmetry depends on the weak coupling, this leads to a precise measurement of the electroweak mixing angle sin 2 θ w . The experimental result is A FB b = 0.115±0.043(stat.)±0.013(syst.). After correcting the value for the B 0 B 0 mixing this becomes A FB b =0.161±0.060(stat.)±0.021(syst.) corresponding to sin 2 θ W MS =0.221±0.011( stat. )±0.004( syst. ) .

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Experimentally measured asymmetry.

Asymmetry corrected for mixing using mixing parameter 0.143 +- 0.023.

Improved measurements of cross-sections and asymmetries at the Z0 resonance

The DELPHI collaboration Abreu, P. ; Adam, W. ; Adye, T. ; et al.
Nucl.Phys.B 418 (1994) 403-427, 1994.
Inspire Record 373114 DOI 10.17182/hepdata.48349

During the 1992 running period of the LEP e + e − collider, the DELPHI experiment accumulated approximately 24 pb − of data at the Z 0 peak. The decays into hadrons and charged leptons have been analysed to give values for the cross sections and leptonic forward-backward asymmetries which are significantly improved with respect to those previously published by the DELPHI collaboration. Incorporating these new data, more precise values for the Z 0 resonance parameters are obtained from model-independent fits. The results are interpreted within the framework of the Standard Model, yielding for the top quark mass m t = 157 −48 +36 (expt.) −20 +19 (Higgs) GeV, and for the effective mixing angle sin 2 θ eff lept = 0.2328 ± 0.0013 (expt.) −0.0003 +0.0001 (Higgs), where (Higgs) represents the variation due to Higgs boson mass in the range 60 to 1000 GeV, with central value 300 GeV.

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Forward-backward asymmetry within the polar angular range 44 < THETA < 136 degrees and acollinearity < 10 degrees.. First result corresponds to the total cross section (i.e. S+T channel), while second one corresponds to S-channel only.

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No description provided.
