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We present a measurement of the longitudinal spin asymmetry A_|| in photoproduction of pairs of hadrons with high transverse momentum p_T. Data were accumulated by the HERMES experiment using a 27.5 GeV polarized positron beam and a polarized hydrogen target internal to the HERA storage ring. For h+h- pairs with p_T^h_1 > 1.5 GeV/c and p_T^h_2 > 1.0 GeV/c, the measured asymmetry is A_|| = -0.28 +/- 0.12 (stat.) +/- 0.02 (syst.). This negative value is in contrast to the positive asymmetries typically measured in deep inelastic scattering from protons, and is interpreted to arise from a positive gluon polarization.
Asymmetry measurement with a PT cut of 1.5 GeV on the hadron with the higher PT, and 1.0 GeV on the hadron with the lower PT.
A measurement of the beam-spin asymmetry in the azimuthal distribution of pions produced in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering off protons is presented. The measurement was performed using the {HERMES} spectrometer with a hydrogen gas target and the longitudinally polarized 27.6 GeV positron beam of HERA. The sinusoidal amplitude of the dependence of the asymmetry on the angle $\phi$ of the hadron production plane around the virtual photon direction relative to the lepton scattering plane was measured for $\pi^+,\pi^-$ and $\pi^0$ mesons. The dependence of this amplitude on the Bjorken scaling variable and on the pion fractional energy and transverse momentum is presented. The results are compared to theoretical model calculations.
Beam SSA as a function of Z, X, hadronic PT and Q**2.
Beam SSA as a function of Z, X, hadronic PT and Q**2.
Beam SSA as a function of Z, X, hadronic PT and Q**2.
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We report measurements of the asymmetry A_parallel for inclusive hadron production on longitudinally polarized proton and deuteron targets by circularly polarized photons. The photons were produced via internal and external bremsstrahlung from an electron beam of 48.35 GeV. Asymmetries for both positive and negative signed hadrons, and a subset of identified pions, were measured in the momentum range 10<P<30 GeV at 2.75 and 5.5 degrees. Small non-zero asymmetries are observed for the proton, while the deuteron results are consistent with zero. Recent calculations do not describe the data well.
The asymmetry for polarized photoproduction of inclusive hadrons from a polarized proton target. The errors are statistical only.
The asymmetry for polarized photoproduction of inclusive identified pions from a polarized proton target. The errors are statistical only.
The asymmetry for polarized photoproduction of inclusive hadrons from a polarized deuteron target. The errors are statistical only.
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No description provided.